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- Joined: May 03, 2006
PS3 - Their latest words
May 18, 2006 18:57
PS3 articles are on the front page now, just thought I' d give my two cents; you guys post your comments too. Sony outlines the differences between the PS3s http://games.kikizo.com/news/200605/088.asp " The 60 gig capacity is not only to download but to archive locally. The 60 gig solution will be attractive to users who want to PS3 as their primary music players, like me. I will put my entire music collection onto my PlayStation 3. I will archive all of my photos onto my PlayStation 3." " It seems like a really insignificant feature but being able to simply slideshow your photos on your TV is actually a really compelling feature of PlayStation 3." You know, if I wanted to have a single harddrive to hold all my stuff, it would be my COMPUTER! I just can' t take his words seriously of putting his entire music/photo collection on a PS3, for the reason that unless he wants to pirate music over Sony Online and trade porn, I don' t see the point Sure, those who LOVE to have that mega-multimedia-hub of a console/home theater can go nuts on this, but honestly, how many people out there CARE for this feature anyway? Enough to spend $600 on? Also, slideshow of photos on TV not equal to $600 or $500 for that matter. Buy a CD/DVD burner, burn your photos on the disc. Play in VCD/DVD player. Wah~la! Slideshow on TV! And if its rewritable, you only need one disc! And I don' t know how much crap photos you can have that would need more than just 700 MB of space on a conventional CD, but you still got the DVD option! Sony Loves Wii http://games.kikizo.com/news/200605/086.asp " I think Peter Moore is exactly right," Sony' s Phil Harrison told US site GamePro. " I think Nintendo will be the second system consumers purchase after PlayStation 3 OMG! THEY' RE RIPPING OFF MS AS WE SPEAK! NOTHING IS SACRED! It' s sad that with a lack of good things to say, they' re ripping off other people' s good sales-speech to make up for their nothing. " Frankly," said Harrison, " I' m amazed that we can do it so cheaply." ...
< Message edited by Byakko -- 18 May 06 11:04:03 >
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
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RE: PS3 - Their latest words
May 18, 2006 19:40
This is what happens when money takes over and the pursuit for that money and greed is a contract with the devil signed in blood. That' s the best defence they can give for the $600 price mark?      Hahhahahaahaahaaaa.... er...
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: PS3 - Their latest words
May 18, 2006 20:52
Well i dont see the point either, i like the fact that on Xbox you can stream the data from your PC to your console, i wouldnt copy all my music to a console, what if it dies? i dont want to rip everything from cd again!
Tim Strickland
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- Joined: May 19, 2006
RE: PS3 - Their latest words
May 19, 2006 08:27
Sony continues to amaze me - truly, they do. Half of these " features" are already available on the Xbox 360! Also, not to sound like a braggard, but 60GB is not enough for my music collection, which is currently at 120GB. Couple that with gamesaves, downloadable content, and whatever else they have planned, and this is obviously not a smart choice! Besides, who would import all of their pictures onto the PS3 for slideshows anyway? Just stream the stuff, for the love of GOD!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: PS3 - Their latest words
May 19, 2006 09:01
with 360,you can put your demos/trailers up on your PC HDDand then stream them back to 360. But i wont buy that thing,im fine with my 13 gb...
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
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RE: PS3 - Their latest words
May 19, 2006 09:31
I, for one, will NOT put my entire music and/or video collection on my PS3 or any other videogame system. If I put it anywhere it will go on a very large hard drive connected to a Windows PC. Why? That way the Xbox can use it and maybe even the Xbox360 when I get one. It will also be accessable by my awesome kick-ass Mac computer and even the ol' Windows PC itself whose purpose is to store that stuff and nothing more (it runs on Windows, after all). The PS3 has no business being the center of my media world.
Tim Strickland
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- Joined: May 19, 2006
RE: PS3 - Their latest words
May 19, 2006 09:37
My 360, whether I like it or not, truly HAS become the center of my media. It' s really awesome that I can pull up any song at any time during a game - but just make sure you get another UPnP server, because Windows Media Connect CHOKES the music collection (however, there is a server released that allows Mac' s to connect to the 360 for streaming media as well!). God bless Sony, doing more of the same, but still managing to charge more for it. I' m not a fanboy of any certain company by any means, but Sony has disappointed me so much lately with their shabby decisions and overall rushed feel, that I can' t help but yearn for their failure this time around. A lot of folks say that if all companies succeed, it will be better for gamers, but I believe if the PS3 sells extremely well, it will usher in the era of extremely overpriced entertainment. " But hey, it' s got MOTION-SENSING!" Stick a Wii-mote in it, Kutaragi.....
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: PS3 - Their latest words
May 19, 2006 09:42
Dude-O-Rama, my Xbox 1 does more with stuff like that than an Xbox360 can! Of course my Xbox 1 is soft-modded. It can play tons of video and sound files, it is great! And I don' t even need a Media Center version of Windows to do it. I just use my ol' Windows 2000 Pro with service pack 4 and everything is smooth. It will run most types of media files.
Tim Strickland
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- Joined: May 19, 2006
RE: PS3 - Their latest words
May 19, 2006 09:45
Hahaha....I sadly forgot about the Xbox 1 thing. During my tenure with the original ' Box, I didn' t have a computer in the house, so unfortunately I missed out on all the cool things one could do with it - which would probably explain my outbursts of excitement for the 360. If only I had all of these things a few years ago, I wouldn' t sound like a child in a toy market!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
RE: PS3 - Their latest words
May 19, 2006 15:29
I hear you Joe. In its current state my Xbox gets more use than my Xbox 360. Not because of lack of games but because of the other features you can have on it. Quite frankly XBMC is the greatest media center bar none.
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: PS3 - Their latest words
May 19, 2006 17:16
yeah Xbox was a truly incredible device after you modded it :) One thing about PS3 pricing is evident - the difference in price may be 100$ but in features - WI-FI + 40GB HDD , it' s more than that.When I think about 360 HDD price (20GB for 100$) it doesn' t make sense to get the 500$ PS3. Just like it didn' t make sense to get 360 core pack.I have to give it to Sony that both versions have basic functionality above core pack - the cheaper 360 version was really lacking (you had to buy a memory card for games , AV cable for HD , and you had longer load times in some games). I wouldn' t mind PS3 price that much if it was 499 for the 60 GB version - since it has 3x bigger HDD than 360 and built in WI FI and 399 for the 20GB version. I think MS will update their Premium pack with 100GB HDD + Wi-Fi and sell it for 399 (or less) when PS3 launches Anyway I' m not getting it anytime soon so who cares :)
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2006
- Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
RE: PS3 - Their latest words
May 20, 2006 12:49
XBMC is an incredible piece of homebrew, the best I' ve ever place into my X-Box. Still, XBMC does not perform flawlessly for me though. Might be the absurd resolution of some of the videos, might be the video files on the disc can not be accessed fast enough. Whatever the case is, when it works, it works brilliantly. There is also the X-Box version of Stepmania. Whoo, that was tricky to get working.
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