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PS3 vs. Xbox 360 yet again
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Vx Chemical
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PS3 vs. Xbox 360 yet again
Dec 28, 2005 09:17
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RE: PS3 vs. Xbox 360 yet again
Dec 28, 2005 10:35
lol the only example he gives is that ati' s chip has 10 megs of specialised anti-aliasing RAM on it. All his other arguments stem from that! Sony do have another 6 months or more before launch, I' m pretty sure the console wont be as unrefined as he says it will be! Im not sure how much total development time each will have had as Sony did enter the game late, but the fact that the game development kits havent been delivered yet hints that they' re still working on refining it.
Vx Chemical
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RE: PS3 vs. Xbox 360 yet again
Dec 28, 2005 11:30
Your are forgetting that Sony already unvelied which chip they are going to use, the 7800GTX, which is a current gen graphics card, the one in the 360 is a generation more advanced than the current PC standard. Also if sony is going to launch the console this spring, they should have their hardware finalized and on its way to production. I know its biased, but i still find it interesting.
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RE: PS3 vs. Xbox 360 yet again
Dec 28, 2005 11:41
They already said RSX is better then 7800GTX so you cant say that. Also its as strong as 2 6800gt so i mean,for me 6800 can play all the latest games at the highest with very good fps... However i think ATI' s 3rd card will be stronger,however,cell will let nvidia win thx to it though :S
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 28 Dec 05 19:45:53 >
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RE: PS3 vs. Xbox 360 yet again
Dec 28, 2005 12:04
Oh yea it is interesting.  I suppose he' s right in saying nVidia have had a LOT less time on the RSX as ATi have had on the R500. And I guess he could' ve come up with a few more examples like Unified Shader Architecture etc. Its just that the RSX does have a few tweaked features the PC chip doesnt as well.
Vx Chemical
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RE: PS3 vs. Xbox 360 yet again
Dec 28, 2005 12:54
But the Cell processor wont be usefull unless it can communicate well with the Graphics card, and it all comes down to the programming again. I think its going to be a lot tigther this time around than in the this generation. As we could see, some well put together hardware like the Cube is, can really outshine some quick engineering like the xbox, which had a lot of bottle necks. Xbox 360 has taken an approach more like the Cube to get as much power out of the system as possible, without having the bottlenecks!
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RE: PS3 vs. Xbox 360 yet again
Dec 28, 2005 13:43
Yea, we' ll just have to wait and see the real graphics each one can do. So far its not looking good for the 360, but I' ve seen a video somewhere of the new Fight Night running on the 360. So that' s reassuring. I don' t really mind waiting for the PS3, but I thought we' d have seen more in-game footage by now. MGS4 and Chromehounds were great and that, but I' ll definitely be glad when they start showing us some proper footage of the games due for launch.
Vx Chemical
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RE: PS3 vs. Xbox 360 yet again
Dec 28, 2005 14:10
Yea, we' ll just have to wait and see the real graphics each one can do. So far its not looking good for the 360, but I' ve seen a video somewhere of the new Fight Night running on the 360. So that' s reassuring. How on earth can you say it isnt looking good for the 360? The games that will come out 2006 looks amazing. Even Hideo Kojima says the MGS4 tech demo could run on a 360, chromehounds looks just as good on the 360 than it does on the PS3, and even Gears of War looks as good as MGS4.
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RE: PS3 vs. Xbox 360 yet again
Dec 28, 2005 15:09
you knwo what excites me ?? one of those two will get really embrassed
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RE: PS3 vs. Xbox 360 yet again
Dec 28, 2005 16:08
Oh sry I was only referring to the games that have been released already for 360. I should' ve worded it better! The 2006 line-up does look amazing. But then so did PGR3 before release, and I have to say I was let down a bit when I saw the all the aliasing and some blatent blurred/low-res textures. But sure, Gears of War does look pristine! (the high-def trailers are awesome!) And I expect there' ll be even better looking games for 360 after that too.
< Message edited by choupolo -- 29 Dec 05 0:09:52 >
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RE: PS3 vs. Xbox 360 yet again
Dec 28, 2005 16:15
It seems to me like you haven' t played PGR3. The textures are all extremely high res and it looks amazing in High Def. And you really think a powerful CPU will make up for the GPU? The Graphics Processing Unit is the biggest factor in graphics. Try playing Call of Duty 2 on PC with a geforce 5900 and a 4 GHz cpu, then play it with a geforce 7800 and a 3 GHz cpu. You' ll notice instantly that the computer with the 7800 runs the game infinitely smoother with better graphics. And that is assuming CELL is better than the xbox 360' s CPUs. It looks like the XBox 360' s are a lot better to me. It is optimized for games instead of running your oven.
