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 N3 problem
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N3 problem - Aug 28, 2006 04:33
I just wanted to know if anyone else has had this problem before. Yesterday I completed all missions with a character and saved then turned off my 360 to go gym. Anyway came back switched it on and it said nothing as in there was no data anyway I played it all yesterday to get back my progress and today completed another character and half way with another with most of my missions being ' A' or ' S' . However again I went to continue my game and it' s all gone....

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RE: N3 problem - Aug 28, 2006 04:36
some reviewers say that there are more problems with this game than nights in it' s title.

I have a great solution for you though - don' t go to gym anymore - it can damage your saves on 360 :)

< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 27 Aug 06 20:37:14 >

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RE: N3 problem - Aug 28, 2006 04:53


I have a great solution for you though - don' t go to gym anymore - it can damage your saves on 360 :)

Lol what a solution. Anyway i' m not sure if to just send it back as i' m tired of doing the missions iv' e already done now but I still wanna see how the other characters play.

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RE: N3 problem - Aug 28, 2006 04:58
It really is fucked up - I think 360 deserves some kind of sticker like " powered by Windows makers" :)

At least it doesn' t cost 600$...

It sucks that both HD consoles have serious issues - for PS3 it' s price and for 360 it' s " the collection of problems"
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 27 Aug 06 21:01:23 >

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RE: N3 problem - Aug 28, 2006 05:17
Forgot to mention aswell that the second time I replayed the missions inphy' s was the same/ not much different but asphar' s and miyee' s (sp?) was bloody harder especially the forest.

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RE: N3 problem - Aug 28, 2006 05:20
it seems like you enjoy playing it eh?
Vx Chemical

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RE: N3 problem - Aug 28, 2006 05:34

It really is fucked up - I think 360 deserves some kind of sticker like " powered by Windows makers" :)

It' s not really MS' s fault that the programmers cant make the game probably! And really Windows aint so bad, considering the thousands of people trying to destroy the code with malicious software.

Why do you think apple functions so well? There are so few users that there are too few people to try and destroy it!

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RE: N3 problem - Aug 28, 2006 05:39
Yeah if you play as a character and get to a decent level then restart the campaign the game knows you got the the higher level and throws the higher level of difficulty at you.

I wasn' t going to buy it but now that i have i' m extremely surprised at the final product. They chose the worst level for the demo, ...they should have chosen the forest level. Saying that, some of the levels are bland while others " look" stunning and the depth of field that Evilman complained about seems to have been drastically reduced which would please him.

I' m really enjoying it and i' m glad all of the characters feel very different from one another. The story and voice acting as disgustingly bad but the gameplay itself if superb.

I' m not sure about missing saves though, nobody else i know has had that problem but it appears to be something to do with overwriting one characters save with another. Supposedly you need to have separate saves for you characters. Maybe that' s your problem.

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RE: N3 problem - Aug 28, 2006 05:44

ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on

I' m not sure about missing saves though, nobody else i know has had that problem but it appears to be something to do with overwriting one characters save with another. Supposedly you need to have separate saves for you characters. Maybe that' s your problem.

I was gonne do that from the beginning but they were only 2 slots so i thought that you were meant to overwrite them. I think I might give it another go cos I really wanna play as tyruu and gwyig...somthing(cant remember his name).
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 27 Aug 06 21:45:23 >

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RE: N3 problem - Aug 28, 2006 06:00

It' s not really MS' s fault that the programmers cant make the game probably! And really Windows aint so bad, considering the thousands of people trying to destroy the code with malicious software.

