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Nintendo GO ????
Mar 24, 2006 20:31
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RE: Nintendo GO ????
Mar 24, 2006 20:44
Just browsed around and found out that GO means 5 in japanese...SO its makes sense as this is nintendo' s 5th console.........
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RE: Nintendo GO ????
Mar 24, 2006 22:02
Wow, EVERYBODY here is stupid. Yesterday, Nintendo GO, Zelda on DS AND the Genesis stuff was all being discussed in the GDC thread. I don' t see why they all need their own... Also, it' s not definately going to be called Nintendo GO. It' s not official at any rate. I certainly think ' N5' is possible, and it' s been rumoured to be called that for a long while, but nothing is official and Nintendo may decide to keep the name Revolution.
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RE: Nintendo GO ????
Mar 24, 2006 23:11
Jesus majik...i didnt know it was already discussed...no need to go all ballistic...
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RE: Nintendo GO ????
Mar 27, 2006 01:51
no need to go all ballistic... I get the impression that ' going ballistic' is some sort of trademark with him.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Nintendo GO ????
Mar 27, 2006 07:25
The Revolution will NOT be called " Go" .
Game Junkie
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RE: Nintendo GO ????
Mar 27, 2006 08:00
You know Majik not everyone is on 6 hours a day everyday.
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RE: Nintendo GO ????
Mar 27, 2006 08:19
ORIGINAL: Game Junkie You know Majik not everyone is on 6 hours a day everyday. Care to elaborate? I just didn' t understand why, if there' s a thread called GDC and the stuff being talked about in here as well as the other separate threads, is directly related to GDC. Then wouldn' t it be wise to see if what you' re going to post a topic about is already under discussion? For the record, i think " ballistic" is too strong a definition to describe my post. You guys are obviously just really sensitive!
Terry Bogard
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RE: Nintendo GO ????
Mar 27, 2006 08:27
I think they were actually hinting in a not-so-round-about way that Nintendo' s next-gen console will be known as the Nintendo Ballistic! Kinda has a nice ring to it to!
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 27 Mar 06 0:27:55 >
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RE: Nintendo GO ????
Mar 27, 2006 08:28
... I still maintain they should have stuck with NITRO for the DS!!!
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RE: Nintendo GO ????
Mar 27, 2006 13:22
Hmmm... I actually rather like the sound of the Nintendo DS so I can' t entirely agree with you there. Even still, the Nitro would have grown on me as well I suppose if the future would have unfolded in the manner it did with the DS. (Of course, why wouldn' t it?) As for the " Nintendo GO" , I' m hoping that Nintendo plays this as the japanese equivalent of five rather than the actual word " Go" . I' ve always been quite fond of the console name N5, I think it just has a bit of a sleekness too it that suits the smooth aesthetics of the console itself. None of this applies if they ultimately don' t change it though... I also like the title " Revolution" , so I wouldn' t be upset if they kept it. In fact, I don' t belief I' ve ever actually seen a complaint about that moniker. If they' re going to change it though, they should be fine in terms of public perception. Outside of relatively hardcore gaming circles, the Revolution is not a widely known console. (If you ask ten people on the street what the " Revolution" is, what would you expect to hear? Pose the same question for the PS3. What is the difference?) The real spotlight will be placed upon the Revolution this E3, so a name change would still be acceptable from a marketing standpoint.
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RE: Nintendo GO ????
Mar 27, 2006 23:00
Try asking if people know of Nintendo Revolution and you will get more " yes" replies. The power of the Nintendo brand is the same as the Playstation brand. The reason why Sony has never changed the names of their consoles is because the name " Playstation" is more related to videogames than the name " Sony" . It' s the opposite with Nintendo. Everyone knows about Nintendo but who the hell knows what " Gamecube" is.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 27 Mar 06 15:01:49 >
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RE: Nintendo GO ????
Mar 28, 2006 01:35
You guys are obviously just really sensitive! LOL! maybe they are just SPECIAL! Ha! As for the " Nintendo GO" , I' m hoping that Nintendo plays this as the japanese equivalent of five rather than the actual word " Go" . The slide came from Japan and if it was going to be NINTENDO GO in the west then it wouldnt have been NINTENDO GO on a Japanese slide. Its meant to be N5 which has been around for ages. Whetehre it will be called that or not its still cool and sounds about right. How would they incorporate Revolution into the logo?
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RE: Nintendo GO ????
Mar 28, 2006 06:46
I like the sound of G... O... rolls more smoothly than DS for me Hope it is not Go
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RE: Nintendo GO ????
Mar 28, 2006 06:54
Jeez! It ISNT " GO" for crying out loud. Majik has already mentioned it and i mentioned it in my previous post. Since the slide originated in Japan, and " GO" is Japanese for " Five" then " Nintendo GO" simply means " Nintendo FIVE" or " N5" . It wouldnt be called Nintendo GO in the west, it would be called " Nintendo GO" in Japan. For me and you it would be " N5" . Its also still speculation!
Chee Saw
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RE: Nintendo GO ????
Mar 28, 2006 07:53
I say they call it the " Nintendo Ultra" ! Damn, why does that sound familiar?
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RE: Nintendo GO ????
Mar 28, 2006 08:03
Sulphur_Genius I know what was said if you were refering to me G... O...D... S.. lol hmmm I was saying Gee/Jee Ohh the sound of which I like I hope Nintendo isn' t trying to give themselves a slick ego boost
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RE: Nintendo GO ????
Mar 28, 2006 08:05
ORIGINAL: Chee Saw I say they call it the " Nintendo Ultra" ! Damn, why does that sound familiar? I never liked Ultra 64, it was a bit rubbish really! Perhaps they should call it the Nintendo Playstation since Nintendo technically own the rights to the Playstation name.
< Message edited by Sulphur_Genius -- 28 Mar 06 0:11:35 >
Joe Redifer
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RE: Nintendo GO ????
Mar 28, 2006 09:55
OK this is crazy talk, but I think they should call it... bear with me here I know I' m gonna sound like an absolute insane nut for even daring to suggest this but.... they should call it... the Nintendo Revolution.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Nintendo GO ????
Mar 28, 2006 10:15
Super Nintendo Revolution!! 
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