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Jon Powers
Ninja Dog
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PS2 vs. XBOX
Jun 02, 2004 08:37
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RE: PS2 vs. XBOX
Jun 02, 2004 11:36
We don' t do system wars here. Take this crap somewhere else. I don' t even see a reason to keep this thread open.
Kikizo Staff
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RE: PS2 vs. XBOX
Jun 02, 2004 12:47
lotusson: It' s obvious that this forum is heavily dominated by Xbox fans, but it shouldn' t be that hard to discuss both systems intelligently. Jon: Just go to your profile and change your username. And all those games aren' t part of your sig, right? That' s just for this post, I' m assuming... As for your question, just own both. I do, and it works out just fine.
Winner! FEB 2004
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RE: PS2 vs. XBOX
Jun 02, 2004 13:11
lotusson: It' s obvious that this forum is heavily dominated by Xbox fans, What does this have to do with anything? It' s as if you' re looking for an argument. How many X-Box owners post here is irrelevent to my point -- system wars suck. but it shouldn' t be that hard to discuss both systems intelligently. There is nothing to be gained by keeping tally marks in some sad attempt to see what system comes out on top. Some people prefer system A over system B. Some like system E over all them. There are no facts to point out here, there' s nothing intelligent to bother talking about. If you wish to waste your time fighting this tired 2 year war, go ahead. But I would prefer it done at a forum where such childish antics have already been established. Keep this PS2 vs X-Box garbage somewhere else. Nothing good has ever come from it. And let me key on to the world " intelligently" for a second. Because we all know that sure as hell isn' t going to happen. Maybe for the first 8-9 replies, but intelligent conversation never lasts long when comparing systems.
Kikizo Staff
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RE: PS2 vs. XBOX
Jun 02, 2004 13:34
lotusson: First of all, you' re jumping to conclusions. We' re not even sure what the question really is. The topic may not be about which system is " better" , but which system he wants to buy. If that' s the case, maybe some people here could help, once we figured out which games he liked. If he owns one but not the other, maybe he' s looking for reasons to get the other. If he already has both, maybe he' s just looking for a fight. But you don' t need to automatically assume the latter when all we really have in front of us is " PS2 vs. Xbox" .
Winner! FEB 2004
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RE: PS2 vs. XBOX
Jun 02, 2004 14:35
lotusson: First of all, you' re jumping to conclusions. We' re not even sure what the question really is. The topic may not be about which system is " better" , but which system he wants to buy. Perhaps that is the case. But there’s no evidence to support this. He didn’t ask us to compare the two systems to help with the buying decision. Secondly, the thread is entitled PS2 vs Xbox. Not PS2 or Xbox. Finally he didn’t leave any of his gaming preferences to help us judge which system would be better for him. Perhaps he meant otherwise, but unless he says something to contradict his first post this would appear to be just a PS2 vs Xbox thread. Plus, look at the pictures he posted. He seems fairly knowledgeable on what are some of the top games for both systems. Also, even if Jon himself isn’t looking for a fight, it invites other members (or fanboys looking for a reason to register) to start one.
Kikizo Staff
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RE: PS2 vs. XBOX
Jun 02, 2004 15:21
Fair enough. I just don' t think that a comparison of systems should be strictly taboo just because of what MIGHT happen due to certain uncontrollable idiots. If it' s a question, it' s a question. If it' s bait, then it can be avoided.
Ninja Dog
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RE: PS2 vs. XBOX
Jun 02, 2004 15:51
well, i own a PS2 and my friend has a Xbox. the diff. is that the Xbox is much more powerful than the PS2. but the PS2 have better 3rd parties while the Xbox is still getting more 2nd and 3rd party developers. the Xbox have better online game because ALL (mostly all) games are online games. PS2 is just started on the online gaming thing. i guess it is all comes down to what you want out of your system. Fable is looking to be the one to tip the scale in the Xbox favor. (no " u" because i am from the USA)but i am not into the " Live the Game" type of person. i do not knock ppl who do, but i like my games with endings. muiltiplayer games i play rarely and when i do it is in the Arcades. just to start a debate (because Amercans are porblem starters)i think the PS2 edges out the Xbox BY A LITTLE. Halo is the Sh*t, But the PS2 has many more games.
