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PS3 to Add Upsampled DVD, 1080p/24 Support
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PS3 to Add Upsampled DVD, 1080p/24 Support
Dec 02, 2006 22:41
According to a translated Impress interview of Sony PS3 A/V developers, the PS3 is on target for an update to add better software SACD support (better sound quality and wider dynamic range), user-selectable internal YCrCb image processing, 1080p/24 support for films (for crisper, more realistic Blu-ray film playback), and perhaps most importantly, the ability to play back standard-definition DVDs at 1080p HD resolution. Although the PS3 includes HDMI 1.3, which supposedly supports 1080p/24, the technology is still unstable. This upcoming update should address these problems. Click me dweeb Great news for early PS3 adopters, no?...
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RE: PS3 to Add Upsampled DVD, 1080p/24 Support
Dec 02, 2006 22:43
Give me a 1080p tv and a PS3 and I agree!
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RE: PS3 to Add Upsampled DVD, 1080p/24 Support
Dec 02, 2006 23:50
...i' d settle for just a 1080p tv.... ...anyway, next year, during the European PS3 launch window is probably the best time to purchase one... ...like i said months ago, manufactures know that the coming age of the freely available PS3, will drive 1080p demand through the roof, and are already responding with lower prices and better quality products. From the same source: New HDTVs Bring Higher Definition, Better Color Falling prices aren' t the only positive news for HDTV shoppers: New and upcoming sets boast higher resolution and improved image and sound quality. Here' s what to look for. LCD televisions that can display images in 1080 progressive resolution (or 1080p, as opposed to the 720p capability of most HDTVs in our roundup) are increasingly common; and the format is getting support in such peripherals as Blu-ray drives, HD DVD drives (like Toshiba' s HD-XA2), Sony' s PlayStation 3, and Microsoft' s Xbox 360 (via an accessory HD DVD drive). Also at hand is a growing collection of 1080p content on Blu-ray and HD DVD discs. Plasma has been slow to reach 1080p because cramming lots of tiny pixels into a plasma panel is a manufacturing challenge. Big-screen 1080p plasmas are finally appearing, but they don' t come cheap. Pioneer' s 50-inch Pro-FHD1 retails for US$8,000, and Panasonic' s 65-inch TH-65PX600U goes for an even heftier $10,000. HDMI 1.3 The PlayStation 3 and Toshiba HD-XA2 are also the first two devices to deliver 1080p content through the new HDMI 1.3 interface, which enables " Deep Color," meaning up to 48-bit color depth (the current high is 24 bits). " More colors allow for better gradation and color shading," says Eric Haruki, research director for TV markets and technologies with IDC. HDMI 1.3 also supports new 7.1-channel audio formats, including Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD. To experience HDMI 1.3' s benefits, however, all your components -- including the TV -- must support the standard. " You don' t need it to do 1080p, but it' s still a good thing," says Scott Ramirez, vice president of marketing for Toshiba. LG Electronics, Mitsubishi, Samsung, Sharp, and others have promised HDMI 1.3 sets next year. CableCard 2.0 Consumer electronics industry support for CableCards -- the small PC Card-like devices that fit into the back of some digital TVs and set-top boxes to decrypt digital cable signals (in lieu of a cable box) -- has been waning. But two FCC mandates should stimulate CableCard adoption beginning next year. By March 2007, all new TVs must have digital tuners, and since CableCard slots add relatively little cost, observers say vendors may simply add them as well. The FCC has also said that as of July 2007, cable operators must make CableCards the sole means of decrypting digital TV signals. This means any new set-top boxes will have to use a CableCard, says David Broberg, vice president of consumer video technology for CableLabs, the company that develops cable TV specifications including for CableCards. (Companies won' t have to replace existing cable boxes, though.) However, first-generation CableCards of today can only receive programs; unfortunately, cable operators, the consumer electronics industry, and other concerned parties have made little progress agreeing on a two-way CableCard standard to support interactive features such as electronic program guides and video on demand. Some efforts are under way. Steve Panosian, Samsung' s director of marketing for DLP and CRT televisions, says that by the time you read this, Samsung will have rolled out an Interactive Digital Cable Ready DLP set, the HLS5686C, but only in Milwaukee, where Time-Warner Cable is testing a two-way cable system. LED DLPs In September, NuVision began shipping the 52-inch 52LEDLP, an LED-illuminated DLP set; in October, Samsung began shipping another LED DLP, the 56-inch HLS-5679W. Containing an LED array, the sets can achieve full brightness in 5 seconds, as opposed to as much as 45 seconds with a traditional DLP model. In addition, LED arrays are supposed to last seven to ten years in typical use -- a much longer life span than that of conventional DLP lamps. Expect to pay a premium for these new technologies, if you find them. If you can' t, holiday prices for conventional sets should prove consoling: Haruki says 720p plasmas may go for as little as $1,000.
