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New Silent Hill V Screens!
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New Silent Hill V Screens!
May 16, 2008 01:12
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: New Silent Hill V Screens!
May 16, 2008 01:30
Looks mediocre.
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RE: New Silent Hill V Screens!
May 16, 2008 01:31
Which consoles is this game coming to?
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RE: New Silent Hill V Screens!
May 16, 2008 01:32
ps3 / 360
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RE: New Silent Hill V Screens!
May 16, 2008 01:36
Okay... Looks semi-good I' ll properly buy it if the reviews are 9/10 or 10/10
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: New Silent Hill V Screens!
May 16, 2008 02:05
As long as the game is good, then graphics aren' t that big a deal. Now, here is hoping that is actually good.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: New Silent Hill V Screens!
May 16, 2008 02:25
when graphics are average or below, this is usually a bad signe that developers are not competent, making it hard to believe that they' ll come up with anything brilliant, and from a historical point of view , this is true with some few exceptions. lacks of budget might explain the poor tech but that would say the developer is not a big business, brilliant minds work for big corporations unless thay want to start their own company and those are counted and well known, i don' t know anything about the silent hilll' s v developer, may be it will be one of those. Konami has given them one of its most important IP' s, so they have to trust their skills but so far nothing positive is worth talking about. if i have to come up with a theory: the greater a game looks the more it has CHANCE to have a great gameplay. the worse a game looks the less it has chance to have a great gameplay.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2006
RE: New Silent Hill V Screens!
May 16, 2008 02:39
I for one am very disappointed with how below average those screens look. Hopefully the can improve upon this by the time the game launches.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: New Silent Hill V Screens!
May 16, 2008 02:50
canadagamer , i don' t think so, the game is close to release date, that is few months away, the engine is already up and running and i bet they are just cleaning up bugs by now, the final game won' t look any better than this , the framerate might improve however (if it' s not already good). Silent hill V have looked below average since early screenshots a couple of years ago, less than three months of production won' t change a thing.
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: New Silent Hill V Screens!
May 16, 2008 03:17
Okay... there are other things that are frightening and suspenseful than just darkness. When I watch a good horror movie I' m not squinting at the screen to make out details most of the time.
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
- Location: Manchester, England
RE: New Silent Hill V Screens!
May 16, 2008 03:41
My favourite silent hills have been 1+2. They went downhill after that. (It was a hill after all..  ) The screens aren' t spectacular, but its always been the atmosphere and surreal creatures that have made the game. The crawling creature with the vertical mouth looking for a nail cutter doesn' t look as inspired as previous characters. Anyone remember this brown-trouser moment? Pyramid head (or cone head as I like to call him) was amazing in Silent 2.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: New Silent Hill V Screens!
May 16, 2008 04:36
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RE: New Silent Hill V Screens!
May 16, 2008 05:32
Usually Silent Hill has mind blowing graphics. This one has less than average graphics. Whats going on? Different developers doing it?
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: New Silent Hill V Screens!
May 16, 2008 05:40
Looks like Doom 3.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: New Silent Hill V Screens!
May 16, 2008 05:45
Yeah, the Collective is doing it I think. Well, here is a description of a demo from Konami' s day. While the game may look kind of like a high-res PS2 game, at least some things sound promising. I really want to see the world changing into the alternate world in real time. Link
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2006
RE: New Silent Hill V Screens!
