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Porn Star and Best Selling writer - Jenna Jameson
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Mass X
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Porn Star and Best Selling writer - Jenna Jameson
Oct 06, 2004 02:18
--Reuters-- She' s got two bodyguards, four dogs, a surgically enhanced double D-cup bust and an almost 600-page book on the best-seller list. And the fact she spends a lot of her time naked has nothing to do with living in the warm climes of Scottsdale, Arizona. Indeed if, as some have suggested, porn stars are the new socialites, Jenna Jameson whose raunchy memoir has been on the New York Times best seller list for months, is this century' s Brooke Astor although one more at home in a G-string than an evening gown. " How To Make Love Like a Porn Star: A Cautionary Tale" written with Neil Strauss is more self-absorbed than Bill Clinton ' s tome although Jameson says, " Clinton had more sex." That depends, of course, on what you mean by sex, undeniably the thrust of Jameson' s oeuvre. The book teems with bare-breasted photos, comic book panels, handwritten diary entries and graphic detail. " I' ve had ... women tell me I' m their idol," Jameson, 30, said in a recent interview. " They want to be like me. They' re seeing the glamour icon but don' t realize ... there are more facets to me besides spreading my legs." But having great legs doesn' t hurt in this anatomy-is-destiny tale. Born in Las Vegas to a cop turned criminal father and showgirl mother who died when she was 2, Jameson entered the X-rated world at age 17. Wanting to be a stripper at Vegas' Crazy Horse Too, the voluptuous blond was told to come back after getting rid of her braces. That night, Jameson says, she yanked the metal off her teeth with pliers and wire-cutters and never looked back. Changing her name to Jameson (after the whiskey), the teen grinded her way up from stripper to X-rated photo model, eventually becoming a porn performer. The book chronicles a litany of sordid escapades, including a gang rape and Jameson' s eating disorders, drug addictions and numerous lesbian and three-way affairs, both on and off camera. As a cinematic porn goddess, Jameson says she only worked five times a year, usually with the same partner. " I was lucky to not have caught any sexual diseases, even though I worked without condoms for two years." Today Jameson says she is monogamous and happily married to Jay Grdina and only has sex -- both on-screen and off- -- with her husband, an adult-film studio owner and business entrepreneur. The couple started a film production, marketing and web hosting company. So with Jameson a millionaire who no longer needs to bare her body for bucks, one wonders why she persists. LOVES WORK " I love what I do for a living," exclaims Jameson, dragging on a Marlboro Light, the only vice she claims to still have. " I' m also trying to change the way the industry is run, which is mostly headed by men who don' t take women seriously as business people. To change things for girls going into the industry, I have to continue. I want to continue." Like many actresses, Jameson worries about losing her beauty. " Our looks pay our bills. I get Botox and love it. I' m very expressive and I' m trying to keep lines from appearing. I did have a chin implant and I' m having breast-reduction surgery," she said. Downsizing her jumbo implants to a C cup seems right, Jameson says, because to remove them completely " would leave too much extra skin." She adds, " I' ll get a full reduction after I have children." Jameson' s maternal instinct looms large, as she and Grdina try to conceive a child. In the interim, they continue cranking out hard-core films, with a Hollywood deal in the works for her autobiography. " I initially wanted Kate Hudson to play me," says Jameson, " but she' s not as endowed as I am. My fans have mentioned Pamela Anderson , Jaime Pressly and even Meryl Streep." Absurd as that sounds, it' s no more farcical than living in a world where a porn star achieves the American dream. " I don' t know if I can spit out another book. Maybe it' ll be a coffee table book of photos or maybe I' ll focus on something more family-oriented. If I do have a daughter," she says with resolve, " there' s no way in hell I would allow her to be a porn star and go through the things I went through."
< Message edited by Mass X -- 10/6/2004 2:19:37 AM >
Terry Bogard
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RE: Porn Star and Best Selling writer - Jenna Jameson
Oct 06, 2004 02:21
So when can we expect this on the Xbox?
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RE: Porn Star and Best Selling writer - Jenna Jameson
Oct 06, 2004 02:53
If she was to be on the XBOX, they would sell consoles like people' s lives depended on having one! She' s definitely hot! Maybe they could put her in the next Playboy game...and make it the hardcore version!