< Message edited by locopuyo -- 29 Dec 05 0:17:03 >
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RE: PS3 vs. Xbox 360 yet again
Dec 28, 2005 16:33
I have to admit I' ve only ever played PGR3 for a couple of hours at that XBox Tour thingy, and a couple of times at my local shop, but still it was enough to notice the low res speedo and rev counter etc in the cockpit, a tonne of jaggies all over the car and the blurry road markings eg. on Brooklyn bridge. I' m assuming those demo pods are running at 720p. I' m not saying they havent done a great job, cos overall the game is beautiful, and the replays are stunning. But you' re telling me you havent noticed those things loco? Im not trying to bash 360 btw, Im planning on getting one in a couple of months. (to replace the one I sold!  ) Im just telling you like it is.
< Message edited by choupolo -- 29 Dec 05 0:37:18 >
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RE: PS3 vs. Xbox 360 yet again
Dec 28, 2005 16:44
The sides are blury because that is the way it looks in real life. You drive a car look to the side, it looks the same in the game. I didn' t notice any jaggies either. I do notice the displays in stores generally suck. The one at gamestop, wal-mart, and target don' t even look like they are running in 720P. The only graphical part of PGR3 that is flawed is the cockpit view. The dials aren' t completely curved, they are rather low polly. I didn' t notice any low resolution textures. And wtf is up with some of these reviews that say there is no model damage on the cars?
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RE: PS3 vs. Xbox 360 yet again
Dec 28, 2005 17:42
Fair enough I guess, seeing as tho even google images cant find a single screenshot to illustrate, hehe. (They' re all replay or photo mode shots!) Tbh, PGR3 was the only game where I did notice aliasing. And perhaps those Samsung HDTVs they always use were part of the problem, so here' s hoping my screen will fare better!
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RE: PS3 vs. Xbox 360 yet again
Dec 29, 2005 09:04
Fools! The Virtual Boy outdoes them both terms of sheer awe when playing their games, seconded only by obscure Japanese releases on the Wonderswan. Hell yeah!
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RE: PS3 vs. Xbox 360 yet again
Dec 30, 2005 07:00
It' s hard to say.. On one hand, the 7800 is a great chip and has all kinds of niftiness. But on the other sony jumped the shark and asked Nvidia at the last minute, making it pretty impossible to make any console specific optimizations. Giving the RSX the same problems of the pc counterpart. Also, most of the graphic goodies you see are the work of the direct x team, and that' s indistry wide, even opengl 2.0 is based off of research done by microsoft, so to use this tech microsoft has royalties, or should i say the ARB. That included both CG and rendermonkey. For the Xenos i would done a few things differant, maybe giving it some on board ram instead shared, don' t get me wrong, it can work fine, but onboard is always best. But i agree with the article, the xenos is much better in comparison.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: PS3 vs. Xbox 360 yet again
Dec 30, 2005 07:23
But the cost of having additional ram for the GPU would be a lot, to make things cost affective it had to be done the other way, we can all agree that if no one cared how much it would cost, the consoles could be a lot more powerful.
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RE: PS3 vs. Xbox 360 yet again
Dec 30, 2005 09:01
Guys from ATI are the last guys you should listen to when it comes to PS3 technology. You heard what Phil (sony) said about 360? Crap' s flowing from both sides - you should dodge it instead of repeating. There' s no PS3 now and the specs may change - so why bother? Can anyone here say they won' t play MGS4 on PS3 because it has 20 polygons less than the main character of Gears of War? It' s going to be closer than PS2/Xbox this time I think - and PS2 had incredible content that any self respecting gamer couldn' t just ignore for reasons like " GPU PERFORMANCE" .
Vx Chemical
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RE: PS3 vs. Xbox 360 yet again
Dec 30, 2005 10:43
and PS2 had incredible content that any self respecting gamer couldn' t just ignore for reasons like " GPU PERFORMANCE" . No but we could all cry because developers didnt jump a board on the xbox, and made games that was half of what they could have been!!
< Message edited by VX CHEMICAL -- 30 Dec 05 18:46:04 >
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RE: PS3 vs. Xbox 360 yet again
Dec 30, 2005 16:24
But they didn' t because the PS2 was more marketable than the Xbox. The Gamecube is more powerful in terms of processing power than the PS2 but has been shunned by developers due to it just not being as popular as Sony' s machine. Games developers are out to make money and will only release on a platform they know the game will sell on. Anyway, the Xbox has loads of games that aren' t on the PS2 either, like Halo, PGR2, Conker, Oddworld; Strangers Wrath etc,,,so you can' t complain. It should be a closer fight this time and gamers should really benefit. I' d like to see the same game running on 360 and PS3, that' d say tons more than CPU/GPU garbage!
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