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Phantasy Star Universe " Beta" on XBox Live this weekend.
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Evil Man
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RE: Phantasy Star Universe " Beta" on XBox Live this weekend.
Oct 15, 2006 02:53
Indeed, another X360 dissapointment. Oh, and the music is awful. Though I read this on gamefaqs so I still have hope: They really messed up with this beta. Should of let people actually try some things out. The beta is total blue balls. So few missions and no bosses with zero story missions of any kind. I think it would of been a lot better just have 1 story mission and a random mission with a boss fight on the space station. I can see why everyone is so dissapointed, they really don' t let you do anything. Everyone is running around with 2 meseta in the same mission theyve done 9 times with no story or climatic battle, that is boring. Yes I know it is the demo. I' m saying they could of kept it the same amount of content while making it more fun. Just have 2 missions, 1 planet, and cap the level at 10. Set money to 2x drop, 1 story mission, 1 boss mission, the end. As it is you have like 6-8? missions depending on how you count that really make the game seem poor even though it isn' t. This demo is basically a giant commercial for the worst aspects of the game, instead of what demos should be (hint: the opposite).
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 14 Oct 06 19:04:25 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: Phantasy Star Universe " Beta" on XBox Live this weekend.
Oct 15, 2006 03:13
WTF? i thought all beta' s were the complete game for testing? Like say the WoW beta!
Evil Man
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RE: Phantasy Star Universe " Beta" on XBox Live this weekend.
Oct 15, 2006 03:21
This is a beta demo, thy stripped down the amount of things you can do.
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RE: Phantasy Star Universe " Beta" on XBox Live this weekend.
Oct 15, 2006 04:11
Yeah, they should have picked an easier area to find for the combat area...it really is a letdown, not as good as PSO....not even close.
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RE: Phantasy Star Universe " Beta" on XBox Live this weekend.
Oct 15, 2006 06:26
It is a lot better once you figure everything out and what you are doing. btw I' ll be playing a bunch this week cause I' m at home and my friends are not so just send me a message over xbox live and we can meet up, gt locopollo, in PSU i' m locopuyo
Mass X
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RE: Phantasy Star Universe " Beta" on XBox Live this weekend.
Oct 15, 2006 07:37
Ive never played a PSO game but I am enjoying this so far. Tho Im probably enjoying it more then others becasue of the fact I havent played a PSO game. Anyhow Itd be cool to join up with some of you so anyone know how to set that up? I know you have to be in the same universe and all so maybe we should find one that works for everyone and have at it. Im only a lvl 5 at the moment...a very poor lvl 5...
Evil Man
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RE: Phantasy Star Universe " Beta" on XBox Live this weekend.
Oct 15, 2006 08:12
God damn it I still hold hope the full version will be good. It' s this kind of hope that gets me into trouble, like when I bought an X360, biggest mistake I ever made, but I had hope.
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RE: Phantasy Star Universe " Beta" on XBox Live this weekend.
Oct 15, 2006 11:38
I like the game but sadly I' ve run all the combat areas more than once at this point and I' m craving more content. I' ll probably pick up the game because of the single player alone but I' m sure I' ll be playing a lot of multiplayer. Btw, sorry for bailing out on you guys today (Mass and Loco). I was hoping I could get you in my group but all my classmates signed on at once and we had no room.
Mass X
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RE: Phantasy Star Universe " Beta" on XBox Live this weekend.
Oct 15, 2006 12:20
Its cool. I found it funny showing up in your guys rooms unannounced...heheh that was fun. Loco didnt stay on much longer anyhow. Im still debating on this game. It seems fun but still not quite sure as the combat seems like it would get tired out over time. Get behind the enemy smack smack get behind the enemy smack smack....tho looking at some of the other weapons I can see where the depth would go but who knows right now.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Phantasy Star Universe " Beta" on XBox Live this weekend.
Oct 15, 2006 12:35
PSU is the type of game you want to like, because the concept is great. I like the Hunter/Force/Ranger division, I like the mags, I like the RPGish MMO idea behind it. The problem is that its just so poorly executed. The development team producing this game is over a generation behind todays standards. They need more talent a much larger budget and more time to make it work. As it stands now, it looks pathetic as a 360 game. So many things this game needs that should be expected but are missing.
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RE: Phantasy Star Universe " Beta" on XBox Live this weekend.
Oct 15, 2006 18:50
As a 360 game it looks very poor, just comparing it to PSO on DC and GameCube shows various areas it is lacking in. However the game was never developed with intentions to port to the 360. It was made for the PS2 first and and they probably considered porting afterwards due to XB Live' s huge presence in the west. You can tell that some of the logos and stuff are upscaled to 720p rather than higher-res ones used in various places and stuff, plus the low res textures and unstable framerate. I' m not sure what the gameplay is like yet. After my friend downloaded it, getting it to work after like the twentieth time, the demo just disconnected while he was playing and since then haven' t been able to get back in. I' ve heard good things about the PS2 and PC versions though, so maybe it' s just a case of a badly rushed port to 360, oh and poor mission design for mediocre demo.
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RE: Phantasy Star Universe " Beta" on XBox Live this weekend.
