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Post E3 Wii: Has the flood of games begun?
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Post E3 Wii: Has the flood of games begun?
Jul 25, 2007 08:35
I stumbled on a very interesting article regarding console exclusives announced after E3 From Gaming Target - http://www.gamingtarget.com/article.php?artid=7252 With all of the announcements and unveilings of E3 2007 a growing memory, the aftermath of the video game industry’s biggest showcase has made the Exclusive Arms Race enter a brave new world. The king is dead! Long live the Wii! Yes, the Xbox 360 is no longer the leader in exclusive titles for the first time since we began tracking them in October of 2006. Nintendo’s little white behemoth has pulled ahead after a stellar E3 where nearly every major (and minor) publisher pledged plenty of support for the system. So what does the current exclusive landscape look like? First, we will go over the rules for those that have yet to read an Exclusive Arms Race article and then we will dissect the list, which includes a whopping 37 new titles for the Wii. Read the eligibility rules on the page to clarify how they compiled the list. Let me explain, i realise that most of the thirdparty exclusive titles for Wii listed will more then likely be crap (as i might add, are a significant quantity of 360 and ps3 titles). Its very unfortunate. But i never said the Wii would win because of AAA thirdparty exclusives only, Though this would be desirable (its still not out of the question yet). I said it would win if it got a flood of games, similar to the flood of games the ps2 got as it rose to dominance. This article makes me wonder if this flood has already begun. While we Wii owners wait in hope that thirdparty developers throw the Wii a fricken bone Nintendo can adequately cover the AAA department with its solid stable of franchises. By having more games the Wii has more variety. Having more variety gives consumers more reason to buy the Wii. heres some more quotes for you But for all of these slight additions over last month, the Wii has proven to be the new king of the exclusive. Now, it would be dishonest to somehow imply that Wii exclusives like Ultimate Duck Hunting, Furu Furu Park, Hannah Montana: Spotlight World Tour and Action Girlz Racing match up with some of the games that dot the Xbox 360 and PS3 lists. It’s also wrong not to acknowledge that many non-exclusive third-party games that are coming to both the 360 and the PS3 will never make it to the Wii in any form, so the Wii loses out. But it’s not hard to connect the dots and see that publishers have flipped their perceptions of the three consoles and their console identities are beginning to take shape. & The PS3 now has the small, dedicated fanbase that is selling almost solely on the strength of its first party releases (taking over for the GameCube). This means the Xbox 360 has officially moved into the market leader position (move over PS2) as the console that gets nearly everything along with a large helping of exclusive major third party titles and budget releases. But the Wii does not fit into the “quiet second place†the original Xbox did. The strong sales of Nintendo’s console mean it will quickly pass the Xbox 360 in terms of market share. And the system’s lo-fi graphical capabilities will guarantee that the budget releases will continue to flood the system (likely further increasing the quantity of exclusives). But the sheer number of games that are in development for the Wii (even if most are budget titles or minigame compilations) will fuel system sales, which will fuel more budget releases, which will create an endless loop of sales. Nintendo president Satoru Iwata thinks this could push the Wii to even greater sales heights than the PS2.(currently sitting at 120 million sold worldwide and counting). If that happens, expect to see more exclusives that will appeal to a segment of gamer (the so-called “hardcore gamerâ€) that might currently feel neglected by the Wii.
< Message edited by Terrak -- 25 Jul 07 1:15:01 >
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RE: Post E3 Wii: Has the flood of games begun?
Jul 25, 2007 08:53
Hmm I somehow expected this. Iirc same happened with DS, it also got a real flood of games after it was released. Still I think the list is a bit flawed. For example, I dont think they should also put games on the list that are on hold. And I also don' t really think well about the " Next-Gen exclusive" -thing. When you are talking about Zelda I can understand that but what about real remakes? Would those also be counted as " Next-Gen-exclusives" and therefore not put on the list? Anyway, thanks for the link. The list is a really good read.
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RE: Post E3 Wii: Has the flood of games begun?
Jul 25, 2007 08:54
It will never happend,the hardcore gamers like with the 360 will buy million of copies that are good,always. While with a low budget retarded point and click game it can go eitherway but mostly crap sales. These people who buy wii non stop atm isnt people who gonna buy lots of games. I also think it sad that we treat new gamers like morons and they will never experience a game more complicated then point and click shit. They will never play a game like FF7 or Shenmue and understand why people got hooked on gaming,they will stay with these crap puzzle games and eventually probably leave.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 25 Jul 07 0:55:58 >
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RE: Post E3 Wii: Has the flood of games begun?
Jul 25, 2007 09:00
360 & ps3 are still the hardcore gaming console of choice. Theres no getting around that fact. They can better satisfy the hardcore gamers needs. However should this become a reality there will be more ' hardcore' games available on the Wii to give Hardcore gamers incentive to get a Wii as a secondary/tertiary console.
< Message edited by Terrak -- 25 Jul 07 1:01:39 >
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RE: Post E3 Wii: Has the flood of games begun?
