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Now We know why Sony " couldn' t" leave vibration is PS3 controller ...
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Now We know why Sony " couldn' t" leave vibration is PS3 controller ...
May 19, 2006 23:14
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RE: Now We know why Sony " couldn' t" leave vibration is PS3 controller ...
May 19, 2006 23:40
Some of us already said that. Bear in mind that if Sony did drop the appeal they would also have to stop selling PS2' s because they' re packaged with Dual Shock 2' s.
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RE: Now We know why Sony " couldn' t" leave vibration is PS3 controller ...
May 20, 2006 00:49
Why don' t sony just buy the rights to the rampant rabbit and use that as the controller, they enjoy fucking their customers its the next logical step. Hehee... I love forums like this one, some people are pretty pissed about rumble missing, if I ever become a games developer, I am backing Microsoft Games Studio, they have trees that money grows off.
Adam Doree
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RE: Now We know why Sony " couldn' t" leave vibration is PS3 controller ...
May 20, 2006 00:53
Sony in lies *shocker*
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RE: Now We know why Sony " couldn' t" leave vibration is PS3 controller ...
May 20, 2006 01:24
ORIGINAL: Adam Doree Sony in lies *shocker* Exactly what I was thinking.
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RE: Now We know why Sony " couldn' t" leave vibration is PS3 controller ...
May 20, 2006 02:57
Immersion has taken no action against Nintendo at this time. I heard Nintendo developed their own rumble technology and didn' t have to bother with Immersion but when you read that line it seems Nintendo are using Immersion' s stuff to. Anyone who knows the facts?
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RE: Now We know why Sony " couldn' t" leave vibration is PS3 controller ...
May 20, 2006 03:14
Nintendo and Microsoft used Immersion' s technology but settled when cases were bought against them. Microsoft even bought 10% of the company. Nintendo used the technology in the Gamecube controller, but i' m not sure about Wii. I, like you heard they' d developed their own...
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RE: Now We know why Sony " couldn' t" leave vibration is PS3 controller ...
May 20, 2006 03:16
I don' t know the facts but it seemed to me that nintendo weren' t using anything different from that of sony and microsoft I can remember on of immersion' s guys saying ' ' we haven' t looked into their system as yet' ' or something along the lines but I think they' re bound by nintendo somehow it just seems too ' ' weird' ' . Majic posted before me...I didn' t know nintendo had their case brought against them too.
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 19 May 06 19:17:46 >
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RE: Now We know why Sony " couldn' t" leave vibration is PS3 controller ...
May 20, 2006 03:26
I was wrong actually. Nintendo seems to have used a different patent to the one Microsoft and Sony were brought up on and haven' t actually been sued. An inquiry took place but they didn' t pursue it.
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RE: Now We know why Sony " couldn' t" leave vibration is PS3 controller ...
May 20, 2006 03:30
mm...nintendo was also first with theyr rumble pack,i guess sony/ms copied a coompanys techniqute later. But a thing i dont get is... why didn' t they sue them earlier? make no sense...
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RE: Now We know why Sony " couldn' t" leave vibration is PS3 controller ...
May 20, 2006 03:32
Wow, I actually almost knew something for once! But if what you' re saying is true, then why was the article written like that? It sure sounds as Nintendo are using Immersions technology and that they might get sued in the future. Maybe the author of that article didn' t know himself.
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RE: Now We know why Sony " couldn' t" leave vibration is PS3 controller ...
May 20, 2006 03:33
but...they used a rumble pack from the start with n64,mayby they use something other...
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RE: Now We know why Sony " couldn' t" leave vibration is PS3 controller ...
May 20, 2006 03:35
I think it' s really strange...either immersion is bound by nintendo somehow, they don' t want to bring a case against nintendo or they' re biding time, because honestly I don' t think there' s much difference betweent them.
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RE: Now We know why Sony " couldn' t" leave vibration is PS3 controller ...
May 20, 2006 03:36
What about the Dreamcast? What kind of technology were Sega using for their rumble paks?
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RE: Now We know why Sony " couldn' t" leave vibration is PS3 controller ...
