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PS3 Outselling the Nintendo Wii
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
PS3 Outselling the Nintendo Wii
Jul 02, 2007 23:41
In Australia... I think... Now I' m not one for sales threads, but this does deserve some time, as I' m not really sure it makes sense. I' m a big fan of gamesindustry.biz, and I don' t know if they just screwed up or what, but for the first half a page they' re talking about how the PS3 is outselling the Wii & 360 in australia... well, here, I' ll just let you read it for yourself. 50,000 units sold since March launch Michael Ephraim, managing director of Sony Computer Entertainment Australia, has said that the PlayStation 3 has been outselling the Wii and Xbox 360 in the region almost every week since launch. Quoting figures from market research firm GfK, Ephraim revealed the console has sold 50,000 units since launch on March 23. " Based on GfK since launch, PS3 has been the number one next-gen console, outselling Wii and Xbox 360 every week, except for last week," said Ephraim in an interview with GameSpot. Ephraim says that the boost in sales is partly due to the console being sold as a Blu-ray player in consumer electronics stores, as well as in traditional games retailers. " Since March 23, PS3 has been the number one selling next-gen console in Australia, and this is GfK figures. " We' ve now sold 50,000 and we' re very excited about the fact that it' s being sold in retailers that are gaming retailers as a gaming device and other things, but as you' ll notice it' s now being sold in Harvey Norman consumer electronics stores as a Blu-ray player," he added. Last week, Nintendo of Australia revealed it had sold 100,000 units of the Wii in the region since launch, making it the fastest-selling console in the Australian market. Huh?
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: PS3 Outselling the Nintendo Wii
Jul 03, 2007 05:07
The only thing I can figure is that the Wii launched in Oz prior to the PS3 -- thus it has higher total sales, while recently being outsold on a weekly basis by the PS3. That Sony spokesperson better hope that this past week was a fluke, though, and not the tide turning.
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- Joined: Jun 17, 2006
RE: PS3 Outselling the Nintendo Wii
Jul 03, 2007 06:40
The most important market this gen, Australia is where is at. well, not really
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: PS3 Outselling the Nintendo Wii
Jul 03, 2007 07:40
Not for long I guess.
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: PS3 Outselling the Nintendo Wii
Jul 03, 2007 09:00
Australia is sony crazy. I know i live there. New Zealand, out closest neighbour is i believe the only place in the world were the psp outsells the DSlite. I think its entirely possible, even at its high price for the ps3 to outsell the Wii in Australia. Funny that. But our population of around 21 million is way to low to be any real significance on the world market. BTW - Notice i didn' t post the news that the Wii sold 100,000 units quicker then any other console ever released in Australia - it doesn' t really mean that much globally.
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RE: PS3 Outselling the Nintendo Wii
Jul 03, 2007 09:30
50,000 units since launch, wow, gaming is huge in australia.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: PS3 Outselling the Nintendo Wii
Jul 03, 2007 09:42
Right, but what I don' t understand (and maybe I' m missing something absurdly simple) is how they can say that the PS3 is enjoying market majority, and then tell us that the Wii is outselling the PS3 there 2 to 1.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
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RE: PS3 Outselling the Nintendo Wii
Jul 03, 2007 09:46
“The key-word here is blackwhite. Like so many Newspeak words, this word has two mutually contradictory meanings. Applied to an opponent, it means the habit of impudently claiming that black is white, in contradiction of the plain facts.†--George Orwell, 1984
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: PS3 Outselling the Nintendo Wii
Jul 03, 2007 09:49
Awesome book. No, it all came together 2 seconds after I posted. ![](https://forum.kikizo.com/upfiles/smiley/s3.gif) Nintendo has sold the most, but it' s been out longer. Playstation 3 has only been out since march, but has been selling at a faster rate. My bad guys. It' s what I get for not keeping up with the different markets.
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