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Porn Star and Best Selling writer - Jenna Jameson
Oct 06, 2004 02:55
I' d have to PASS on that special edition Xbox bundle. I' d just buy the core console itself, hold the STDs ;)
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 10/6/2004 3:05:47 AM >
Joe Redifer
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RE: Porn Star and Best Selling writer - Jenna Jameson
Oct 06, 2004 03:07
I' d pass, too. Jenna just doesn' t do it for me. I' m not really into the highly promiscuous girls. And blondes aren' t my fav. I actually prefer brunettes and black-haired girls.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Porn Star and Best Selling writer - Jenna Jameson
Oct 06, 2004 03:09
Jenna just doesn' t do it for me. I' m not really into the highly promiscuous girls. And blondes aren' t my fav. I actually prefer brunettes and black-haired girls. I didn' t think anyone could mirror my thoughts so perfectly, LOL..
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RE: Porn Star and Best Selling writer - Jenna Jameson
Oct 06, 2004 03:39
She could always dye her hair and she could role-play as the librarian for you... Would that do it for ya' ?
Joe Redifer
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- Location: Denver, CO
RE: Porn Star and Best Selling writer - Jenna Jameson
Oct 06, 2004 03:45
Nah, because she' d still be " Jenna Jameson" .
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Porn Star and Best Selling writer - Jenna Jameson
Oct 06, 2004 03:52
Queen of the Gang Bangs, LOL..
Mass X
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- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: Porn Star and Best Selling writer - Jenna Jameson
Oct 06, 2004 05:25
Wasnt she already in one fo the THPS games as well as the voice in GTA:Vice City...actually I think she has been involved with a few other games as well. On a sidenote Jameson was the first pornstar I ever saw.
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RE: Porn Star and Best Selling writer - Jenna Jameson
Oct 06, 2004 13:53
I' d pass, too. Jenna just doesn' t do it for me. I' m not really into the highly promiscuous girls. And blondes aren' t my fav. I actually prefer brunettes and black-haired girls. She doesn' t do it for me either 
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RE: Porn Star and Best Selling writer - Jenna Jameson
Oct 06, 2004 15:25
i see where you guys are going with this. i mean if you have Pam Anderson, what the hell do you need Jenna for? Pam is hotter AND i saw her in a porno. pam has her beat in many levels.
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RE: Porn Star and Best Selling writer - Jenna Jameson
Oct 06, 2004 18:35
pam anderson is an offbeat, D-grade actress who uses her enormously misproportioned breasts to attract unsuspecting men who like women with large, misproportioned breasts. I dont like jenna jameson, and i dont like pam. and i dont have anything against breasts implants. They just scare the *** outta me thats all. back to the topic. I find it admirable when pornstars and bare-it-all models like Jordan release an autobiography. We all automatically assume that they' re dumb ( a thought further enforced by their blondness ). so all you wannabe pornstars and bare-it-all models, i suggest u write an autobiography later in life. then go back to what u were doing.
< Message edited by jabronibasher -- 10/6/2004 6:37:00 PM >
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RE: Porn Star and Best Selling writer - Jenna Jameson
Oct 06, 2004 18:50
are you kidding Jabroibasher? they ARE dumb! that is why they sell there bodies(not selling but you know what i mean)to make money. if they where smart, the would be doctors, lawyers, or school teachers. but they are not. to me that is dumb.
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: Porn Star and Best Selling writer - Jenna Jameson
Oct 06, 2004 19:04
Kobe Tai is a hardcore computer nut. I dont know what I was watching but it had her being interveiwed or somin and she knows far more then youd expect from a pornstar. And besides someone has to do it...
< Message edited by Mass X -- 10/6/2004 7:05:25 PM >
Mikey G
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RE: Porn Star and Best Selling writer - Jenna Jameson
Oct 07, 2004 01:37
I think this is quickly changing into the " whats your favorite pornstar thread" . Maybe someone should rename it. Ha-ha
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Porn Star and Best Selling writer - Jenna Jameson
Oct 07, 2004 05:30
Jenna Jameson & Pam Anderson mentioned in the same thread? I' m getting outta here before the STD levels increase in this thread, lol.. Before I leave just wanna say that Pam Anderson is no better than Jenna. A walking STD by any other name is still an STD :P
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 10/7/2004 5:31:04 AM >
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