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Nintendo wii got a FF and DQ game,wtf?!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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Nintendo wii got a FF and DQ game,wtf?!
May 09, 2006 06:17
So the Square-enix press conference is on and here is what been announced so far... E3: Ankündigungen von der Square Enix Pressekonferenz 08.05.06 - Square Enix hat auf seiner E3-Pressekonferenz mehrere Ankündigungen vorgenommen: - Final Fantasy XII (PS2) erscheint im Oktober 2006 in den USA. - Valkyrie Profile Click Picture (PSP) kommt am 18.07.06 in den USA auf den Markt. - Weitere US-Termine: Valkyrie Profile 2 Click Picture (PS2) Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime (NDS) und Final Fantasy III (NDS) im September 2006. - Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII wird am 22.08.06 in den USA veröffentlicht. - Ebenfalls für die USA bestätigt, aber noch ohne Termin: Final Fantasy V (GBA), Final Fantasy VI, Children of Mana (NDS) und Dawn of Mana (jap. ' Seiken Densetsu 4' ) (PS2). - Ein Trailer wurde zu Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core (PSP) gezeigt: Zack von Soldat ist der Held, auch Sepiroth ist zu sehen. Das Video zeigte keine Spielszenen, sondern nur Zwischensequenzen. Einen Erscheinungstermine gibt es noch nicht. - Ein Dragon Quest erscheint für Wii als Starttitel und heißt Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors. - Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates erscheint für Wii und NDS. (wird fortgesetzt) Basically Nintendo wii will have FF crystall 2,and a spin off to Dragon quest like FF crystall on its launch,nice Nintendo you lucky bastards ;) Now the question is,will 360 get anything? So far quiet,but they save the best for last you could assume... Lets see whats happening...
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Nintendo wii got a FF and DQ game,wtf?!
May 09, 2006 06:20
- Final Fantasy XIII kommt für PlayStation3. FINAL FANTASY 13 has been announced for ps3. Square-enix you fcking pice of shit :P You made us think it might go multiplattform,and you said stop making rumors and lies about ff13 will be announced seeing how it will just make the fans sad. Finally Fantasy XIII comes for PlayStation3. Square Enix showed demo, the hero is female. Producer is Yoshinori Kitase, Director Motomu Toriyama.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 8 May 06 22:27:34 >
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RE: Nintendo wii got a FF and DQ game,wtf?!
May 09, 2006 07:45
FF crystal chronicles and DQ for Wii are launch titles !! what an amazing launch it will be FF13 realtime looks awesome simply awesome - PS3 is getting more and more attention from me
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Nintendo wii got a FF and DQ game,wtf?!
May 09, 2006 07:51
It did,however the feel of that game however made me feel unsure...the visual was just amazing,but the feel of the pic made me...oh nvm i will no jduge it untill i hjave more info/pics about it... btw FF crystall 2 yes. Might not have anything to do with the first one... :P
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: Nintendo wii got a FF and DQ game,wtf?!
May 09, 2006 09:18
360 DOES get Lost Odyssey, which ultimately, is going to feel like psuedo-FF cos of Hironobu Sakaguchi. Besides the iffy and so far unstated ' how the heck is an immortal (and apparently semi-invulnerable judging by the interview) man going to die in battle' system, I' m looking more forward to LO than to any FF =/ FF feels kinda stagnant now... Here' s hoping though, that it won' t be an Action RPG =/ Also, doesn' t the 360 get some remake of and old parody Jap RPG? Can' t remember the name, but I know it was a little spoofericfic, and had a battle system built around a ' rock-scissors-paper' concept as ' frog-snake-slug' . It didn' t impress though. Looked like an early generation PS2 game =/
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Nintendo wii got a FF and DQ game,wtf?!
May 09, 2006 10:16
Yes i know. But i though S-E was gonna support them still...
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Nintendo wii got a FF and DQ game,wtf?!
May 09, 2006 10:19
Square-enix you fcking pice of shit :P You made us think it might go multiplattform,and you said stop making rumors and lies about ff13 will be announced seeing how it will just make the fans sad. Hate to say I told you so but, umm nevermind, lol... Anyways I told you that Square Enix was HANDCUFFED to Sony' s bed post, and that reason alone meant that their next-gen offline (main) Final Fantasy adventure would be PS3 exclusive 
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: Nintendo wii got a FF and DQ game,wtf?!
May 09, 2006 16:25
Nintendo is garenteed a successful launch now in Japan with a DQ game at launch not to mention their own games. Wario Ware has also been confirmed. As well as FF crystal chronicles which i think they learned from the first what to do and not do. SO hoping it turns out to be a next gen must have series :-)
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: Nintendo wii got a FF and DQ game,wtf?!
May 09, 2006 16:50
Nintendo kicks ass - they have so many aaa titles for launch , today their conference shoul seriously kick our asses -it always does , and then there' s a bright future ahead of it. I think they can rock Japan this time. Did you get that feeling on Sony' s conference that those guys are amateurs? I know I did - they wait for applause , they act like they are announcing huge things while talking some normal stuff and so on :)
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: Nintendo wii got a FF and DQ game,wtf?!
May 09, 2006 16:52
it was boring and even 1up.com said they were disapointed. Sony is in serious hot water right now. THey are banking everything on blu-ray and the PS3 losing billions
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: Nintendo wii got a FF and DQ game,wtf?!
May 10, 2006 10:49
I' m not sure on the details, but definitely, Square Enix isn' t going to give a hundred percent (heck, not even seventy percent!) to the Xbox. Prolly, we' d get half-baked ports of other Square Enix titles that have nothing to do with FF; and even if they DO make an original series, they' d port it over to the PS, and heck, could start making sequels only for the PS ala Nintendo-to-Playstation for FFVII =/ Edit: Wish I could go see E3...anyway, guessing that Playstation is just setting detractors up for a surprise later, or maybe they ARE finally buckling under the pressure =/?
< Message edited by Byakko -- 10 May 06 2:50:40 >
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