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Official PSP thread (launched!)
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Official PSP thread (launched!)
Mar 30, 2005 13:53
Here you can talk, argue and agree to disagree on anything PSP. I can' t make sense of the Kikizo Forums...? Now we can have a place for all things PSP..! Let' s work together to keep it going. Hope to here from everyone soon. Has anyone heard news on any PSP keyboards?
< Message edited by Adam Doree -- 31 Mar 05 1:06:18 >
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RE: Official PSP thread (launched!)
Mar 30, 2005 19:20
how many movies are out for the PSP, I know spider man 2 comes with it, but what other movies are out there?
Terry Bogard
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RE: Official PSP thread (launched!)
Mar 30, 2005 19:44
I believe the UMD movies will start rolling onto the market in April..
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RE: Official PSP thread (launched!)
Mar 30, 2005 22:34
Yup In a couple of weeks I think. The buzz on the net and from a friend at my local Gamestop is that next month UMD movies will be sold from both EB and Gamestop. Oh look at the time tomarow will be April first so I guess in a week or two. I can' t wait...! Also has anyone heard anything on the new PSP version or as Rockstar is calling it (rendition) of GTA? I hope the make the first game over into 3D like GTA3..??!
< Message edited by Sixteen_Bit -- 31 Mar 05 1:37:55 >
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RE: Official PSP thread (launched!)
Mar 31, 2005 04:45
Apparently it' s being set in Liberty City in a different time period to GTA 3 and will be in 3D. Thats all I' ve heard. While the PSP has been launched in the US over here in the UK we' ve no word on even a launch date. It' s a good thing my DS is keeping me happy.
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RE: Official PSP thread (launched!)
Mar 31, 2005 08:10
Apparently it' s being set in Liberty City in a different time period to GTA 3 and will be in 3D. Thats all I' ve heard. While the PSP has been launched in the US over here in the UK we' ve no word on even a launch date. It' s a good thing my DS is keeping me happy. Wow i' m sorry dude..about the wait for the release of the PSP in Europe..? I do believe thier is a Q4 release period for the PSP...! Just in time for Christmas so remember to pre order and don' t wait untill the last minute to pick it up when it is released. Be like me start saving now..! So you can have plaenty of money for games and extras..! lol So as you will still have the DS I own both and I still play with my awsome DS. GTA to be in 3D yahooooooooooooo! Thanks man I am so excited..!
< Message edited by Sixteen_Bit -- 31 Mar 05 11:10:45 >
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RE: Official PSP thread (launched!)
Apr 01, 2005 18:38
Hello i am new here. I am a big gamer and have been since the Atari 2600 i am a big fan of Nintendo' s stuff and growing more and more against Sony. They used to make the best stuff but recently they have been making crap, I hear about people being on their 4th PS2 and i am on my second and having to get two PS1s and i never really thought about buying a PSP, first there is no game that interest me and the STEEP $250 plus you read about all the problems the PSP has like my friend bought a import and in less then a month already has 3 blown pixels i know they are tiny and not always visible but spending over $350 for a import and having it mess up like that after not even a month it makes me think. My other friend bought a US one and after only a week he said he has seen a couple problems with it plus lots of other reviews saying people had to return it 4-5 times and some as many as 11 times because of problems like allot of dust behind the screen which is not really a problem but a serious annoyance especially paying all that money and also lots of DOAs the game insert doesn' t shut and it being like super fragile just looking as it hard enough will break it haha (sorry couldn' t resist). Plus i don' t see any new about it everything has been pretty much done before except for the wide screen which sounds cool but really do you really need a wide screen? Plus i hear complain that it has bad load times when the DS has none. I have a DS (i got it for x-mas) i love it i think it' s new and cool and think it' s ingenious with tons of potential. Yes i know there is no games for it right now but they have a MUCH more promising library then the PSP which i still have yet to see one killer app that you must have and i can name like 10 at least so far for the DS coming out soon. Like the new upcoming Mario game, Castlevania, Animal Crossing, i hear Nintendogs is adorable and cute, Mario Kart, Meteos, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, a new Four Swords DS, Final Fantasy 3(Japanese), Secret of Mana, Advanced Wars, the upcoming Mist walker game, and also just announced today Hironobu Sakaguchi (the father of Final Fantasy) became the new CEO of Square-Enix (read the story at www.rpgamer.com) said he wants to go back to Square' s roots and make good games like they used to and announced a new FF7 game which takes place between FF7 and FF7:AC and should play like FF7 which is one of my fav games so i am excited about that. The PSP could have been cool but Sony being lazy and stupid made it cheaply which is why they are having so many problems. I think there is room for both the DS and the PSP and i hate how lots of people go eww PSP sucks the DS is better or eww DS sucks and the PSP rules. I don' t like how some people who have a PSP think they are better then the people who have a DS. I am confused why people defend Sony even though they said " dead Pixel' s are not a defect," while Nintendo had 1 dead pixel on the DS and those were rare and Nintendo apologized and offered to replace it with a brand new one for free. See that is why i choose to like Nintendo better they actually care. I also don' t like how magazines such as EGM and Gamepro made this big deal about the PSP and downplayed the DS and Nintendo. Nintendo said the DS is not in competition with the PSP they are too different like the hot ladies on G4tv.com the show said " it' s like comparing apples and oranges" they do different things. But one thing i read was funny about the PSP in the manual it says to not expose to direct sunlight. I was like HMMM a portable handheld where the main purpose for it is to take it outside. I admit i am more biased toward Nintendo because i have been a fan of their stuff since the only NES like 20 years ago and they make much more durable and sturdier systems not to mention they own some of the best game franchises i the world like Mario, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Zelda, Metroid. pokemon, etc... They better be glad their PSP does not use the rumble feature hehe. If Sony fixes the problems with the PSP and lowers the price and comes out with better games i will consider buying one. I don' t hate the PSP i just think it' s crap right now because it sucks paying all that money and having it screw up on you with all the faults it has and it sure smudges easy and one drop and it' s pretty much toast. You can drop, bang, and hit the DS and GBA and it will work just fine they are made to last. Nintendo cares about it' s fans and stuff, and to me it seems that all Sony cares about is making money and not even caring about if their stuff breaks and upset their fans. I hope the new president or CEO does a better job and gets the company back on track like the good ol' days like Sakaguchi has planned for Square-Enix. Sorry for making it so long i tend to ramble on and on it' s inherited both sides of my family don' t know how to shut up they can talk forever hehe.
