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Ninja Dog
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New console company?
Jul 12, 2005 16:28
In the next 5 years do you think there will be a new console company to compete with Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony?
Terry Bogard
Kikizo Staff
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RE: New console company?
Jul 12, 2005 16:31
Maybe by then Trip Hawkins will trick Matsushita into investing in another one of his hair-brained schemes and fund the development of the 3D0-2... ;)
Winner! Bonus#2
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RE: New console company?
Jul 12, 2005 19:13
Nah, I think that maybe one of the 3 companies will be gone in the future but not soon. Possible 5-10 years, one of the these legendary companies will be bought out and torn apart.
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: May 31, 2005
RE: New console company?
Jul 12, 2005 20:56
Nintendo' s gona blow up in 5-10 years just like kombatfighter said. Then Nokia' s gona make a home version of the n-gage and fail miserably,going on a downward spiral until there back to phones again. Im sereous i talked to the Regginater. He has Hi hopes in them
Ninja Dog
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Jul 12, 2005 23:59
<message edited by cpsethgt on Apr 30, 2012 05:40>
Terry Bogard
Kikizo Staff
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RE: New console company?
Jul 13, 2005 00:18
I' ve been seriously considering a Gizmondo but I wanna see how far MAME emulation progresses on it first before taking the plunge.
Winner! APR 2005
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RE: New console company?
Jul 13, 2005 02:12
Well, competition is a good thing and I' d certainly welcome another entry into the console scene. Matsushita would be a force to be reckoned with, and they could even team up with EA or Sega to help swing the crowds. I' m not saying it' s going to happen, it' s just an idea. Consider this: All EA titles could become exclusives, thus uncluttering other consoles' release schedules!
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RE: New console company?
Jul 14, 2005 06:06
In the near future, no. Maybe some time in the moderate-to-distant future... The new company would have to cash in on a niche in the market - something like Nintendo did with the GB/GBC/GBA.
Jason Zeidan
Winner! AUG 2005
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RE: New console company?
Jul 14, 2005 11:39
Sure! I see many companies grabbing at the console market. It is after all an 11 billion dollar a year industry... I see Infinium Labs becoming a serious competitors in many years. They' ll learn a few things and the Phantom will become a contender. I see companies like Toshiba, Panasonic, and Apple trying their hands at the console market. We' ll probably see one of today' s top game makers, namely Electronic Arts or Namco, making a home console.... but I don' t see Nokia, Tiger Telematics or Tapwave moving up the home console market, since they are all about the gizmos. We may even see Magnavox (reborn), Dell, Mitsubishi or RCA going for it. Either way, there are going to be much more than just three contenders years from now. But let' s say ten to twenty years from now, I see Sony in there, Microsoft.... I see Nintendo as a game developer, retiring from being manufacturer, but being the biggest publisher in the world. I see Infinium maybe, but I don' t see how Nintendo' s gone and they aren' t. I see Apple and Dell there, being on par with Sony and Microsoft, and Panasonic as well. You kind of see how the console market will look like a decade from now. Save the industry, Nintendo! We want a revolution!!
Winner! DEC 2004
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RE: New console company?
Jul 14, 2005 16:08
No. The barriers to entry are too big in the form of the massive investment in sunk costs that must be made. Expect the big 3 to eventually become the big 2.
Jason Zeidan
Winner! AUG 2005
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RE: New console company?
Jul 17, 2005 10:38
Hey, it' s a risk to take Gossi, afterall, as I said, this is a huge industry. Expect huge electronic companies to make their own respective system. Microsoft has given hope to many other companies that any corporation can more than have it' s own slice of the pie.
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Apr 05, 2005
RE: New console company?
Jul 17, 2005 10:59
Winner! DEC 2004
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RE: New console company?
Jul 19, 2005 15:12
Hey, it' s a risk to take Gossi, afterall, as I said, this is a huge industry. Expect huge electronic companies to make their own respective system. Microsoft has given hope to many other companies that any corporation can more than have it' s own slice of the pie. The xbox has incurred losses for Microsoft somewhere between 3 and 4 billion US$.
< Message edited by gossi_the_dog -- 19 Jul 05 23:12:43 >
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RE: New console company?
Jul 19, 2005 15:32
I doubt there will ever be more than 2 or 3. I could possibly see a foursome, with the 4th failing horribly and being abandonned within a year of its launch. Even though the market is huge it can only support 2 or 3 consoles at once. They are only going to make games for consoles that have the biggest market share, it would be a waste to make it for something that doesn' t.
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Nov 27, 2004
RE: New console company?
Jul 20, 2005 17:16
yea i think there will be another console company maybe EA
Jason Zeidan
Winner! AUG 2005
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RE: New console company?
Jul 21, 2005 07:33
Yep, it' s risky, but in the long-run, it' ll prove profitable. Microsoft makes huge losses annually with its system, and Sony as well, but, hey, they' re BIG corportions, and can handle it. So companies like Panasonic and Apple can handle it too.
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