Oct 15, 2006 23:13
Am I the only one that still can' t log into the demo????? It' s fNcking p!ss!ng me off for the fact that it keeps saying: " Could not connect to Phantasy Star Universe server. The server may be undergoing maintenance. Please check the Phantasy Star Universe Official Site for maintenance information." WHY DOES IT KEEP SAYING THIS???!!! Bloody rubbish independent servers!! It is also partnered with the most irritating noise when it can' t find the server!!!! I' m going to kill the people at Sonic Team.... I am... I swear...
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RE: Phantasy Star Universe " Beta" on XBox Live this weekend.
Oct 16, 2006 00:26
The demo isn' t that bad guys... besides it' s just a demo. Agent Ghost, I don' t even think you' re playing the right game based on your description... The thing is heavily stripped down. the servers that the game is currently on for Beta aren' t even the final servers. After the Beta they are switching the game too new servers that have the full content. I think the game is going to be on MS servers when it' s released. In case you guys didn' t know PSU' s online segement isn' t even supposed to be considered a sequl to PSO. It' s just a multiplayer aspect of the single player game that PSU comes with. they put a lot more time, effort, and money into a producing the single player part of the game and that' s something I' m really excited about. We' ll finally have another Phantasy Star RPG!
Evil Man
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RE: Phantasy Star Universe " Beta" on XBox Live this weekend.
Oct 16, 2006 01:49
Yeah but I' m not sure how fun an RPG can be if its gonna have he same crappy levels and gameplay that the demo shows. We' ll see.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 15 Oct 06 17:49:52 >
Iad umboros
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RE: Phantasy Star Universe " Beta" on XBox Live this weekend.
Oct 16, 2006 02:19
ORIGINAL: Tiz Am I the only one that still can' t log into the demo????? It' s fNcking p!ss!ng me off for the fact that it keeps saying: " Could not connect to Phantasy Star Universe server. The server may be undergoing maintenance. Please check the Phantasy Star Universe Official Site for maintenance information." WHY DOES IT KEEP SAYING THIS???!!! Bloody rubbish independent servers!! It is also partnered with the most irritating noise when it can' t find the server!!!! I' m going to kill the people at Sonic Team.... I am... I swear... Small consolation Tiz but I have the same problems. And considering the demo runs out on Wed and Xbox live is down on Tues, you really need to question if this is going to be worthwhile. Thought you were on for a good while yesterday though? I love spying on what people on my friends list are doing
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RE: Phantasy Star Universe " Beta" on XBox Live this weekend.
Oct 16, 2006 04:44
ORIGINAL: Iad umboros Small consolation Tiz but I have the same problems. And considering the demo runs out on Wed and Xbox live is down on Tues, you really need to question if this is going to be worthwhile. Thought you were on for a good while yesterday though? I love spying on what people on my friends list are doing Yeah, I got your message, but I was so frustrated I stayed in the " log-in" lobby for ages trying to get through to the servers... Alas to no avail... So I decided to just play the SC:DA demo.. Then that started having its problems, but I still got a chance to demo it!! I have deleted the PSU demo 3 times thinking that it was a fault with the version I downloaded (  don' t ask)... Tell me, aside from myself and Iad Umboros, is there anyone else having this problem?
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RE: Phantasy Star Universe " Beta" on XBox Live this weekend.
Oct 16, 2006 06:00
If it won' t let you connect go back to the menu then try again, sometimes it doesn' t let you connect the first try. Frame rate was really smooth when I played, even with 6 players and a lot of monsters. Graphics weren' t the greatest but the art was excellent and the special effects were nice. I' m not sure if I' ll buy this game or not, but I' m enjoying the beta.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Phantasy Star Universe " Beta" on XBox Live this weekend.
Oct 16, 2006 07:07
I hevn' t even bothered with this demo. I wouldn' t even consider touching the game. I' m waiting for MONSTER HUNTER on PS3, ... that will be a game worthy of getting a group together online for some RPG goodness. PSU just looks rubbish and quite frankly i' m sick to the back teeth of last gen ports! I' m a little pissed off today because i haven' t had time to do shit. I' m away the week beginning 23rd October and so i' ll be a week behind everybody with Double Agent. I' m taking my new deskbook so hopefully i' ll be able to connect to hotspots. On another note, i just watched A Scanner Darkly and was blown away. Has anybody else seen it yet?
< Message edited by MAJIKDRA6ON -- 15 Oct 06 23:08:13 >
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RE: Phantasy Star Universe " Beta" on XBox Live this weekend.
Oct 16, 2006 10:08
On another note, i just watched A Scanner Darkly and was blown away. Has anybody else seen it yet? Yes... it was pretty heavy, but quite amazing. The animation style suited the trippy/paranoid storyline quite well.
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RE: Phantasy Star Universe " Beta" on XBox Live this weekend.
Oct 16, 2006 10:28
Thanks Loco, I' ll give it a try! I' ve been dying to play this, since I d/l the demo ages ago.. If it still doesn' t work, I' ll just delete it and forget I even heard of it... Then I will continue to play SC:DA!!!!
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