I know that they have it harder than apple, but I' m not saying anything about viruses or malicious software.Today XP is pretty good , but it wasn' t always so - it took years to get there.Now Vista is coming out and testers say that Vista Beta is the most unstable collection of bugs they' ve ever had to deal with (and they deal with lot' s of Beta versions).Windows is knows for giving you trouble when you didn' t ask for it.
What people love about Apple is that it won' t frustrate you with bugs, it doesn' t have visual glitches when you open to many aplications and so on.It' s obvios that hackers can get to it (there was a presentation where they hacked the new MacBook in 60s taking full control of it)

As for 360 - I didn' t really mean the N3 problems.I keep reading on IGN(in editors blogs), on gamespot or I hear from my friends who own 360, that it really is far from stable console gaming experience.Things like freezing on loading screen or in OS, 360 dying on you just like that - are happening (it' s not a lot ,like 50% of consoles , but it' s happening to many people)

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RE: N3 problem - Aug 28, 2006 06:32
No,the 2% who has a 360 fucking up on themself is the one screaming about it over the net.

Do you really think we other 98% goes into forums and write-" My 360 works fine" why the fukk does we have to do that to make people feel safe and not beliving this BS.

Yes i had a friend who had his 360 fuck up 2 times,he got 2 new ones in a month,yes in a month.
However i really think he got the same one re-repaired twice,but who knows... nvm.

And this new has never froze for him.
MS has one of the best consumer service,if your pricey ps3 gonna break,it might take a lot longer to get a new one,because that sony help line wont beother.

Anyway about n3.

Keep a savefile for each character.
Or else you wont get the level 9 achivment.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 27 Aug 06 22:33:48 >

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RE: N3 problem - Aug 28, 2006 06:35
Well, having completed the game I can safely say averagely the game scores
about a 7.0. It' s not a big hitter, but it' s also not " drastically awful" as some
people put it...

Dash, I didn' t really have that problem.. The only problem I did have was that my
game was faulty.. That' s it, so I took it back to the shop.

The game is VERY repetitve, that being said, mot of the time you will find yourself
falling on about 3 or 4 combos, but again, most of the combos you get later are
extensions of the earlier ones. Maybe it' s just me, but sometime there just weren' t
enough enemies on the screen. 0_0

To be honest playing N3, it feels slightly rushed, you' ll notice that the first four
characters you get to choose after completing Inphyy' s one (that' s Myifee, Aspharr
Dwingvatt as well) you' ll find that it is mostly about button bashing.. When you
unlock the little magician girl however, you begin to see just HOW the game could
have gone into a better direction.

She doesn' t use a weapon, but instead she uses water, I enjoy her missions
most because they feel the most creative, and I think the game would have
scored higher than the below par 6.0 it seems to be getting across the board.

Yes, it is a fabled Dynasty Warriors clone but it is so much more enjoyable
as the action is thick and fast. Alas when the action becomes too heated (in very
rare situations) the frame decreases, but only to a jitter.

In actual fact, the only 2 characters that make the framerate decrease so much when performing their
huge screen moves are the magician girl (a tidal wave of water) and the mystery
character (it has to be THE MOST over the top screen clearer) this is also a main
attraction of satisfaction in this game as it is amusing to watch the number of
kills pile up and the bodies fall down.

The game is harsh at times as if you arrive at an unfamiliar boss and try to
work out their moves, it can result in immediate death and you have to do the stage ALL OVER AGAIN.

The voice acting is very annoying, with Klannar being the only character with
an acceptable voice, the rest are irritating (after a while, you will want to wish
Inphyy would just DIE in battle, if Aspharr won' t do it, you might as well).

There is also no effective way of quickly getting up from the ground when you
are knocked over, some characters are slower at getting up than others. The
game warrants you tapping A as you touch the ground in order to backflip
to standing position, however upon missing this, it is the skill of the enemy that
will determine your fate, and in some levels there are those annoying Goblin
Captains who will feel more than inclined to take your life.

Overall, the reason I got the game is because it had better characters then your
typical Dynasty Warriors, the design of them was better too, it was the second
hack and slash to peak my interest, (the first being Crimson Sea). It is
worth a try though, but more suited as a rental if character designs aren' t your


You' ll be playing this game again for 2 reasons:

- To get all your missions A rank or above.

- To get all your characters up to level 9.

As there' s a wopping 400 gamerpoints available for completing those 2 tasks.

For people like me, there' s the added bonus of looking through the library at all
the artwork (which makes you wonder if the concept designers and programmers/
3-D modellers actually hated each other as the concept work looks like something
that should have led to an epic game).

