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Night' s Review
Dec 19, 2007 15:13
I was browsing IGN and I saw the review for Nights: Journey of Dreams and I remembered some of you guys were pretty excited about it. Night' s Review I know how some of you (myself included) feel about mainstream reviewers, though IGN is normally a little softer than most and can be right on the money sometimes. I won' t comment on this, as I have never played the original Night' s, but it seems there was some lack of polish overall according to the review.
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RE: Night' s Review
Dec 19, 2007 17:01
All i can say is that it was expected. Today' s Sega is nothing like what we once knew, and i' m sure most of us knew deep inside that something like this had a big chance of happening... The overall lack of polish (something i can' t comment much, since i haven' t played it) seems like a mainstay in Sega nowadays... Save Virtua Fighter. Thank you Sega for ruining the only franchise you had that remained imaculated. I hope you bankrupt soon... (and it this last phrase really hurt to type) :(
< Message edited by killemoff -- 19 Dec 07 9:02:26 >
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RE: Night' s Review
Dec 19, 2007 19:02
Ooh Gamespot is up as well they give it 7.5 Gamespot review While doesn' t say it' s spectacular...I think IGN was a bit harsh though.
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RE: Night' s Review
Dec 19, 2007 20:18
God damn you Sonic Team! I bet the PS2 remake of the original orcks though...
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RE: Night' s Review
Dec 19, 2007 20:19
SEGA should sell their franchises, seriously, they have forgotten how to make games, and the only one that is still doing well is Virtua Fighter, which is a welcome but it' s not enough. Tch.
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RE: Night' s Review
Dec 20, 2007 00:17
I suspect that it automatically got some slightly lower scores due to the " dated" gameplay. Though I didn' t expect it to get high scores or anything. By the way, how were previews of the game? I didn' t read many but it seems as if those few were more positive as usual compared to the eventual review.
< Message edited by ys -- 19 Dec 07 16:17:45 >
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RE: Night' s Review
Dec 20, 2007 00:22
If you want me anything call the morgue... ...because this is one guy that' ll be hanging with a rope around his neck pretty soon.
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RE: Night' s Review
Dec 20, 2007 01:02
Consider this Sonic Team' s official pinch: You' re not dreaming. After over a decade of fevered anticipation, a new NiGHTS is finally here. Few they may be, fans of the original Sega Saturn game have always held the franchise in the highest regard, and to that proud brood we can happily say that everything you loved about Into Dreams is here to behold on the Wii' s NiGHTs: Journey of Dreams. Majestically soaring through hallucinatory landscapes with the power of (slightly) unrestrained flight makes the jump masterfully. Essentially, NiGHTS is almost a sidescroller, but you can now maneuver beyond the doldrums of left and right, launching headlong into the world of up, down, and everything in between. From the lovably odd character designs, to a soundtrack that' s equal parts soaring and soothing; everything re-imagined, or inspired by the original game is just as endearing as ever. Bounding through the air, collecting orbs while linking plentiful varieties of loops and rings, is still wonderful beyond compare. And to that extent, Sega has cranked out one of the most distinctive and charming titles available on any console. That' s how gamesradar starts off their review and they gave it an 8 Gamesrader review I' m not one for reviews really I ussually whipe my ass with them...but for this game I' m making an exception and reading them. Going from what Gamesradar wrote in their review (which I actually find well written and fair) an 8 is about the right score for this game. Still think IGN are being bitches though...but not surprising it got that score I knew it would end up like that. IGN loves to take a crap on anything that' s Sonic Team or SEGA. A bit surprised by gamespot really I personally saw a 6 coming not a 7.5. Gamespot is actually more possitive in what they' ve written than the number actually makes you think. All in all the game turned out as good. Could have been great if they didn' t add a few things and worked on it a bit longer. That' s how it seems. But really Ginjirou there doesn' t seem to be any reason to hang yourself just yet. If you enjoyed NiGHTS: into dreams, you' ll surely have a lot of fun with this one as well. The game is good, it just needed some more time to be great though.
< Message edited by demonoroth -- 19 Dec 07 17:10:38 >
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RE: Night' s Review
Dec 20, 2007 01:08
Massive sales = Polished sequel in the future (hopefully) So when I get a Wii I' ll make sure to buy it. But I don' t know if I' ll play it
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RE: Night' s Review
Dec 20, 2007 01:54
Just play the damn game! If you are a fan, a review shouldn' t deter you from playing it. Reviews are often time just biased. Though I am surprised IGN' s score has been the lowest yet, as they tend to be more forgiving. Edit: Well, I would just discount gamespot' s review really, as the guy that reviewed it is the same guy that gave Uncharted an 8 for having tough enemies and easy platforming and is also the same guy that gave Assassin' s Creed a 9 and just seemingly forgot to mention that the game has quite a few faults.
< Message edited by chimura -- 19 Dec 07 17:57:59 >
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RE: Night' s Review
Dec 20, 2007 02:22
Edit: Well, I would just discount gamespot' s review really, as the guy that reviewed it is the same guy that gave Uncharted an 8 for having tough enemies and easy platforming and is also the same guy that gave Assassin' s Creed a 9 and just seemingly forgot to mention that the game has quite a few faults Dude this sounds like your review for Uncharted. Here is what I suggest when it comes to reviews, find one you like(aka agrees with you on games you have played) and even then make sure they explain their reasoning behind their score/opinion. I mean there are people out there that are like nearly everyone(even joe) and so other then that stop quoting reviews.
