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Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
PS3 likely to be pushed
Jan 18, 2006 02:43
Anylysts says that the PS3 is likely to be pushed into a november release in the US, and a march 07 release for Europe. They also predict that PS3 will have fewer launch titles than the 360 read the report, and post your oppinions http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story.asp?guid={0E89A863-4CEF-4202-BF81-46FD591E51F0}&siteid=google Link needs to be copied, some how it doesnt work!
< Message edited by vx chemical -- 18 Jan 06 10:55:38 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: PS3 likely to be pushed
Jan 18, 2006 02:45
More than likely i think. Shame really... EDIT: The link provided doesn' t find the article. Just an error.
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 18 Jan 06 10:47:03 >
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RE: PS3 likely to be pushed
Jan 18, 2006 06:27
It' s possible ofcourse but you know ...those analysts are a bunch of useless fuckers mostly.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: PS3 likely to be pushed
Jan 18, 2006 06:41
Granted, but it' s not hard to look at everything and end up with the same conclusion.
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- Joined: Jan 15, 2006
RE: PS3 likely to be pushed
Jan 19, 2006 02:19
 im not to happy about that. I think that it will be worth the wait ( ive got my heart set on a ps3)
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RE: PS3 likely to be pushed
Jan 19, 2006 02:22
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RE: PS3 likely to be pushed
Jan 19, 2006 08:24
at this point, i don' t think it' ll really matter, i' m not sure it can really be pushed back, only because there hasn' t been an official release date. but anyways i catch your drift. i really think that people will pay more and wait longer if the ps3 pays off. i mean look at the x-box, superior graphics, centralized online play and a flippin hard drive. but sony already had a foothold on the market. hypothetically all the way back since the ps1. so i don' t know, i guess we' ll just have to wait for sony to come out with some details, for once.
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RE: PS3 likely to be pushed
Jan 19, 2006 10:25
*rolls eyes* ...not another " we really want Microsoft to beat Sony" thread.... *yawn*
Terry Bogard
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RE: PS3 likely to be pushed
Jan 19, 2006 10:31
those analysts are a bunch of useless fuckers mostly. Mostly??? I CAN' T remember a time when they WEREN' T a bunch of useless f**kers I remember when those useless f**kers  at Merril Lynch " predicted" that the PlayStation 2 would retail for $450 - $500. I trust game industry analysis/predictions of analysts as far as I can shoulder throw Yokozuna or any other gargantuan Sumo Wrestler.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 19 Jan 06 18:39:13 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: PS3 likely to be pushed
Jan 19, 2006 11:27
Yokozuna!!! Those guys eat tons Quite literally! Playstation 3, pah! Weren' t Playstations big during the 90' s?!
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: PS3 likely to be pushed
Jan 19, 2006 17:17
I remember when those useless f**kers at Merril Lynch " predicted" that the PlayStation 2 would retail for $450 - $500. I trust game industry analysis/predictions of analysts as far as I can shoulder throw Yokozuna or any other gargantuan Sumo Wrestler. Maybe they are a bunch of useless f**ckers, but who in this forum believes that it will launch in spring? and who believes it will launch world wide at the same time? I don' t, i dont think europe will see it in 06
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RE: PS3 likely to be pushed
Jan 19, 2006 21:40
I think September-November 2006 for Japan, February 2007 for North America and September 2007 for Europe. Obviously this is only my guess...
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RE: PS3 likely to be pushed
Jan 19, 2006 22:13
How much is known about the PS3s progression? I can' t really get any idea of when it might get released based on the info I have. And where did you get your info?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: PS3 likely to be pushed
Jan 20, 2006 02:21
Information like this just floats by my desk and i just know how to pluck it... I said " ..i think.." and " ..my guess.." DevStation is in March, London UK - http://www.devstation.scee.com/ My guess is based on... Devkits only went out during CES 2006, they are said to be highly buggy. Reports that Sony has yet to fit the technology planned for PS3 into the shell are given weight by both the console shown at CES having ' conceptual design' written next to it (the size and/or shape may change to accomodate said tech), and the fact that the console was empty (just a shell). Sony seem to be behind. Reports that Sony is indeed behind, ahve had no response from the company themselves (if they were on track they' d quit giving the vague Spring 06 response and prove it). No announcements have been made regarding expected launch titles, when the console will be available for official pre-order, pricing info for either the unit itself or the games. Spring is from April-June and E3 is in May. Do you seriously expect them to make all the announcements at E3 and state that the console will be launching a month later?
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: PS3 likely to be pushed
Jan 20, 2006 02:29
Do you seriously expect them to make all the announcements at E3 and state that the console will be launching a month later? I would seriously crack the hell up if they did that. I remember when Sega pulled a similar stunt at the 1995 E3, announcing that the Saturn was going on sale that day. They dropped a HUGE bomb on everyone, including themselves with that surprise announcement. That was the first time I was ever really annoyed with them.
Vx Chemical
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RE: PS3 likely to be pushed
Jan 20, 2006 02:58
I dont know how long Sony will hold out on the fact that they have to delay the consoles release. I know they are trying to delay people in buying 360' ies, but its really getting ridiculous, though it would be fun if they released it too soon, and have it fail miserably!
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: PS3 likely to be pushed
Jan 20, 2006 03:53
Well, i don' t quite want to see them fail, i' m just frustrated with all their blatant messing around. It can' t make Spring, not even for Japan, as they have way too much to do. But Blu-Ray and it' s own time schedule may be complicating things. Announcements need to be made sooner rather than later though as every week that passes brings us closer to their Spring 2006 launch. I' d rather have bad news now later...
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