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Ninja Gaiden Black on PS3???
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Ninja Gaiden Black on PS3???
Jun 15, 2006 10:44
NG2 will undoubtedly end up on 360, ...that' s virtually been confirmed already. But my guess is that it will be multi-format, with 360 seeing it first and PS3 getting a revamped NGB in the meantime. http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3151506
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Ninja Gaiden Black on PS3???
Jun 15, 2006 15:14
Team Ninja has never really been fond of the Sony, so why release games for their consoles!
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RE: Ninja Gaiden Black on PS3???
Jun 15, 2006 18:36
I have just vomited inside my mouth.... Just a little bit though... Not too much.. There goes breakfast..
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RE: Ninja Gaiden Black on PS3???
Jun 15, 2006 19:01
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical Team Ninja has never really been fond of the Sony, so why release games for their consoles! True that, Itagaki dosen' t think Japanese developer/hardware fully understand the relationship between American support, since Microsoft release the original xbox, the only strong Japanese support was from tecmo ' ' Team Ninja' ' which release xbox exclusive titles, now with the contract and a form of partnership, I' d say all of Team Ninja future titles will be an xbox360 exclusive, now Sony in the other hand has many 3rd party support, example Namco ' ' Tekken 6' ' and Sega ' ' Virtual Fighter 5' ' now it seem that Itagaki realize that Sony is getting a better treatment, and Midrosoft is lacking support, he want' s to back-up Microsoft. Now in my opinion, Team Ninja is best to stick with Microsoft, from these past couple of years the ' ' DOA' ' and ' ' Ninja Gaiden' ' series had made a better choice on Microsoft rather then Sony, thats the way I see it, you guys remember ' ' Crash Bandicoot' ' the ex-mascot of Sony, ever since he switch platform (to Microsoft) his career was over, I don' t know if he has any plan' s for the next-gen console.
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RE: Ninja Gaiden Black on PS3???
Jun 15, 2006 19:05
In my humble opinion Crash Bandicoot' s career was over becuase the sequels got worse and worse, just like Sonic. But I doubt Crash will make a comeback like him.
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RE: Ninja Gaiden Black on PS3???
Jun 15, 2006 19:43
ORIGINAL: ginjirou In my humble opinion Crash Bandicoot' s career was over becuase the sequels got worse and worse, just like Sonic. But I doubt Crash will make a comeback like him. Hmmm, you' re right. I also see Sonic career slipping away anytime soon, Yuji Naka and Sega, had manage to place him in the next-gen platform even for Nintendo wii, but the fans seem tired of sequel after sequel, I guess Sonic will raise the white flag later on, the franchise is old and not enough new innovative gameplay, Miyamoto is a very innovative guy, he always improve every Mario game with new innovative gameplay, thats why Mario will always be around.
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RE: Ninja Gaiden Black on PS3???
Jun 15, 2006 20:41
Well Itagaki expressed a lot of concern about PS3' s development price, and more recently the retail price of the hardware, so this could easily be a way around that since it wouldn' t cost much at all to upgrade the game as all the assets are already in place. Xbox had an NVIDIA card just as PS3 does, so porting the game would be very easy. DMC3:DA (just released on PC ) is rumoured to be headed to 360, so i don' t see how hard it is to believe that Tecmo (a strong Sony supporter) would have Team Ninja put out Black on Sony' s machine.
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RE: Ninja Gaiden Black on PS3???
Jun 15, 2006 20:46
Man, I loved Ninja Gaiden until I got stuck on that big Purple she-demon who flieas through the stained glass window. Gave up on it after her. A new one on 360 will be awesome though! I do hope they can diversify the titles on 360, I love FPS as much as the next man (in case you didn' t see old Master Chief as my pic there), however we' re already getting bogged down with them. Roll on Viva Pinata!!!!
Vx Chemical
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RE: Ninja Gaiden Black on PS3???
Jun 15, 2006 20:51
Yeah the queen was a bad ass bitch, but i got her down after around 20 tries, and i had little health before entering!
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RE: Ninja Gaiden Black on PS3???
Jun 15, 2006 21:04
You have to roll a lot and when she flies towards you do the A+y thing and jump against her and put that sword through her stomach,also sometimes you can use nippo when she is using magic and hit her back.
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RE: Ninja Gaiden Black on PS3???
Jun 15, 2006 21:52
Altough, a bit of topic. But i think that the Crash Bandicoot games got worse and worse just because they switched developers. I' ve played the three first games and i loved them (the four first were developed by Naughtydog) the rest of the games have been made of about two or three other gamedevelopers. That might be the cause of the series going wrong.
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RE: Ninja Gaiden Black on PS3???
Jun 16, 2006 03:36
I hear DOA Code Cronus is either an RPG or a game very similar to Ninja Gaiden except focused on Ayane and Kasumi' s life. According to Itagaki its most definetly NOT a fighting game. Could be an Action RPG.
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RE: Ninja Gaiden Black on PS3???
Jun 16, 2006 05:04
Yeah and it could be a game similar to Tenchu too with RPG-like stats. I don' t see how a traditional RPG could possibly work.
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RE: Ninja Gaiden Black on PS3???
Jun 17, 2006 03:39
if not a fighting game then what could be 
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RE: Ninja Gaiden Black on PS3???
Jun 17, 2006 05:50
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RE: Ninja Gaiden Black on PS3???
Jun 17, 2006 06:00
I know, but that was specifically about NG2. I just thought the possibility of Black on PS3 was interesting, ...it' d certainly make sense wouldn' t it?
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- Joined: Jun 02, 2006
RE: Ninja Gaiden Black on PS3???
Jun 18, 2006 03:51
Team Ninja has never really been fond of the Sony, so why release games for their concoles actually , team ninja didn' t wanted to go on ps2, because xbox was more powerful but now with ps3 it will change because ps3 is more owerful ( even itagaki said that so it' s not impossible for team ninja to develop, some games like ninja gaiden or dead or alive 5
Terry Bogard
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RE: Ninja Gaiden Black on PS3???
Jun 18, 2006 04:26
Team Ninja has never really been fond of the Sony, so why release games for their concoles That' s Kenji Eno, not Itagaki-san ;)
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RE: Ninja Gaiden Black on PS3???
Jun 18, 2006 04:42
even itagaki said that Link?   There' s almost zero chance that DoA5 will end up on PS3 as that would mean going head to head directly with Namco and Sega' s Tekken and Virtua Fighter respectively. The best chance the game has of success is on 360 and Team Ninja know that. Itagaki also said (when asked about NG2) that he would never disappoint his Xbox fans. That virtually rules NG2 out for PS3, Ofcourse, PS3 could theoretically recieve a version of the game as well as 360. We know that DoAX2 is bound for 360. We know that NG2 will be on 360. We know that DoA5 will be on 360. That leaves 2 of Team Ninja' s announced games left open: - Project Progressive - DoA: Coder Chronus However, as i said, it' s viable that Black could be ported to PS3 as it' d be a really quick and easy way to make a lot of money.
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RE: Ninja Gaiden Black on PS3???
Jun 20, 2006 22:13
If DoA5 cant compete with the other fighters in an openly growing field then maybe it doesnt need to be released till the tensions have cooled.
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