Terry Bogard
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RE: PS2 vs. XBOX
Jun 02, 2004 16:57
My only problem with this thread is: WHY TEH HELL ISN' T TEH GAMECUBE INCLUDED IN TEH systemz Warz!!??? PS2 vs. XBOX vs. GAMECUBE ;)
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 6/2/2004 4:58:21 PM >
Ninja Dog
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RE: PS2 vs. XBOX
Jun 02, 2004 18:06
IORI YAMAGAMI............. You said....Halo is the sh*t, but the ps2 has many more games.... You are kind of saying xbox only has Halo.....it' s obvious you said that, as it is obvious you just skipped the bunch of xbox pictures. what a fool.
Ninja Dog
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RE: PS2 vs. XBOX
Jun 02, 2004 18:08
Terry Bogard.... It' s obvious the gamecube is not close to xbox or PS2 as far as games are concerned.....................
Joe Redifer
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RE: PS2 vs. XBOX
Jun 02, 2004 18:15
Screw that. I just buy ALL the systems. Each will have something worth having that you can' t get on another system. Or you can be like Terry and get both the US and Japanese versions of each system.... :) PS - Why all the pics? I hate scrolling. I am quite lazy and that made me put out effort, which I did not appreciate.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 6/2/2004 12:16:29 PM >
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RE: PS2 vs. XBOX
Jun 02, 2004 18:26
Lets just quit, especially you, Fathoms. In my opinion both consoles have their strong and weak points. There have been attempts at civil system discussion that went well for a while until narrow-minded people showed up, so let' s not repeat history.
Terry Bogard
Kikizo Staff
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RE: PS2 vs. XBOX
Jun 02, 2004 18:43
It' s obvious the gamecube is not close to xbox or PS2 as far as games are concerned..................... I consider the GameCube just as much a competitor as the others. It' s the GameCube that' s totally dominating the Xbox in Japan. In the U.S. the race between the two is pretty close. So with that I' d definitely consider it a major competitor. After all, Nintendo was the one who resuscitated this industry after Atari put it in a coma back in the early 80s. ;)
Kikizo Staff
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RE: PS2 vs. XBOX
Jun 02, 2004 19:03
What the hell did I do? I said nothing about comparing, just that it doesn' t necessarily have to be a war. That' s all.
Jon Powers
Ninja Dog
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RE: PS2 vs. XBOX
Jun 03, 2004 17:05
ORIGINAL: lotusson We don' t do system wars here. Take this crap somewhere else. I don' t even see a reason to keep this thread open. Stay out of it then
Jon Powers
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Jun 02, 2004
RE: PS2 vs. XBOX
Jun 03, 2004 17:07
ORIGINAL: fathoms What the hell did I do? I said nothing about comparing, just that it doesn' t necessarily have to be a war. That' s all. I dont see what the big deal is, its hard NOT to compare them
Winner! FEB 2004
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RE: PS2 vs. XBOX
Jun 03, 2004 17:20
Stay out of it then Fine, but few people are going to be dumb enough to engage you in mindless flaming. And it' s only going to lead to you getting banned quicker. Either way, the only loser here will be you.
Mass X
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RE: PS2 vs. XBOX
Jun 03, 2004 17:40
GBA is considered a console and its the number one selling console out on the market why isnt that included? But, Ive recently seen how these threads go and will probably keep out of it.
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RE: PS2 vs. XBOX
Jun 03, 2004 18:21
GBA is not included because most people own a hand-held and a console, when the PSP releases you' ll see a lot of PSPvs.DS everywhere. As for the GameCube sales statement, no, its not close in the US, the XBox has sold millions more consoles and countless more software. Now as in terms of better, how about you base it on games. If you want online, I say the XBox, if you want RPG, I say PS2, if you want shooter, I say XBox, if you want the tried and true classics(Mario, DK, Zelda) and lots of quirky " off-the-beaten-path" then the GC is the only way to go. And lastly, do not try to compare system specs, as we all know that system specs don' t really mean better games (3DO anyone?)
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