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New Ken Kutaragi quote on the PS3 price.
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
New Ken Kutaragi quote on the PS3 price.
Jul 22, 2005 15:56
Hey everyone just thought i would share this new quote with you all and see what you think. " We can' t say the price right now, but let' s just say it will be pricey," said Kutaragi. I remmeber someone saying there is no way they will make it $400 well this quote might change their minds. Who plans to buy a PS3 at launch? I plan to wait for a price drop and/or BIG games worthy enough to pay for the system for example a new Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts (hopefully part 3 doesn' t take as long as part 2 is taking, going on almost 6 years).
Joe Redifer
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RE: New Ken Kutaragi quote on the PS3 price.
Jul 22, 2005 16:44
Good. Maybe now more people will buy Sega' s upcoming Saturn720 because of it' s (slightly) lower price and emphasis on supurb arcade translations.
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- Joined: Nov 27, 2004
RE: New Ken Kutaragi quote on the PS3 price.
Jul 22, 2005 17:13
o.man i cant wait for the ps3
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- Joined: Jul 20, 2005
RE: New Ken Kutaragi quote on the PS3 price.
Jul 25, 2005 16:04
The only way I would buy the PS3 is if it was $200.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: New Ken Kutaragi quote on the PS3 price.
Jul 25, 2005 16:20
Joe, Sega are dead. They have been since the dreamcast died. Their Games have been below par and sub-standard from what they used to be, like come on, Sonic Adventure cannot touch The Classic 2d sonic games. And by just irgoreing major games [like Shenmue 3] they just chesse me off Sometimes. Alltough the dreamcast was a suberp console, its hard to believe its part of this generation.. i allways think of it with the ps1 and N64, sniff* Anyway ranting aside, the ps3 will be expensive, but they are trying to reduce the cost, which is a smart move, so dont just start panicing yet .
Jason Zeidan
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- Joined: Jul 12, 2005
RE: New Ken Kutaragi quote on the PS3 price.
Jul 25, 2005 17:33
Well, I guess MikeK won' t be getting a PS3  , This is really what will destroy Sony at the end. And for the father of Playstation to basically say ' If you want to buy my product, you have to pay alot more' , is an example of Sony' s arrogance. They believe they are so powerful in the industry, they can take advantage of it' s gamers' s cash. If Sony calls itself an industry leader, it won' t strive to take an enormous amount of cash from it' s supposedly beloved supporters.
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RE: New Ken Kutaragi quote on the PS3 price.
Jul 25, 2005 17:45
3 gigabit network cards cut to 1 Hard Drive included cut Lets see what is next: high end nVidia 500 mhz gpu cut to medium range 400 mhz? 7 core 3.2 ghz cell cut to 5 core 3 ghz? horns on the end of the controller cut? I see them cutting some more for sure, can' t be sure what it will be though. I also see it costing $300. Sony' s marketing genius wants you to save up even more money so that you think you can' t afford an xbox 360 or anything else that comes before the PS3 launches. They don' t want you to buy a 360 then be like, " Oh, PS3 really doesn' t look any better than the 360 I have now." But if the price really ends up being $400 or more (omgwtfsonydidntlie) I could see very low sales. Did PS2 launch games look any better than DC games? Not really. Was sega the marketing giant with the momentom of the xbox? Nope. There are a lot of similarities of Xbox 360 & PS3 : DC & PS2 but there are also huge differences. Can sony' s PR pull this one off? Only time will tell.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: New Ken Kutaragi quote on the PS3 price.
Jul 25, 2005 19:25
I will be in line to pick up my Xbox 360, but I cannot say the same for the PS3. These little comments are mainly what makes me so wary about purchasing one. I don' t have a lot of extra cash around and I have to say I' ve come to expect the 300 dollar amount the going price of new consoles every generation.
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- Location: Minneapolis
RE: New Ken Kutaragi quote on the PS3 price.
Jul 26, 2005 14:47
I just remembered, Dreamcast launched at $200, PS2 raised the launch price to $300. Also another similarity between xbox 360-PS3 and DC-PS2. However this time I don' t think they will actually raise the price, it seems to risky to do against the Microsoft giant.
Mass X
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RE: New Ken Kutaragi quote on the PS3 price.
Jul 26, 2005 15:21
Well they got ppl beleiving its this god machine with graphics just like those seen in the Killzone 2..3 w/e trailer. So thats the bait...now to make that beleivable they gonna have to say it will cost alot. " O noooo" says the ppl " but look how great it' ll be!" . Now you got ppl willing to pay for it cause they think its worth it. Fast foward to near launch time. Theyve cut a shit load of things and its no longer as powerful as it used to be but its cheaper. What shoud Sony do? Dont talk about the cuts and lack of power any more as thats already set in ppls head from before (at least the old specs) but instead pump them full of news abot a lower cost of $300. So now ppl (the avg to maybe casual gamer) think its still just as powerful as it was when it was shown before but also cheaper.Ta daaa and Sony decieves the gullible and wins out another console race. Does that make sence?
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- Joined: Jan 10, 2005
- Location: Minneapolis
RE: New Ken Kutaragi quote on the PS3 price.
Jul 27, 2005 16:05
Sounds about right to me. By the way have you ever noticed PS2 games advertised on TV rarely have in-game video? They usually show pre-rendered cutscenes if anything. Although their commercials are usually funny.
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