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Nintendo announces 45 games in the work for Wii!!
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Nintendo announces 45 games in the work for Wii!!
Apr 28, 2007 07:57
With the Wii' s unprecedented success, Nintendo' s about to flood the Wii with games!! 45 of them.   http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=conewsstory&refer=conews&tkr=NTDOY:US&sid=aXvRwZ3iOQw4 April 27 (Bloomberg) -- Nintendo Co., the world' s biggest maker of handheld game players, said it' s developing 45 software titles for the Wii console, a device that helped drive profit sevenfold in the past quarter. Considering that Nintendo has been very quiet regarding any new titles for the Wii this comes as quite a surprise, but if they want the Wii to continue to be a success then this is a step in the right direction. I' m not sure if its 45 games over the life of the console or within a certain time frame but this is most definately great news and a sign of strong commitment Nintendo has for its new money maker. Is that more Nintendo made games then the GC had in its life time?
< Message edited by Terrak -- 27 Apr 07 23:58:40 >
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RE: Nintendo announces 45 games in the work for Wii!!
Apr 28, 2007 08:03
45 1st party titles? Cool. Now let' s see ' em.
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: Nintendo announces 45 games in the work for Wii!!
Apr 28, 2007 08:16
Remember that Nintendo' s " games" quite often include remakes of old titles, disney games, ps2 ports, and virtual console games, which any long time gamer has already played. I' m not saying that the list won' t include good games, or that its a bad thing, but we have to remember that this is PR speak, and they tend to leave out all the details that really matter. If I see any Virtual Console games put in their list of " new games" then I will know for certain they are just using hype. I don' t count games I played years and years ago on the original consoles they were made for " new" .
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RE: Nintendo announces 45 games in the work for Wii!!
Apr 28, 2007 08:22
If it includes Nintendo published titles then it' s not a big deal. If it' s Nintendo developed games then it' s great.
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RE: Nintendo announces 45 games in the work for Wii!!
Apr 28, 2007 08:23
So... subtract from 45 the games that have mario, or any old Nentendo character in it, and we' re left with " X" amount of games... now take " X" amount of games and spread that out over a peroid of 4 years.... that leaves us with... what?
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RE: Nintendo announces 45 games in the work for Wii!!
Apr 28, 2007 08:47
Dagashi I doubt that VC are included in the 45 titles they are supposedly working on, because VC is at the moment about reselling classic titles, not new games. The 45 titles mentioned are being developed so i really think that these are not VC titles. Also i don' t think Nintendo develops Disney games, or ps2 ports so those are not included either. COnsidering the annoucement of the Wiimusic and Wiihealth packs i think a few games will be like those and probably some old and new franchises. But yes until i hear what is on the list its good news but not ground breaking news Nitro i guess the article is too vague to make any real assumptions about what to expect. But 45 Nintendo developed games would be nice. Ninja Protocol there no indication if those 45 titles are over the life of the Wii. It could mean by the end of the Fiscal year or 2 years etc. Secondly Mario games sell so it obvious there are gonna be a quite a few. Hopefully some new IP are included, with Disaster Day of Crisis and Project HAMMER looking interesting. Hopefully more is on the way.
Virtua fighter 5
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RE: Nintendo announces 45 games in the work for Wii!!
Apr 28, 2007 08:54
Ive said it before and i' ll say it again. Wii' s like DS, this time next year, we' ll be flooded with games..
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RE: Nintendo announces 45 games in the work for Wii!!
Apr 28, 2007 08:55
Confirmed & rumoured Nintendo developed Wii software for the next 2 years... 1. Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree 2. Mario Party 8 3. Pokemon Battle Revolution 4. Mario Strikers Charged 5. DK Bongo Blast 6. Super Mario Galaxy 7. Battalion Wars 2 8. Disaster: Day of Crisis 9. Project H.A.M.M.E.R. 10. Super Smash Bros. Brawl 11. Metroid Prime 3 Corruption 12. Wii Health 13. Wii Music 14. Mario & Sonic At The Olympics 15. Animal Crossing Wii 16. Forever Blue 17. Wii Motor Sports 18. The Legend of Zelda Wii 19. Fire Emblem Wii 20. Yoshi' s Island Wii Add in Pikmin, F-Zero, Pilotwings, Starfox, Mario sports games (golfm baseball,basketball), Nintendogs, Chibi Robo etc and it isn' t hard to believe that they' re Nintendo 1st party games.
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RE: Nintendo announces 45 games in the work for Wii!!
Apr 28, 2007 12:33
Ive said it before and i' ll say it again. Wii' s like DS, this time next year, we' ll be flooded with games.. The DS is flooded with games? Are you saying good games or just games in general? Im not sure if I can name more than 6 really good games. I mean, I think the games that it does have that are good are actually great but they need more.