Reasons you' ll kill yourself after playing the game

Boss battles are a bitch if you' re not levelled up substantially and you don' t have
advantageous items/weapons.

No new missions? If it had something like the Havoc forest in Otogi 2, the score
would be a bit higher.

No alternative costumes? C' mon, a bodysuit for Inphyy is not too much to ask..

No movie gallery? Jesus...

This game is as average as it gets, but not as bad as everyone makes it out
to be (here' s looking at YOU Kikizo)


There' s a little mini-review.. It' s longer than the Kikizo one..
< Message edited by Tiz -- 27 Aug 06 22:36:47 >

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RE: N3 problem - Aug 28, 2006 06:43
No,the boss battles was not hard at all.

Tiz perhaps you missed this,but its a very simple system they use.

When boss use combo you cant hit him.
When boss gets hit by your A.I soldier or A.I commander you can' t hit him.

When boss attack you with combo press LT and block.

When boss done combo attack with combo or normal attack.

Extremly simple system.

I died on one boss one time.

I hear about broken bosses but i ask myself,block people then hit boss afterwards,wtf is the problem?

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RE: N3 problem - Aug 28, 2006 06:51
No, I said if you' re not levelled up substantially. The only boss I really had a
problem with was the last one because I was using an item that increases ALL
my attributes, elevating to me to a demi-God... I can' t block though. 0_o.

Tiz perhaps you missed this,but its a very simple system they use.

Don' t worry I didn' t..

I hear about broken bosses but i ask myself,block people then hit boss afterwards,wtf is the problem?

Some bosses ARE broken though.. Some block with their backs to you..

Who' s your favourite character? Mine' s Tyurru (or however you spell it)..

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RE: N3 problem - Aug 28, 2006 06:56
Tiz I envy you though I really wanna finish it so i' m gonna try.

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RE: N3 problem - Aug 28, 2006 06:59
Well, everytime you' ve signed on, I' ve been signed in on N3 so..

The magician woman is the best though, and then Klarran as they both have
different styles to the other characters (I love Klarran' s " green lantern" style
moves - he has 2) I dont wanna say much more about Klarran, he is the coolest
character though..

How you finding the game so far dash?

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RE: N3 problem - Aug 28, 2006 07:00
Some bosses manage to do a block behind their back.
But its nothing that annoys me because i can do the same to them.
Mayifee was my favorite character,that mercant/barbarian really kick some ass.

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RE: N3 problem - Aug 28, 2006 07:04


Some bosses manage to do a block behind their back.
But its nothing that annoys me because i can do the same to them.
Mayifee was my favorite character,that mercant/barbarian really kick some ass.

He does have the most effective Orb spark.. He can rack up, up to about a 4,000
combo with that alone..

But the magician girl... c' mon... didn' t you have the most fun rolling water about?

Her story also had the most drama, and her final weapon she gets from Myla is
sweet! You should use it..

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RE: N3 problem - Aug 28, 2006 07:08
No,and mayfiies last level was one of the most fun level i ever played.

I zoomed him in when he was on that bridge and had orcs/goblins storm him,and when you do his orb spark in the right time when there is a big bunch of orcs ....its fantastic

And his blue orb attack... OMG!!!
And you help that slut take reveng on that orc and kill that innocent fucking retarded troll.

Omg that level was fantastic.

I give the game 88/100

For me it was the 2nd best 360 game i have.

Ofc i would give GRAW better score and OB,but thats because they last longer,but this is a game that supposed to be more for the show/eye candy beside giving you great gameplay also...

The director of this game said with a update multiplayer into this game can happend very eaisly we made that so,so if MS decied to patch it we can add MP.


probably wont happend though.

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RE: N3 problem - Aug 28, 2006 07:16
They need to make some extra missions downloadable very quickly and make
them free.. It' s almost as if they deliberately left out the extra missions, they
really need to put those in, otherwise I' ll be a pisse off customer..

Yes I said pisse
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