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No 1:1 Motion Control for SW: Force Unleashed
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No 1:1 Motion Control for SW: Force Unleashed
Jan 17, 2008 06:56
Via Kotaku we have some fresh new details on LucasArts' The Force Unleashed (Wii) and the mythological WiiSaber. As we' d heard rumblings of before, swinging the Wiimote will not be 1:1 with the onscreen saber. Force powers will be motion controlled, but whether or not the Wiimote will do double-duty between lightsaber and said powers is uncertain. The only example we know of is Force Push, which requires the player to (you guessed it) push with the nunchuck. Has anybody actually attempted and succeeded at doing 1:1 properly yet?
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RE: No 1:1 Motion Control for SW: Force Unleashed
Jan 17, 2008 08:53
It isn' t possible to do 1:1. The Wiimote isn' t advanced enough. It can' t really tell the difference between tilting forward and swinging forward, stuff like that. The math for determining this stuff is really advanced and I can' t really explain it in a forum post but it comes down to the wiimote doesn' t have enough accelerometers and stuff for 1:1 motion.
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: No 1:1 Motion Control for SW: Force Unleashed
Jan 17, 2008 08:56
All these gamers think they want 1:1 sword control in a Wii game. Almost all of them have no idea how to actually fight with a sword. It would be a travesty with a bunch of stupid self-proclaimed hardcore gamers flailing their arms around. Still, someone should do it just to shut them up.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: No 1:1 Motion Control for SW: Force Unleashed
Jan 17, 2008 10:04
All these gamers think they want 1:1 sword control in a Wii game. Almost all of them have no idea how to actually fight with a sword. It would be a travesty with a bunch of stupid self-proclaimed hardcore gamers flailing their arms around. Still, someone should do it just to shut them up. I agree with you. I used to take Iai classes as well as fencing, and neither Zelda nor Red Steel make the cut when it comes to realistic motions. Gamers should be glad they have the motions games like Zelda give em though.
< Message edited by chimura -- 17 Jan 08 2:04:33 >
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: No 1:1 Motion Control for SW: Force Unleashed
Jan 17, 2008 10:55
I agree with you. I used to take Iai classes as well as fencing, and neither Zelda nor Red Steel make the cut when it comes to realistic motions. Did you really? Excellent! Which style of Iai did you practice? All these gamers think they want 1:1 sword control in a Wii game. Almost all of them have no idea how to actually fight with a sword. But I do.... and I want one...
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RE: No 1:1 Motion Control for SW: Force Unleashed
Jan 17, 2008 11:30
You' ll have to wait for a new controller.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: No 1:1 Motion Control for SW: Force Unleashed
Jan 17, 2008 11:36
As I was gonna get into Kendo, I decided to go with the Seitei style, cause is the most recognized (and really the only style they thought back at home  ) I didn' t get to far (I think I only got to the first of the twelve forms, mea? mae? can' t remember the exact name) cause my college application to the US was accepted and there were no academies near where I lived there. Though if I ever do have the financial power, I would love to study classical Ai and Aikido in Japan. I am really into Japanese history and martial arts, so that would be like a dream come true. I would love to take classical Japanese archery as well, though if I had to choose, definitely the former two. As far as fencing, it was part of our stage combat curriculum in college, so I learned a little bit above the basics, as well as how to choreograph them into stage plays.
< Message edited by chimura -- 17 Jan 08 3:39:14 >
Agent Ghost
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RE: No 1:1 Motion Control for SW: Force Unleashed
Jan 17, 2008 13:40
You' ll have to wait for a new controller. And a new console, Wii doesn' t have the CPU muscle to process all that data in real time and support a game on top of it.
Vx Chemical
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RE: No 1:1 Motion Control for SW: Force Unleashed
Jan 17, 2008 15:35
And a new console, Wii doesn' t have the CPU muscle to process all that data in real time and support a game on top of it. Wii sucks! Iv recently been contemplating on chipping my Wii, since there are no Wii games i want to pay to play, Nintendo already got my cash when i bought the crappy little thing! But then after careful thought, i couldnt even justify paying to get it chipped. What a dusty little box!