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RE: PS3 to Add Upsampled DVD, 1080p/24 Support
Dec 03, 2006 00:11
Mmmm, theres little point in getting a 1080p HDTV for gaming as 80% of all next-gen titles are going to be 720p anyway, and unless you are going to get a $800+ scaler to make 720p look almost as good as it does on a 720p naitve display. Sadly with fixed res panels getting higher in res isn' t always a good thing, the market needs flat tech with the same flexability as CRT. Still, good that Sony is sorting something out. Now if only they allowed all PS2 games to output in 480p on the system I' d be happy.
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RE: PS3 to Add Upsampled DVD, 1080p/24 Support
Dec 03, 2006 02:05
Mmmm, theres little point in getting a 1080p HDTV for gaming as 80% of all next-gen titles are going to be 720p anyway... ...to begin with, but im pretty sure that figure will be almost reversed by the mid point in PS3' s life cycle.... ...regardless though, as long as AAA system selling games like Metal Gear and Ninja Gaiden Sigma are in 1080p, the remaining 80% of PS3 games can go blow...
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RE: PS3 to Add Upsampled DVD, 1080p/24 Support
Dec 03, 2006 03:09
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RE: PS3 to Add Upsampled DVD, 1080p/24 Support
Dec 03, 2006 03:18
Well yes but there are at least 3 games i whant to play in 1080p, GT5, Lair and MGS4, im an early adopter and the upscaler dont bother me, what does bother me its that i cant play in 1080i since my rooms TV its 1080i and the TV in my livig room its 1080p but when my father or my brother whants to use the living room im stucked whit standart resolution and that just sucks really bad How are you so sure those games will be in 1080p? becuase Sony said? since there are very few games imgonna buy Xmen 2 in blu ray tomorrow. Im glad Sony has so much to offer to their loyal fanboys  ... That is, if you really have a ps3
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RE: PS3 to Add Upsampled DVD, 1080p/24 Support
Dec 03, 2006 03:27
ORIGINAL: mastachefbkw How are you so sure those games will be in 1080p? becuase Sony said? Im glad Sony has so much to offer to their loyal fanboys ... That is, if you really have a ps3 Those are in 1080p. both GT HD and Lair where runing in 1080p last TGS, and its clear that there are few games out there because there are few PS3, companys are holding back its titles, once there are more PS3s games are gonna be launched but dont worry about us, the PS3 does alot more than just playing.
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RE: PS3 to Add Upsampled DVD, 1080p/24 Support
Dec 03, 2006 08:06
selling games like Metal Gear and Ninja Gaiden Sigma ok, MG yes, NG, an xbox remake a system seller? wow. just wow.
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RE: PS3 to Add Upsampled DVD, 1080p/24 Support
Dec 03, 2006 09:53
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RE: PS3 to Add Upsampled DVD, 1080p/24 Support
Dec 03, 2006 10:18
once again... wow
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RE: PS3 to Add Upsampled DVD, 1080p/24 Support
Dec 04, 2006 04:52
since there are very few games imgonna buy Xmen 2 in blu ray tomorrow.
Ever wonder why? Those are in 1080p. both GT HD and Lair where runing in 1080p last TGS,
Yeah, and both looked like garbage. I could run Pac-Man in 1080p, and half of the people at TGS would absolutely p155 themselves with excitement. and its clear that there are few games out there because there are few PS3, companys are holding back its titles, once there are more PS3s games are gonna be launched
Y' know, maybe you' re on to something. " Well guys, the PS3 comes out tomorrow, officially. But lets not make software for a year because not enough people have the console yet. Maybe in a year when there' s still no software, people will start buying. " but dont worry about us, the PS3 does alot more than just playing.
Yeah, like playing movies, and online gaming, and playing music, and downloading stuff onto a hard drive. It' s actually kinda like this one console, I can' t remember what it was... Oh yeah!
