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Olsen twins sue Acclaim
Apr 27, 2004 18:23
Acclaim is being sued by the Olsen twins, for damaging there reputation with bad game titles on PS, PS2, and Gamecube. " the single dark spot on the otherwise unblemished story of the Mary-Kate and Ashley brand." ... BS i think. They been losing rep for years now.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Olsen twins sue Acclaim
Apr 27, 2004 18:50
What the hell...? As if they have any clue what constitues a " good" video game. They just heard on the grapevine that their games were trash (which they are, of course), and got all pissed off. It' s the freakin' Olsen twins...how good could the game possibly be?
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RE: Olsen twins sue Acclaim
Apr 27, 2004 19:52
As if they needed the money!   Thats rediculous, they don' t need the money, and should be happy they got/get $ from the gaming industry, period. (stuck up snobs)
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RE: Olsen twins sue Acclaim
Apr 28, 2004 18:21
Uh huh, they just figured this out? They have never had thier names on a good game. Its not as if thier life or movies are interesting enough to constitute a game. If anyone should be angry it should be George Lucas or anyone with stock in The Matrix. Out of all the Star Wars games, most are mediocre. HOW THE HELL CAN YOU MAKE STAR WARS UNINTERESTING? And, even though Im not a Matrix fan, even diehard fans can' t find the game very entertaining. So, I will wrap this up by concuring, they should be happy someone even makes games about thier lame movies. Also, (so I lied about wrapping this up) if they are succesful, this will hurt the industry, as then anyone and eveyone will sue over cap games (which most licesned games are).
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- Joined: Apr 06, 2004
- Location: Antigonish, NS (Canada)
RE: Olsen twins sue Acclaim
Apr 28, 2004 19:14
As if they have any clue what constitues a " good" video game. They just heard on the grapevine that their games were trash (which they are, of course), and got all pissed off. It' s the freakin' Olsen twins...how good could the game possibly be? I totally agree. How often does a game come out that focuses on one (or two) specific celebrities and is actually a good game? Examples - Olsen twins, britney spears, barbie?
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2004
- Location: PA
RE: Olsen twins sue Acclaim
Apr 28, 2004 20:03
How would they know that they are " bad" games, have they even played through them to know!?!?!? (.....I don' t think so!)
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Olsen twins sue Acclaim
Apr 28, 2004 21:07
Olsen: " Boo Hoo we wanna sue someone, anyone because We suck!"
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: Olsen twins sue Acclaim
Apr 28, 2004 21:13
True Dat...they know they becoming low-rate worthless actors so they need to scoop the money up else where.
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- Joined: Apr 06, 2004
- Location: Antigonish, NS (Canada)
RE: Olsen twins sue Acclaim
Apr 29, 2004 03:37
They are millionaires (or more) so it' s not like they need the money. Plus for their reputation to be ruined they would need to have a good one in the first place. And yea, I doubt they would have any idea what constitutes a " bad game"
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- Joined: Feb 07, 2004
- Location: Canada
RE: Olsen twins sue Acclaim
Apr 29, 2004 05:02
What a bunch of BS! That is regodamdiculous. I agree with everythng you have all said, this is jsut nuts. I want to sue them for every precious second of my life that has been wasted by them and their shite!
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
- Location: Virginia, USA
RE: Olsen twins sue Acclaim
Apr 29, 2004 18:46
Actually Rikka, if they' re lawsuit wins I think I will sue for the waste of my life.
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- Joined: Feb 25, 2003
RE: Olsen twins sue Acclaim
Apr 30, 2004 12:00
I doubt it' s actually Mary-Kate and Ashley who decided to do this. With sales of their trash attire at Wal-Mart decreasing they realized they couldn' t pay the Korean children in sweatshops any less. Their financial council convened and came to the conclusion that since the games really were shit, they' d make use of our flawed legal system and pull this frivolous bullshit. You can substitute the financial council for stage mom/dad maybe. Either way, I don' t think the Olsen Twins have the cognitive capacity to think this up. Maybe justice will be served and Acclaim will counter-sue, leading to a sentence of life as a love slave to me and my friends - but mostly just me. Have they turned 18 yet?
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- Joined: Apr 14, 2004
RE: Olsen twins sue Acclaim
Apr 30, 2004 14:25
you guys do not see the game they are playing they are playing. this all a stunt for that movie that they are coming out with. any type of hype(good or bad) is good for you. if you are on TV then you are famous for that second. they are just in it for more fame!
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