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: No 1:1 Motion Control for SW: Force Unleashed
Jan 17, 2008 15:49
Iv recently been contemplating on chipping my Wii, since there are no Wii games i want to pay to play, Nintendo already got my cash when i bought the crappy little thing! But then after careful thought, i couldnt even justify paying to get it chipped. ha ha!
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: No 1:1 Motion Control for SW: Force Unleashed
Jan 18, 2008 00:24
As I was gonna get into Kendo, I decided to go with the Seitei style, cause is the most recognized (and really the only style they thought back at home ) I didn' t get to far (I think I only got to the first of the twelve forms, mea? mae? can' t remember the exact name) cause my college application to the US was accepted and there were no academies near where I lived there. Though if I ever do have the financial power, I would love to study classical Ai and Aikido in Japan. I am really into Japanese history and martial arts, so that would be like a dream come true. As far as fencing, it was part of our stage combat curriculum in college, so I learned a little bit above the basics, as well as how to choreograph them into stage plays. Yeah, you learned Seitei Ippon me (ippon = first, nihon = second, sanbon = third, etc). Back at home? Where is it you' re from? I practiced Toyama, Nakamura and Seitei (all three very similar in kata), Ryu-Sei-Ken Batto-do, Seki Gu Ichi Ryu, the Seki short-arm wakazashi kata, along with the Ryu Sei Ken and Nakamura kumitae actively for about five years. I' ve had to take some time off to focus more on my studies, but with any luck I' ll get back into active practice someday. I would love to take classical Japanese archery as well, though if I had to choose, definitely the former two.
Ah, Kyudo is much harder than it looks. The poundage on the bow is an absolute monster to begin with, no less becoming accurate.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: No 1:1 Motion Control for SW: Force Unleashed
Jan 18, 2008 03:43
Yeah, you learned Seitei Ippon me (ippon = first, nihon = second, sanbon = third, etc). Back at home? Where is it you' re from? I practiced Toyama, Nakamura and Seitei (all three very similar in kata), Ryu-Sei-Ken Batto-do, Seki Gu Ichi Ryu, the Seki short-arm wakazashi kata, along with the Ryu Sei Ken and Nakamura kumitae actively for about five years. I' ve had to take some time off to focus more on my studies, but with any luck I' ll get back into active practice someday. I am from Spain, but lived all my life in Panama. You are well beyond what I learned, but I really enjoyed getting into it. I have always been in martial arts since young. I am a black belt in Hap-ki-do, a Korean art based of kicks, but I haven' t practiced in a long time, so I am kind of rusty. I am just waiting until I finally settle at some place where I know I' ll stay for a while, in order to resume. Ah, Kyudo is much harder than it looks. The poundage on the bow is an absolute monster to begin with, no less becoming accurate. Yeah, those bows are monsters! But I really love the entire ceremony behind it. I guess part of the reason I enjoy activities like that is because I used to have a really wild personality back when I was younger and martial arts always brought a sense of balance and control. A lot of my self-control now at days comes from them and I guess thanks to them I have become quite peaceful. That' s why I would love to take Aikido, as it goes more with my personality now at days.
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- Joined: Aug 23, 2005
RE: No 1:1 Motion Control for SW: Force Unleashed
Jan 18, 2008 12:54
Yes, it' s actually interesting how Western society often sees all martial arts as only something for hyper aggressive types. While it can in fact give some stability and discipline to one' s character.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: No 1:1 Motion Control for SW: Force Unleashed
Jan 18, 2008 13:56
While it can in fact give some stability and discipline to one' s character. I am a firm defender of this ideal. The art itself is meant for inner peace, because it goes hand in hand with discipline. I am not denying that they are dangerous arts, only someone really naive would assume otherwise, is just that some people use it as a mean to show how superior and stronger they are now, which really shows their inner weaknesses.
< Message edited by chimura -- 18 Jan 08 5:56:48 >
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
- Location: Virginia, USA
RE: No 1:1 Motion Control for SW: Force Unleashed
Jan 18, 2008 22:11
I am a firm defender of this ideal. The art itself is meant for inner peace, because it goes hand in hand with discipline. I am not denying that they are dangerous arts, only someone really naive would assume otherwise, is just that some people use it as a mean to show how superior and stronger they are now, which really shows their inner weaknesses. Okay, Yoda
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