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RE: Nintendo announces 45 games in the work for Wii!!
Apr 28, 2007 17:58
Mario Party 8, Mario Party9, Mario Party 10, Mario Party 11, Mario Party 12, Mario Party 13, Mario Party 14, Mario Party 15, Mario Party 16, Mario Party 17, Mario Party 18, Mario Party 19, Mario Party 20, Mario Party 21, Mario Party 22, Mario Party 23, Mario Party 24, Mario Party 25, Mario Party 26, Mario Party 27, Mario Party 28, Mario Party 29, Mario Party 30, Mario Party 31...
Agent Ghost
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RE: Nintendo announces 45 games in the work for Wii!!
Apr 28, 2007 18:46
I came close to buying a GIMP the other day. I walked into an EB games. I asked if they had any Wiis, they laughed at me so I turned around, went to compusmart and bought a black Ipod video instead. The screen on my nano cracked after I dropped it two feet so it had to be replaced anyways. From the list that Majik is showing. Number 10.,15,18,19 are the ones that might interest me.
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RE: Nintendo announces 45 games in the work for Wii!!
Apr 28, 2007 21:05
ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost I came close to buying a GIMP the other day. Ditto. I was in the Trafford Centre in Manchester and was walking past GAME (EB games) and saw a shitload of people queueing. So i went to see what was going on and notice Wii boxes on the counter. I asked how many they had and was told that if i wanted one i could have one right then. For 5 minutes i was staring at the shelf with Wii games on it and could only come up with Zelda and Sonic, so i decided to let someone else have the machine.
Evil Man
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RE: Nintendo announces 45 games in the work for Wii!!
Apr 29, 2007 02:00
I wish Nintendo would have made 720p standard for Wii games :( I have Paper Mario & Zelda Twilight Princess, but there isn' t much I plan to get soon, I might get Mario Party 8, after that it' ll be a while before I get another game.
Evil Man
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RE: Nintendo announces 45 games in the work for Wii!!
Apr 29, 2007 02:04
ORIGINAL: Nitro ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost I came close to buying a GIMP the other day. Ditto. I was in the Trafford Centre in Manchester and was walking past GAME (EB games) and saw a shitload of people queueing. So i went to see what was going on and notice Wii boxes on the counter. I asked how many they had and was told that if i wanted one i could have one right then. For 5 minutes i was staring at the shelf with Wii games on it and could only come up with Zelda and Sonic, so i decided to let someone else have the machine. Sonic is garbage. You should have gotten Zelda and Paper Mario. And actually, that' s how I bought my Wii too, I didn' t really want one, but it was an impulse buy, how can you not buy a $250 console, I' ve spent 10 times more on worse things.
Mass X
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RE: Nintendo announces 45 games in the work for Wii!!
Apr 29, 2007 02:37
I avoided it and still do now that my girlfriend has it. Tho she bought that stupid cooking mama game...  I did convince her to buy Zelda immeidatly tho. That games awsome. Only thing that brings it down a notch is the controls, but you get used to them. My brother has Paper Mario and he loves it.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Nintendo announces 45 games in the work for Wii!!
Apr 29, 2007 02:39
With the Wii' s unprecedented success, Nintendo' s about to flood the Wii with games!! 45 of them They dont count if they are all Mario Party games.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Nintendo announces 45 games in the work for Wii!!
Apr 29, 2007 02:50
Why do they even number their Mario Party games? No one knows the difference and no one cares. I bet they can save a significant porting of development costs if they just stop counting.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Nintendo announces 45 games in the work for Wii!!
Apr 29, 2007 02:59
I wish new Mario Party games get released every month, each worse than the last! and that the only way to buy your online wii points [or whatever you use to buy vc games] is to buy the new Mario Party that came out that day, in order to buy and to play older Mario Party games on the N64! This is Genius! I bet a cool new Feature of mario party is the wiimote, the minigames are limitless, like putting the wiimore in your pocket and then shakeing out all the money out into Nintendo' s onscreen hands! the more money, the more you win!
< Message edited by Silentbomber -- 28 Apr 07 19:03:05 >
Evil Man
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RE: Nintendo announces 45 games in the work for Wii!!
Apr 29, 2007 07:50
I liked the first mario party, never played any of the sequels, so I' ' ll be good with mario party 8.
Mass X
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RE: Nintendo announces 45 games in the work for Wii!!
Apr 29, 2007 08:43
They change it up from time to time. It' s a good Idea to just go with like every 3rd game or so in the series. Im sure this one will have no choice but to be a bit different what with the Wii mote and all. Itd be nice tho is minigame from previous Mario Party' s would make it over to the new ones that way they list of games woul dbe ridiculous. Of course they cant take them all, like the ones that are essentially the same game but only slightly tweaked...thatsd just be redundent.
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