May 16, 2008 07:00
Hands on with Silent Hill Homecoming I am not ashamed to admit my slight bias towards Silent Hill. I am an unapologetic fan of the series so it should come as no surprise to discover that this was the the title I was most looking forward to seeing at Konami' s Gamer' s Night. Between watching others play and playing a bit myself, I was able to see about the first half hour of gameplay and it was a blast. I know many of you are concerned given that the original team is not working on this one, but set those fears aside because this is till the Silent Hill that you know and love. After listening to some announcements about the game we got to see a little trailer and my interest was (even more) piqued by a short (less than 2 seconds) but exhilarating appearance by everyone' s favorite Silent Hill denizen, Pyramid Head. Also visible in the trailer was a trucker who drops the player character off in his home town. Could this be a later version of Travis, the main character of Silent Hill: Origins? When I arrived at the kiosks I was the third in line and I stood, shifting back and forth from foot to foot like a grade schooler who has to pee, waiting anxiously for my turn. While I was waiting I took the opportunity to compare the graphics since there were two stations side by side; one on the 360 and the other on the PS3. Of course, I have no idea what the final builds of the game will look like, but at the present time, the graphics for the 360 version were much smoother than that of the PS3. Enemies (including the ubiquitous nurses) were marred by some serious jaggies around the edges which hopefully will be fixed before launch. That aside, the game looked absolutely beautiful, retaining all the terrifying filthiness that the franchise is known for. The story concerns a young man named named Alex Shepard who is returning to his home town of Shepard' s Glen. He is on a search for his missing younger brother Josh, a search that will taking him to the spooky depths of Silent Hill which seems to have an unnatural connection to Silent Hill. When the demo starts, you found yourself on a gurney and being pushed by a masked fiend through a dirty hospital. As you look from side to side, all sorts of terrifying, shadowed scenes pass you by. Silhouetted depictions of horrible things being done to patients by un-seeable evil forces. Eventually you are left in a room alone, strapped to the gurney and here your adventure begins. Once you have removed yourself from your shackles you are free to start roaming the halls and rooms, constantly blocked by various locked doors. An early puzzle involving some x-rays and a number locked door was easily solved and soon we were treated to the switch from Silent Hill to dark Silent Hill. As you may have heard, the game designers lifted the world changing mechanic straight form the movie. No longer is there a fade to black, but you actually watch the world change in real time, with parts of the room lifting away like peeling paint and disappearing into the sky. The effect is quite nice and translated well from the movie to the game. And of course there were the nurses. Their new character models were terrific and also seemed to be based somewhat on the movie versions of the characters. The battle system was basically the same although it is much easier to tell know where your health is at with the addition of an actual on screen health meter. Gone are the days of trying to determine what your health is like based on the pulsing green or red frame in your character status menu. Now there is a nice red crescent meter that shows exactly how much health you have so you can drink those health drinks accordingly. Another nice touch was the ability to tear through certain walls with your equipped knife. Cutting through them leaves what looks like a horrible gaping wound with teeth sticking out of it that you must squeeze through to get into the next area. At this point there was a hug line forming behind me and out of respect for my fellow journos, I reluctantly gave up the controls to the next fellow in line. My time with Silent Hill may have been short but it left me wanting more which I guess is the goal of any good entertainment. Silent Hill: Homecoming will be shambling its way towards your PS3 and Xbox 360 in September of this year, ready to scare the pants off you once again. This sounds very good. Now WE just need to see some gameplay footage. LINK
< Message edited by canadagamer -- 15 May 08 23:02:15 >
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
- Location: Manchester, England
RE: New Silent Hill V Screens!
May 16, 2008 13:19
I dunno, sounds like they copied elements from the film, which was obviously copied from the games. Its a copy of a copy. I' m sure the new devs will do their best to do justice to the series, but they will probably feel as though they cant take any risks and do something original, lest they get lynched by fans. Although the walls peeling and the world changing in real-time was cool on film, I preferred how they did it in SH1. The first few times it just happened when the main character was sleeping, and he wondered whether he was dreaming. Then it starts to happen while indoors so it confuses you. Then when it finally happens right in front of you in the middle of a pitch black theme park, you shit yourself! And the intro sequence where he' s chasing after his daughter Cheryl (Cheryl/Meryl what was it with Konami back then??) you' re running through back alleys, the camera angle starts becoming slightly obscure, you get that war siren in the background and things grow gradually dark, and then you find yourself at a dead end facing rusty fencing and some kind of body/carcass hung up at the far end - after which you get malled by scary midgets and die, before waking up in the cafe where you started. It was brilliant.
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2006
RE: New Silent Hill V Screens!
May 16, 2008 19:48
And the intro sequence where he' s chasing after his daughter Cheryl (Cheryl/Meryl what was it with Konami back then??) you' re running through back alleys, the camera angle starts becoming slightly obscure, you get that war siren in the background and things grow gradually dark, and then you find yourself at a dead end facing rusty fencing and some kind of body/carcass hung up at the far end - after which you get malled by scary midgets and die, before waking up in the cafe where you started. It was brilliant. Good old days. They dont make good games anymore. Mostly disappointing games.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: New Silent Hill V Screens!
May 17, 2008 00:23
Nah, the good ' ol days had some pretty shite games as well... it' s just that nobody ever seems to remember them.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: New Silent Hill V Screens!
May 17, 2008 00:36
Nah, the good ' ol days had some pretty shite games as well... it' s just that nobody ever seems to remember them. So true. There was a shit load of crap back in the days... Today there are much more talented developers than ever before, a great portion are western developers that rival if not exceeed japaneese, the western revolution.
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