< Message edited by Torr -- 19 Dec 07 18:22:28 >
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RE: Night' s Review
Dec 20, 2007 02:39
I prefer videoreviews, much easier to form an opinion of your own. I like the reviews at gametrailers.com If only Kikizo would have video reviews with Free High-guality video being one of the strongest points of the site...
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RE: Night' s Review
Dec 20, 2007 02:43
Dude this sounds like your review for Uncharted. How does it sound like mine? I said that gunfights are tough and platforming easy, but neither is in a complaining tone, nor did I deducted points from my score because of it. I only complained about some quirks in the covering system. I wouldn' t deduce scores based on enemies toughness, unless they were downright easy and just there for you to use as fodder. The number of enemy waves can be a bit frustrating, but it wasn' t enough to detract from my enjoyment of the game. But I would reduce points for glitches and lackluster mission design, which are two glaring things this reviewer skipped while reviewing Assassin' s Creed. Enjoyment of a game does factor in the end, as you' ll probably tend to be more forgiving in a game you enjoyed, but this guy seems to hand out scores mostly out his own enjoyment rather than pointing out its technical, design or just gaming problems. Granted, this is not always the case, as he was a lot more objective in this particular review.
< Message edited by chimura -- 19 Dec 07 18:47:35 >
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RE: Night' s Review
Dec 20, 2007 03:26
ORIGINAL: ginjirou I like the reviews at gametrailers.com As I said not that I base buying a game on a review or not. But yeah I most of the time get along with what they say at gametrailers. I' m actually waiting on their review of NiGHTS...if I had to take a guess then I' d say they' ll give it a 7 or 7.5 max.
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RE: Night' s Review
Dec 20, 2007 03:28
Gametrailers has some of the most reliable reviews I' ve seen in a while. The videos help a lot too.
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RE: Night' s Review
Dec 20, 2007 08:45
Interesting gamesradar review. I suspect that it might be closer to my personal view. The style and so on is indeed inventive and different compared to all the other new titles, doesn' t that garner any points anymore these days? Not when it' s Sega I' ve noticed quite often. There' s one thing that puzzles me though. How reviewers sometimes detract points for optional stuff in a game. If it' s good some extra points can be given I think. If not, just ignore it since there' s still the core game. From IGN : " A lack of mid-level saving and checkpoints will frustrate younger gamers though."
Ha, spoiled young gamers! Back in the day games didn' t even have saves. If you wanted to clear Alex Kidd in Miracle World you' d better practise a lot
< Message edited by ys -- 20 Dec 07 0:46:53 >
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RE: Night' s Review
Dec 20, 2007 11:36
Ha, spoiled young gamers! Back in the day games didn' t even have saves. If you wanted to clear Alex Kidd in Miracle World you' d better practise a lot You got that right. That game was hard as hell! Generally speaking, you can add a point to any score that IGN gives a Sega game. They' ve had it in for them for years.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Night' s Review
Dec 20, 2007 13:01
*whispers* The original NiGHTS was overrated! Kinda, sorta Loved it but it was a little overrated! *runs for his life*  And those that mentioned Alex Kidd in Miracle World, RULE!! I' d take an update/remake of that game over a sequel/update/remake of NiGHTS any day of the week!
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 20 Dec 07 5:16:51 >
Joe Redifer
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RE: Night' s Review
Dec 20, 2007 13:52
ORIGINAL: Terry Bogard The original NiGHTS was overrated! Totally 100% agree. It was kind of fun in spots and had a few great musical selections, but I just got bored of it after, oh, 5 or 10 minutes. But this new one has to be worse since it has unskippable cut scenes that replay if you' re forced to play through the entire chapter again. That sucks if you die at the boss. Can you imagine a Sonic game (2D) where you died fighting Robotnik at the end of the level, and it sent you all the way back to Zone 1 of that stage?
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RE: Night' s Review
Dec 20, 2007 22:05
ORIGINAL: Zoy Ha, spoiled young gamers! Back in the day games didn' t even have saves. If you wanted to clear Alex Kidd in Miracle World you' d better practise a lot You got that right. That game was hard as hell! Generally speaking, you can add a point to any score that IGN gives a Sega game. They' ve had it in for them for years. Indeed quite hard. Didn' t the game have some totally random thing at the end? Something with walking over four-five spots on the ground in the right order if I remember correctly? Total trial and error. And the best part was that a ghost killed you if you did it wrong, haha. Now that' s hardcore gaming ;) And it seems as if Sega very often gets a bit less than deserved. Not only on IGN then. And I' m not saying that because I valued Sega high before. Several people noticed this. Sometimes I saw a Sega game get a 7 or something while I could see a game that' s very similar get over 8. And those that mentioned Alex Kidd in Miracle World, RULE!! I' d take an update/remake of that game over a sequel/update/remake of NiGHTS any day of the week! To be honest, I' ve been hoping for some kind of Alex Kidd game for a long time. Just for the record, it' s still after Shenmue on my wish list. I sometimes wondered why Sega totally ditched the character. I mean, ok, Sonic became a mascot but why did they choose to abandon Alex Kidd totally? Sales? It can be something like that. Alex Kidd was after all in Segagaga, standing in the background while Sonic was signing autographs with a white towel round his neck
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