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RE: PS3 to Add Upsampled DVD, 1080p/24 Support
Dec 04, 2006 05:12
ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated Yeah, and both looked like garbage. I could run Pac-Man in 1080p, and half of the people at TGS would absolutely p155 themselves with excitement. GT HD lookslike garbage??? it looks alot better than forza 2 and Poly are modeling the interiors of the cars. and Lair looks awesome, the enviroment are huge, so detailed and there where 10 000 soldiers plus dragons in the bridge, a yeah, and the game its far from done, so why dont u shut the fuck up until the game its done, at least they are making games in 1080p native " Well guys, the PS3 comes out tomorrow, officially. But lets not make software for a year because not enough people have the console yet. Maybe in a year when there' s still no software, people will start buying. " No dumb, i mean games like Round 3, Oblivion, Rainbow six, Sonic, etc all those games that where supposed to be on launch day but got deleyed because of the shortages. Yeah, like playing movies, and online gaming, and playing music, and downloading stuff onto a hard drive. It' s actually kinda like this one console, I can' t remember what it was... Oh yeah! Playing movies in 1080p buttface,something no console beside this can do out of the box
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RE: PS3 to Add Upsampled DVD, 1080p/24 Support
Dec 04, 2006 05:18
GT HD lookslike garbage??? it looks alot better than forza 2 and Poly are modeling the interiors of the cars. and Lair looks awesome, the enviroment are huge, so detailed and there where 10 000 soldiers plus dragons in the bridge, a yeah, and the game its far from done, so why dont u shut the fuck up until the game its done, at least they are making games in 1080p native Yes GTHD looks like garbage. Modelling the cars interior? Hell, PGR3 and Test Drive already did that, it' s nothing new. Lair? Is it even confirmed as 1080p? I don' t think so. It was running in 720p at E3 and they said they were aiming for 1080p. 10,000 soldiers? That' s 100% grade A bullshit. If you have a source for that where the developer says so then i' d love to see it. No dumb, i mean games like Round 3, Oblivion, Rainbow six, Sonic, etc all those games that where supposed to be on launch day but got deleyed because of the shortages. Sonic sucks and the other 3 are available on 360 already, 2 of which we' ve been playing since March. I think you need the ' Next Gen Wars' thread actually.
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RE: PS3 to Add Upsampled DVD, 1080p/24 Support
Dec 04, 2006 06:18
ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on Yes GTHD looks like garbage. Modelling the cars interior? Hell, PGR3 and Test Drive already did that, it' s nothing new. It looks awesome, the cars are alot more detailed tha forza 2 cars, and the interiors are extremly detailed aswell, tell me something, how many cars did PGR3 had??? no other dev team in the world can model so many cars so detailed as Polyphony, when the guys at 10 Turn looked at GT HD they realise their game was so shitty they had to delay Forza 2. Lair? Is it even confirmed as 1080p? I don' t think so. It was running in 720p at E3 and they said they were aiming for 1080p. 10,000 soldiers? That' s 100% grade A bullshit. If you have a source for that where the developer says so then i' d love to see it. I dont give fuck if u dont think lair its confirmed 1080p native, the TGS code was running 1080p, everybody knows that if u dont belive me here are the impresions form IGN when they played the game at SONY´s gamers day October 19, 2006 - Journalists that attended the 2006 Tokyo Game Show may be disappointed to learn that the playable version of Lair at Sony' s Gamers' Day is " content identical" to what they saw there, but the company has made a few visual improvements in the weeks since. Specifically, Factor 5 has enhanced the framerate when running in 1080p (the resolution we played both levels in), and it moved along at a pace 5-10 frames faster than last month. About the 10,000 strong, here its your proof, now i bouble dare u to call that " 100% A grade bullshit" there u can also read about the 16 miles levels in Lair and the 1080p native resolution in the " 5 reasons why Factor 5 heart the ps3" Sonic sucks and the other 3 are available on 360 already, 2 of which we' ve been playing since March. I think you need the ' Next Gen Wars' thread actually. So what??? thats just the begining, and Round 3 on the PS3 its alot better than in the 360 whit the " get into the ring mode" the deal whit free daily updates from ESPN, the tilt support to throw low blows, and some other new mecanics, but there are more game like Blazing Angels, Full Auto 2 (sucks i know) and others. U need the System War because u are missinformed, yet u keep talking shit about everything, a pice of advice, if u dont know anything about a game, stay the fuck away from a discution about such game.
< Message edited by fernandino -- 3 Dec 06 22:22:55 >
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RE: PS3 to Add Upsampled DVD, 1080p/24 Support
Dec 04, 2006 06:28
Ok, Lair was running in 1080p. At TGS. But the 10,000 soldier comment thrown in by the lead developer reminds me of the comments made about Ninety Nine Nights. I guess we' ll see whether anything changes between now and its release. It' s good to know that it' ll definitely be native 1080p. I don' t own a 1080p TV yet but i should by the end of next year, for now my 720p HDTV will suffice. As for the rest of your post, you are in serious need of anger therapy. Getting in such a state over a videogame, or even somebody else opinion or thoughts (right or wrong - in this case i was wrong) is dumb. Also, i can' t possibly take you seriously when you use " whit" in every sentence. What nationality are you? Mexican?