Jul 25, 2007 09:02
Im glad that the wii got a DVD drive though, 9gb of data is lot of space. Especially for bundles etc.
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RE: Post E3 Wii: Has the flood of games begun?
Jul 25, 2007 09:12
Hannah Montana: Spotlight World Tour and Action Girlz Racing If these are the 3rd party games we' ll be getting ' till the holidays... I' d rather take a massive software drought. The flood of games hasnt' begun. This is developers hoping to hitch a ride to success on the Wii everyone bandwagon. Think about it from a marketing perspective. As many developers as possible are going to say they' ll be putting long man hours into making successful Wii games. And yet it' s been 7 months without an Ace-in-the-Hole. I' ve known about every title for the Wii that really interested me since at least last year. That' s the difference between Nintendo, and Microsoft & Sony. This isn' t to say that the other two are without their glaring faults in the software department, but the 360 is rapidly grabbing up what used to be first party titles, games that I would have bought another console for. And the PS3, despite losing boatloads of exclusives is making up for it with some stellar looking brand new IPs.
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RE: Post E3 Wii: Has the flood of games begun?
Jul 25, 2007 09:28
ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated Hannah Montana: Spotlight World Tour and Action Girlz Racing If these are the 3rd party games we' ll be getting ' till the holidays... I' d rather take a massive software drought. Eddie you must understand that a significant segment of the Wii user base are girls, so making games specifically for them is also important, & shows that the Wii truly has broadbased appeal. Just because it has games like this does not mean you need to buy them. Having more games gives the Wii owner more choice for all its users (not just one type eg hardcore[:' (]), thats all. The flood of games hasnt' begun. This is developers hoping to hitch a ride to success on the Wii everyone bandwagon. Think about it from a marketing perspective. As many developers as possible are going to say they' ll be putting long man hours into making successful Wii games. And yet it' s been 7 months without an Ace-in-the-Hole. I think this article give me good reason to think so. Yes most are riding the success of the Wii, but the same can probably be said for the unprecedented success of the ps2. As it rose to dominance i have no doubt developers realised what was happening made games for the ps2 to take advantage of its success. Is Wiis situation that different? Yes its been 7-8 months with not real Ace in the Hole (although i argue that Wiisports should be considered) but this has not hindered the Wiis progress and those so called titles are on the Way.
< Message edited by Terrak -- 25 Jul 07 1:30:32 >
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RE: Post E3 Wii: Has the flood of games begun?
Jul 25, 2007 09:38
Eddie you must understand that a significant segment of the Wii user base are girls, so making games specifically for them is also important, & shows that the Wii truly has broadbased appeal. Just because it has games like this does not mean you need to buy them. Having more games gives the Wii owner more choice for all its users (not just one type eg hardcore ), thats all. But if they' re bad... I think this article give me good reason to think so. Yes most are riding the success of the Wii, but the same can probably be said for the unprecedented success of the ps2. As it rose to dominance i have no doubt developers realised what was happening made games for the ps2 to take advantage of its success. Is Wiis situation that different? Yeah, there was an enormous difference. Seven months into the game PS2 still didn' t have a competitor. You could release your game on PS2, or wait a year & a half to start.
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Post E3 Wii: Has the flood of games begun?
Jul 25, 2007 09:43
ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated Eddie you must understand that a significant segment of the Wii user base are girls, so making games specifically for them is also important, & shows that the Wii truly has broadbased appeal. Just because it has games like this does not mean you need to buy them. Having more games gives the Wii owner more choice for all its users (not just one type eg hardcore ), thats all. But if they' re bad... For us they most probably will be, but it might just be what girls are looking for. I think this article give me good reason to think so. Yes most are riding the success of the Wii, but the same can probably be said for the unprecedented success of the ps2. As it rose to dominance i have no doubt developers realised what was happening made games for the ps2 to take advantage of its success. Is Wiis situation that different? Yeah, there was an enormous difference. Seven months into the game PS2 still didn' t have a competitor. You could release your game on PS2, or wait a year & a half to start. Yeah i had forgotten the ps2 had such a headstart. That definately was a huge advantage on ps2s part that the Wii will never have.
< Message edited by Terrak -- 25 Jul 07 1:44:40 >
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Post E3 Wii: Has the flood of games begun?
Jul 25, 2007 09:47
Tarrik, let me explain a bit this and please open your mind This is list is so flawed and doesn' t mean shit, if there point is to show that the wii is attracting the attention of developers more than the 360 does by counting exclusive games, then this is absolutly not fair to the 360. Wii is another kind of platform , obviously and naturaly it should get more exclusives because the control is different than any other console... if you want to compare the wii to the 360 , then you should let 360 have its shared games with the PS3 as those games will not show on the wii... what should be done Basicaly is: 1) compare the number of exclsuives that will show on the 360/ps3 ONLY vs the games that will be released on the Wii but will not be release on 360/ps3 2) take all those exclusives, count how many are AAA titles, and how many are higly acclaimed franchises, and how many POtential New IP' s Through this way of analysis, it should bring you more meaningful numbers to judge the wii versus the other consoles.
