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Vx Chemical
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PC or Console Gamer?
Apr 20, 2006 22:14
Are you a pc or a console gamer? which do you think of yourself as? Im a console gamer, but im still just getting used to saying it, since iv been a pc game since 94. But i really feel in love with my 360 and havent played a pc game since i got it in november (except WoW)
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- Joined: May 27, 2005
RE: PC or Console Gamer?
Apr 20, 2006 22:33
I have all the consoles, and used to be really passionate about gaming in general, but although I had an Xbox 1 and a PS2 never really got the console buzz last time around, so miainly played on massively expensive gaming rigs spending stupid money on top of the range graphics cards every year. Then BANG... I finally bonded with console games again. i was going to diss this thread saying oh no not again, but to be honest, It' s made me sit up and think, I' m part of an established community on XBL, and I maybe play BF2 occasionally, but I really have become a console gamer again, in the truest sense of the word, passionate, excited, and ready to play! I' ve spent ridiculous amounts of cash on both sides, but the consoles come out on top whichever way you look at it, especially at teh start of a new gen: Consoles are more accessible, are more socially involved, play with your mates in your living room and go online as a ghost quad - (do that on a pc without lanning) socially acceptible, cheaper, trendier, larger displays (generally) smaller, better interfaces, less driver hassles, optimised titles, the list goes on. And I don' t just mean the 360, the DS and PSP are both fantastic little machines. Would a PC manufacturer ever do anything like that? Nope, and PDA games are still stuck in the stoneage. This is comming from someone who has a 7900gt equipped Alienware laptop, a 2 x shuttles, mame cabinet, media centre etc..etc.. oh look the 360 is a media centre extender, and is $100 cheaper than a media centre extnder on its own and gives you pc quality titles on your TV. and breathe *
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RE: PC or Console Gamer?
Apr 20, 2006 23:16
Console gamer ffs.
Mass X
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RE: PC or Console Gamer?
Apr 21, 2006 00:18
Ive been into consoles for some time now. However, I was a PC gamer when my PC could handle it way back when. Now once the Xbox came out I back to consoles.
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RE: PC or Console Gamer?
Apr 21, 2006 01:32
Let me put it to you simply. I' ve been playing consoles since i was 4. And I also have a computer, a computer that has hissy-fit' s when i try to run Diablo II. It is an awful Ford Motor throwaway box, (I live near Detroit, center of the big 3, and it' s amazing what they throw out in terms of computers) So if i had money, i' d have a top of the line box playing call of duty 2, but for now, I' m mainly a console gamer, That may change soon however, as I will be getting a job, (sweet, sweet, cashflow  )
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
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RE: PC or Console Gamer?
Apr 21, 2006 01:56
PC gamer ffs! 360' s not really doing it for me at the moment, but I loved some of the games on PS1 and PS2, and of course the megadrive was what really kicked it off for me to begin with.. but even before that were those little handheld electronic games of snoopy tennis and donkey kong etc! But yea its PC mostly atm for me..
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: PC or Console Gamer?
Apr 21, 2006 02:43
Are you a pc or a console gamer? which do you think of yourself as? I' m an Arcade, Console and Handheld gamer through and through... Never been a PC gamer and doubt that I ever will be on any level.
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2003
RE: PC or Console Gamer?
Apr 21, 2006 04:14
Console (inc handheld) and Arcade gamer. The only time I' ve been a PC gamer was way back in 1996 when the original Quake hit the scene, and then C&C Red Alert in 1997. Even during this period I never once gave up being an console gamer. Developers just don' t make games I like for PC' s, and I can' t be bothered with RTS' s these days. Even with my shiney new PC which does FarCry easily over 60fps at 1024 x 768 (with all features at max), was not enough to tempt me back. Nice demo for my machine though.
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RE: PC or Console Gamer?
Apr 21, 2006 05:49
...console ofc... ...i have a question though... ..what' s the difference between a PC gamer and a 360 gamer?...
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RE: PC or Console Gamer?
Apr 21, 2006 06:21
I' m a console gamer , but I would play some games on PC if I had a good setup. Thankfully the games I envy PC gamers are coming to consoles lately (Xbox started it and 360 continues it even better). ...i have a question though... ..what' s the difference between a PC gamer and a 360 gamer?... That' s easy - 360 gamer is either an EX PC freak who can' t resist any longer cause even his favourite games are made for it , or a console gamer who' s always wanted to play some of the best PC games , but needed the console quality experience to enjoy them. 360 connects both markets - it' s got the couch,laid back experience,controller,huge HD screen(for some lucky bastards) and awesome 5.1 sound while smoothly running PC hits with great online features.What it also has is a nice library of console games. It' s a bridge between two completely different markets, that are getting closer and closer every day.