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RE: PS3 to Add Upsampled DVD, 1080p/24 Support
Dec 04, 2006 06:53
ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on As for the rest of your post, you are in serious need of anger therapy. Getting in such a state over a videogame, or even somebody else opinion or thoughts (right or wrong - in this case i was wrong) is dumb. what state??? im not angry, im very calm whatching Milan-Calgliari, a cup of coffe in one hand, a smoke in the other and a laptop in my lap, idont know if i sound upset but what bothers me its that u are missinformed and yet u keep talking about this, really im not upset with u or with anyone else, if i sound agressive then im sorry, ill keep it down. Also, i can' t possibly take you seriously when you use " whit" in every sentence. Sorry but my spelling its just aweful, ive never take lessons, i learned what know about this lenguage in movies, music and videogames so i can talk very fluid but my spelling sucks. What nationality are you? Mexican? Yet once again im portuguese or however u write that But the 10,000 soldier comment thrown in by the lead developer reminds me of the comments made about Ninety Nine Nights. well the game had 10,000 strong running in the TGS code, if they have that much alredy active and running on the real thing i dont get why they would downscale the game.
< Message edited by fernandino -- 3 Dec 06 23:02:57 >
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RE: PS3 to Add Upsampled DVD, 1080p/24 Support
Dec 04, 2006 07:10
Fernandino don' t be too surprised if people find it hard to believe anything sony says regarding ps3. There has been so much lies and BS that many here don' t know what to believe. I could compile a list of all the sony BS sony has said this past year, but that would take too long and be a waste of time. IF lair is everything sony promises then great, and make a welcome change to what sony has been doing for the past year. But after the Motorstorm (looks good but no where near the beautiful target renders of E3 2005), Killzone 2 & incidents (CGI passed of gameplay graphics) it would be safe to say that We' ll believe it when we see it .
Chee Saw
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RE: PS3 to Add Upsampled DVD, 1080p/24 Support
Dec 04, 2006 17:45
If this game can have 10,000 characters in the environment at once, I' ll be impressed. And we all know that that' s what Factor 5 are in this for right? To impress ME! Seriously, it just sounded like he was throwing that number out there, as if to say " a LOT" , but if it' s even half true (like, 5000 soldiers or something) then I' ll still be super-impressed. I don' t believe 10,000 though. Basically all I can say right now is that the proof is in the pudding, and PS3 is using generic, welfare pudding as opposed to J-E-L-L-O. Hopefully they get these " great" games out soon, because right now their games blow! I' m tired of hearing about shit that' s in the pipeline! Give me a reason to buy the son-of-a-bitch! I WANT BLU-RAY DAMMIT!
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RE: PS3 to Add Upsampled DVD, 1080p/24 Support
Dec 04, 2006 18:55
ORIGINAL: Chee Saw If this game can have 10,000 characters in the environment at once, I' ll be impressed. And we all know that that' s what Factor 5 are in this for right? To impress ME! Seriously, it just sounded like he was throwing that number out there, as if to say " a LOT" , but if it' s even half true (like, 5000 soldiers or something) then I' ll still be super-impressed. I don' t believe 10,000 though. Basically all I can say right now is that the proof is in the pudding, and PS3 is using generic, welfare pudding as opposed to J-E-L-L-O. Hopefully they get these " great" games out soon, because right now their games blow! I' m tired of hearing about shit that' s in the pipeline! Give me a reason to buy the son-of-a-bitch! I WANT BLU-RAY DAMMIT! the CEO of Factor 5 and director of Lair Julian Eggebrecht has said many times that in some cases there will be upto 10 000 strong soits not just some random number they throw at the press, i have 2 friends who went to the last TGS and they where checking lair when some SONY rep demoed the game to some magazine and they got to hear all the numbers in enemys, the hole level running in real time not " the pre baked way like in the past gen" all the AI, the 1080p./7.1 chanels uncompresed audio, the 10 000 characters on screen and so on, they played the demo but when i ask them if there where so many enemys they said they didnt knew or rather they are not certain, they didnt pay attention to the number of enemys because they where so impressed whit the way the game looks and plays, how easy its to play whit the sixaxis, and how awesome was to fight in air and on the ground whiout loading, what they did said was that there sure are alot of soldiers And i think Liar, Heavenly Sword and MotorStorm are really goint to be killer apps, just add Virtua Figther 5 and FI 07 to the mix and im happy.
< Message edited by fernandino -- 4 Dec 06 11:07:08 >
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