May 20, 2006 03:46
Also I found this on immersion' s site The pounding of your heart as you infiltrate enemy lines. Gaming and force feedback technology are a natural fit. That' s why Immersion TouchSense® technology works with game systems like the Sony PlayStation and PlayStation 2, the Nintendo Gamecube and the Microsoft Xbox, surrounding players with the sense of touch. We work with video game console system makers, video game developers, and video game controller manufacturers to give gamers a more realistic and entertaining experience. also As for the rest of the next-gen consoles, Viegas said they have demonstrated their technology to Microsoft, and have no current plans to interact with Nintendo on its upcoming Wii console, nor do they have any plans to file future injunctions against Nintendo or any other company, yet. “We have officially stated we have not performed full analysis on Nintendo’s product so are not in a position to comment on the technology they are using,†Viegas said, adding “we’ll take a look at those.â€
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 19 May 06 20:22:06 >
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RE: Now We know why Sony " couldn' t" leave vibration is PS3 controller ...
May 20, 2006 05:57
ut if what you' re saying is true, then why was the article written like that? It' s quite common to write stupid shit about N for no reason - some editors are only hinting stupid shit , others write it. The technology used in N64 and DC must have been at least a bit different since it wasn' t built in - it was an external device. Another thing is that Nintendo wouldn' t use someone' s technology thinking they could get away with it - they made it first as a gaming company and I expect that they filled neseccary patents for it. One more solution that comes to mind is that guys at immersion decided to target the richest companies - and we know that Nintendo ,while profitable - wasn' t making billions of dollars on N64 and GameCube :)
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 19 May 06 21:58:15 >
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RE: Now We know why Sony " couldn' t" leave vibration is PS3 controller ...
May 20, 2006 12:26
One more solution that comes to mind is that guys at immersion decided to target the richest companies - and we know that Nintendo ,while profitable - wasn' t making billions of dollars on N64 and GameCube :) Really? I doubt that would be the case. Although Microsoft and Sony made more money from software sold on the consoles, Nintendo does not lose cash for every piece of hardware sold. Therefore, they should have some decent cash for Immersion to settle for. I' m leaning to the Nintendo=innovators w/patents train of thought now.
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RE: Now We know why Sony " couldn' t" leave vibration is PS3 controller ...
May 20, 2006 13:53
Nintendo would prolly not make more than MS and Sony. Microsoft is a software company, literally the richest company in the world. Sony is an electronics company whose business isn' t just about games; i.e. multimedia electronics, appliances, that sort of thing. Hence, unfortunately Nintendo definitely doesn' t rank up with them. What profits and warchest they' ve got can' t compare to both Microsoft and Sony' s net worth; hence why Immersion wouldn' t bother with Nintendo. No point trying to sap money from a company that can' t afford it  You can' t really milk big N all that much.
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RE: Now We know why Sony " couldn' t" leave vibration is PS3 controller ...
May 20, 2006 17:27
And add to this that Sony and MS are both huge and well known companies - Nintendo can afford to pay them , but they might not realise this plus ut costs some money to sue people (quite a bit) - maybe Nintendo made their own rumble thing or maybe immersion will get them later. I think it' s the " Nintendo=innovators w/patents train of thought" though
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RE: Now We know why Sony " couldn' t" leave vibration is PS3 controller ...
May 20, 2006 21:47
Right now Sony' s games division cant afford much at all. The majority of the past 4 years profits have gone to the development of Blu-Ray and CELL, the have money but not enough to go settling lawsuits, paying fines or researching their own force feedback technology. That' s one of the reasons why the PS3' s price will be so high. Quez and Gangsta will remember discussions that took place here months ago regarding the likely price of the machine and how i said it wouldn' t be less than $400 and probably as much as $600 due to both the cost of the parts and Sony' s sinking funds. Most people were saying that it would cost $299 but no more, so that they could be competative with Microsoft. Those are the people who were suprised and shocked to see the actual price releaved. Ofcourse they' ve announced the price this early so people can get used to the idea. They need it to be expensive to they can start to claw some money back in, but even at this high pricetag they' ll still be losing money on every machine they build. They' ll have to sell way more PS3' s in the first 12 months than they did PS2' s for the thing to become profitable and a price drop to become viable, otherwise they' re screwed. At any rate, Sony are just doing what Sony do. Overstating power and using smoke and mirrors to win people over.
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