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RE: Post E3 Wii: Has the flood of games begun?
Jul 25, 2007 09:55
Whos Tarrik?
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RE: Post E3 Wii: Has the flood of games begun?
Jul 25, 2007 09:56
For us they most probably will be, but it might just be what girls are looking for.
True I suppose. There' s very few accurate ways to account for consumer stupidity. Alone they won' t do a darn bit of good, not even with a half-dozen of them. You need to be able to have a list of " family-friendly" titles (read as " designed solely for use by children, small farm animals and the elderly" ) that the average consumer will read & go... " Hey! I don' t see violence there! That' s the machine for me!" . Edit: Whos Tarrik? lol Edit Again: if you want to compare the wii to the 360 Untill Quez rationally brought up the 360, Terrak didn' t make a single comparison between the Wii & the 360. Maybe it' s just me, but it doesn' t seem like this thread was built to bash the 360 or PS3.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 25 Jul 07 1:59:11 >
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RE: Post E3 Wii: Has the flood of games begun?
Jul 25, 2007 10:08
Whos Tarrik? tarrik is some nintendo fan who pisses me off sometimes.
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RE: Post E3 Wii: Has the flood of games begun?
Jul 25, 2007 10:13
Untill Quez rationally brought up the 360 I never mentioned xbox360 in this thread. you' re looking for problems now.
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RE: Post E3 Wii: Has the flood of games begun?
Jul 25, 2007 12:33
Yay, a million shit games from studios we' ve never heard of!!!
Vx Chemical
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RE: Post E3 Wii: Has the flood of games begun?
Jul 25, 2007 16:01
The Wii gets many exclusives, too bad they are mostly crap. The PS3 and Xbox 360 gets exclusives too, but those a primarily AAA games (since MS or Sony payed for exclusivity, im guessing they see potential)
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RE: Post E3 Wii: Has the flood of games begun?
Jul 26, 2007 08:13
ORIGINAL: Abasoufiane Whos Tarrik? tarrik is some nintendo fan who pisses me off sometimes. Damn and here i was thinking that it was me  (LOL   ). Yay, a million shit games from studios we' ve never heard of!!! Well considering Nintendo came last in two generations i guess they' ll take a victory anyway they can. And if filling the console with mostly garbage helps them do that then i so be it. Besides if you can tell the crap from the good games then there shouldn' t really be a problem - just avoid the rubbish. More games means more variety and i believe it was the sheer size and variety of the ps2 that made it so successful. I mean look at the ps2s library, for every 1 good game there must be atleast 10 crappy ones. Can anyone these days complain about the ps2s library? No. The article comes to the same conclusion as i did. More games (regardless of quality) can fuel more sales which in turn fuels more games being made etc. Thats the theory anyway. HOPEFULLY thirdparty developers put more AAA exclusives on the Wii but we have not seen any evidence of this thus far. That will be the Wiis only hurdle. The Wii gets many exclusives, too bad they are mostly crap. The PS3 and Xbox 360 gets exclusives too, but those a primarily AAA games (since MS or Sony payed for exclusivity, im guessing they see potential) I clearly acknowledge this fact. But let me ask you this, considering how many AAA exclusive titles the 360 currently has why has sales stalled so dramatically? Microsoft themselves admitted they have sold 10 million by Dec 2006 but by Jul 2007 they have sold around 2 million more. Considering that the 360 has such a strong line up of titles (including many AAA titles you 360 fans could easily list) & the Wii has only a handful that could be considered AAA titles (if that) why has sales of the 360 slowed down by so much? My theory is that Quantity (+ Variety), Not Quality is the key. If the Wii can get the Quantity (as indicated by this article) the quality just might follow.
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RE: Post E3 Wii: Has the flood of games begun?
Jul 26, 2007 08:20
Has nothing to do with quanity and variety,has to do with the price point. Its like asking why won' t certain new pc games sell enough of units,well you need a very powerful pc,and not enough ppl have it. Lots of people would hype and talk about crysis daily if they didn' t have a pc that wasn' t strong enough. Same with wii,its atleast something people can buy. Also if you add ps3+360 sales compared to wii,you see that hardcore people is still more then the casual,since wii has a mix of audience,with loyal Nintendo fans. The diffrence is,these hardcore fans actually buys plenty of games.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Post E3 Wii: Has the flood of games begun?
Jul 26, 2007 08:32
Flood? Maybe a drizzle.
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RE: Post E3 Wii: Has the flood of games begun?
Jul 26, 2007 08:35
I never mentioned xbox360 in this thread. you' re looking for problems now. Yeah you did. It' s not good or bad, it' s just that you were the only one to even mention the 360 in passing in this thread. It will never happend,the hardcore gamers like with the 360 will buy million of copies that are good,always.
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