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- Joined: Jan 10, 2005
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RE: PC or Console Gamer?
Apr 21, 2006 06:30
When I think of " console gamers" I think of people with sony and nintendo consoles. These are what console games are to me. Your typical third person games that may be action, rpg, sports, driving, or a combination of them. blah I think of myself as a PC gamer. I' ve always been into gaming on the PC. Yes, I got a Dreamcast when it came out. I mostly played PC style games on it though. Many first person shooters and I played a lot of the online games. Then XBox 1 with halo, which was going to be a PC game and is very PCish. I went to LANs all the time to play with other people like with PCs. Then I got xbox live right away and played online games like I do with my PC. Most of the LANs I went to were xbox and PC lans and still are. Now I have xbox 360 which I play many games that are also on PC or are like PC games. And I play it primarly online like PC games. I even have it connected to the same monitor, speakers and keyboard as my PC.
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RE: PC or Console Gamer?
Apr 21, 2006 06:53
...so does this mean that PC gaming is being turned slowly into a new form of console gaming?..... ....when 720 hits, maybe 4 years from now, do you think that it will be soooo much more powerful than any PC (which is immediately evident from launch games), that people will return to just using their PC for work and porn?....
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- Joined: Jan 10, 2005
- Location: Minneapolis
RE: PC or Console Gamer?
Apr 21, 2006 07:09
I don' t think PC gaming will ever die.
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: PC or Console Gamer?
Apr 21, 2006 07:10
I started with console: SEGA Master System and have played consoles through out. IT was until Sega Dreamcast’s conversion of Quake 3 that lead me to buy a Decent PC to play games on.. Dreamcast servers were open for PC players to play vs Dreamcasters.. I realized these guys were kicking everyones asses, so I Got myself a DC mouse and Keyboard and lernt the controls. After a few weeks I was hooked, I realised for playing FPS, M&K offered way more than a pad could ever offer.. I now play both PC and console games.. Tho I will not ever consider playing a Console FPS again, unless it offers mouse and keyboard support as it simply is too unnatural to play..
< Message edited by f3hunter -- 20 Apr 06 23:17:03 >
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
- Location: Manchester, England
RE: PC or Console Gamer?
Apr 21, 2006 07:19
Peter Moore said he definitely wants PC to become more console like with Vista. But the whole allure to PC is that it' s not a console. There' s usually more freedom with what you do with your games and each game is made for a specific audience rather than a mainstream crowd, which (generalising a bit!) tends to give them more depth. When XBox 720 hits, either Vista will have made PC obsolete, or all being well, it' ll still be the platform of choice for those that need a bit of customisation and diversity. A lot of PC games might as well be console games atm unfortunately..
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
RE: PC or Console Gamer?
Apr 21, 2006 10:27
I started my gaming life with a good old 486. I have so many fond memories of the classics from around then. Since then I' ve played on consoles and PC' s but it used to be mostly my PC. I always will be slightly PC biased. However, at times over the past couple of years in particular I' ve noticed a change. At times I felt like ' chucking in' PC gaming altogether, to tell the truth and leave that blasted ' upgrade merry-go-round' . There' s just not enough new titles which fill my particular ' wants' . Far too many of the games produced for PC require the devotion of an amount of time I just don' t have to give, and far too few of the games designed for console, which can be played in small bursts without losing too much of the game ' experience' , are offered for PC as well. It seems that PC gaming is becoming too elitist and focussed on niche segments to me. The amount of innovation (or striving for it) I am seeing on consoles is great. PC gaming seems to have stagnated in most areas with only an occasional hit bringing me back. Every day I see same old, same old. Every day I drift further away from my beloved PC. Gaming on PC' s probably won' t ever die, but it sure has gotten boring.
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- Joined: May 27, 2005
RE: PC or Console Gamer?
Apr 21, 2006 18:41
I completely agree with your last paragraph UnluckyOne, I think if you restrict yourself to PC only these days (which most of us dont) you will pnly play the majority of typical blockbuster titles. But maybe thats what the PC gamers actually want? I think the 360 offers the first decet bridge between the formats too, the number of my mates wives / girlfriends that go on live when their blokes arnt looking for XBL arcade etc... you certainly dont see PC gaming widening their audience...
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