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RE: Official PSP thread (launched!)
Apr 01, 2005 18:58
Can you do us all a favor and DO NOT write long videogame colums like the one before this onean the one I am replying to.! If you want to write a magazine artical put them in the general threads not this one. [:' (] I mean this is a place to talk about PSP not DS or any reason comparing the two. You can just say you like the DS over PSP. That' s it..OK..!
< Message edited by Sixteen_Bit -- 2 Apr 05 3:01:13 >
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RE: Official PSP thread (launched!)
Apr 02, 2005 11:21
Phoenix 1974 Hironobou Sakaguchi isn' t the new CEO of Square Enix. Wada' s still at the helm. Anyhow I have a PSP - had a Japanese one for a few months. It' s a lovely system but it is arguably over priced. Still I really like mine and Ridge Racers is great. I' m currently awaiting the US versions of Lumines and Wipeout to turn up in the post and then I' ll be PSP gaming for a good few weeks.
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RE: Official PSP thread (launched!)
Apr 02, 2005 13:12
Phoenixxx1974, welcome to the board. I' ve got the same concerns about the PSP. It looks cool and everything but it' s actually a small portable PS2-lite. There' s no games out for it I want that I can' t already get better versions on the PS2 (Bar Metal Gear Acid). The DS is something new and innovative and I' m enjoying mine a lot. It does need some new games though Sony' s arrogance with the PSP has been annoying too. The wy they replied to button problems and dead pixels was horrible. They' ve since backed down and started replacing them like they should, but it puts me off a little. I still want a PSP, I' m a gaming freak and it' s a new must have piece of kit. I' ll buy it if I can afford it when it eventually comes out over here (In time for christmas? I' ll be saving up for my X-Box 2!).
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RE: Official PSP thread (launched!)
Apr 02, 2005 14:22
I' m currently awaiting the US versions of Lumines and Wipeout to turn up in the post and then I' ll be PSP gaming for a good few weeks. doesnt Lumnies come with the PSP????
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RE: Official PSP thread (launched!)
Apr 02, 2005 15:22
No games come with the PSP (unless you live in Canada where it comes bundled with Gretzky).
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RE: Official PSP thread (launched!)
Apr 02, 2005 15:43
damm the psp dint sell out  but atleast it sold well
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RE: Official PSP thread (launched!)
Apr 03, 2005 08:46
Hello again sorry for the long thread i didn' t mean to ramble on plus i read that Hironubo Sakaguchi being CEO was actually a april' s fool joke on www.rpgamer.com which was dissapointing beause the article sounded cool hehe. I' m new to the this forum thing and i guess seeing how people have been raving on about the PSP and i don' t see the big deal about it that i had to get it out you know? Plus the people who i have read who own a PSP keep bashing the DS and i love my DS so i got frustrated. There is plenty of room for both. it' s funny to think that Sony wouldn' t even be in the game business if it wasn' t for Nintendo.
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RE: Official PSP thread (launched!)
Apr 03, 2005 11:52
i love the PSP.i didnt sell well but its a great handhled.what was your first game mine was twisted metal head on
Terry Bogard
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RE: Official PSP thread (launched!)
Apr 03, 2005 12:34
PSP didn' t sell well??? What the heck do you call 450 - 575,000 units sold at launch? ;) The Dreamcast was considered a majorly successful launch at around 360,000 sold at launch and the Playstation sold less than that and was considered a successful launch.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Official PSP thread (launched!)
Apr 03, 2005 12:39
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RE: Official PSP thread (launched!)
Apr 03, 2005 12:54
it did sell well , it just dint sell out like it was hoped for . I bet its because of the prie tag
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RE: Official PSP thread (launched!)
Apr 03, 2005 13:13
It didnt get as much hype in america as in Japan.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Official PSP thread (launched!)
Apr 03, 2005 13:15
Probably also because there were 1 million units available at launch. With supply satisfying demand there were no shortages to worry about.
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