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Problems with Gears of War
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RE: Problems with Gears of War
Nov 20, 2006 20:55
Why do people keep saying the train level is the coolest in the game. Surely ' Downpour' destroys any other level in any game EVER???!!!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Problems with Gears of War
Nov 20, 2006 20:57
Be quiet noobie. Clearly you havnt played the train level.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Problems with Gears of War
Nov 20, 2006 21:12
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL Be quiet noobie. Clearly you havnt played the train level. The train level is cool but it' s not exactly exciting. Sure the sky looks fantastic but there' s nowhere to go except forward and ' Downpour' with the glowing Wretches is far more immersive. On a side note, what colour setting are you guys playing on?! I played through causal on default but then saw you could change it and i' m using vibrant now which actually adds more than i expected.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Problems with Gears of War
Nov 20, 2006 21:16
Okay,gonna try vibrant soon,gonna repla on hardcore now,on friday or thursday im gonna have my xbl connected again,then we can play some biatch.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Problems with Gears of War
Nov 20, 2006 21:26
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL Okay,gonna try vibrant soon,gonna repla on hardcore now,on friday or thursday im gonna have my xbl connected again,then we can play some biatch. Good because i miss having you save my ass in every match. Can we play ranked matches with friends?
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Problems with Gears of War
Nov 20, 2006 21:30
Jd my friend was one of the best counter strike players,he has now got XBL,ye we can play some with that dude :) ps! yeah he bought GoW ofc
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 20 Nov 06 13:30:56 >
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Problems with Gears of War
Nov 21, 2006 05:03
Whoa...colour settings... in an unrelated subject I have to point out that some of you guys keep refering Berserkers as males when they are females.
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: Problems with Gears of War
Nov 21, 2006 05:32
Beated the game in Co-Op today and sorry Majik, I have to say I agree on the train level being the coolest (perhaps mostly because it' s so pretty  ). Anways, the game was short, and actually to short if you ask me and by the end I actually felt unstatisfied. But nevermind that. I' ve just started replaying the game on INSANE but still feel like the game is too easy, and I' m starting to wonder if it' s because I' m still playing Co-Op. Perhaps the challenge lies in beating the game on Insane in single player mode.
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- Joined: May 27, 2005
RE: Problems with Gears of War
Nov 21, 2006 08:57
The train level (apart from those squid things which flew) didnt do all that much for me, maybe because of the arid desertscape around it reminding me too much of doom or something - The atmosphere in Downpour is fantastic, the little touches like water running down the trees really added something untangible to the experience.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Problems with Gears of War
Nov 22, 2006 04:54
Downpour is visually better IMO. I might be getting " Gears" this week, along with a new Gold account, I' ve been away for so long now, I think I' m going into withdrawl. And yet, I still haven' t played with any of you.  Anybody up for CoD:3?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Problems with Gears of War
Nov 24, 2006 23:10
Downpour is the nicest looking level in the game, closely followed by the underground parts. I was pretty impressed with the mine cart section, it was just too brief and not challenging enough. It was on par with the mine cart bit in RE4 but in RE4 you had to do more. Downpour (well, the immulsion factory) is home to the lamnate wretches which look awesome when they explode. The rain and water in general is the best i' ve ever seen and they put in the effort to add proper physics to it. The contrast between the different environments both visually and geomatrically is such that it never gets boring and playing it through again doesn' t feel like a chore. I was gutted when my console died, and it was because of this game too so that can be added to my list of problems with Gears of War. Luckily i' ll have a new console in 2 hours time and i' ll be able to get my bolo grenading on again this weekend!
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: Problems with Gears of War
Nov 25, 2006 01:16
HOLY CRAP, how hard the veichle part was on insane. Phew, it' s the hardest part I' ve played yet on insane. Though I have a feeling that the last boss might be tougher  . Still I think the games other parts might be too easy as I' ve only died twice (completely and ' cept the veichle part) yet on insane. Can' t help the feeling about the A.I as well (but know that I have yet to play a shooter that I think has good A.I, ' cept Half Life 2). I think it' s mostly too easy to read what the enemy will do next, and I don' t like being able to predict where the enemy will pop, so I can wait with the sniper rifle and shoot headshot after headshot. Though I admit, the Locust are a helluva more accurate aims than I. I' m not sure if I can agree on downpour being the most visually impressive level, as it' s very dark... which is nice, but the train level must' ve been hell to keep going at such a nice framerate, with acceptable drops. Also, I wasn' t all that found of the mine cart part, but of no real reason (my Co-Op player just kept on dying  ). BTW: Majik, was there any warning signs you' d like to share that occured before your 360 went kaput? It just happens that I also own a launch console, so I sometimes worry. Also, how is it that a game can break a console?
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RE: Problems with Gears of War
Nov 25, 2006 01:51
A small and contained " yikes" slipped my mouth while reading, as I have had problems with the textures taking a long time to load, as of late. Crosses my fingers and hope that my box won' t die, and if it decides to do so, please let it be before my guarentee expires!
< Message edited by Dionysius -- 24 Nov 06 17:53:08 >
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