Well, having completed the game I can safely say averagely the game scores
about a 7.0. It' s not a big hitter, but it' s also not " drastically awful" as some
people put it...
Dash, I didn' t really have that problem.. The only problem I did have was that my
game was faulty.. That' s it, so I took it back to the shop.
The game is VERY repetitve, that being said, mot of the time you will find yourself
falling on about 3 or 4 combos, but again, most of the combos you get later are
extensions of the earlier ones. Maybe it' s just me, but sometime there just weren' t
enough enemies on the screen. 0_0
To be honest playing N3, it feels slightly rushed, you' ll notice that the first four
characters you get to choose after completing Inphyy' s one (that' s Myifee, Aspharr
Dwingvatt as well) you' ll find that it is mostly about button bashing.. When you
unlock the little magician girl however, you begin to see just HOW the game could
have gone into a better direction.
She doesn' t use a weapon, but instead she uses water, I enjoy her missions
most because they feel the most creative, and I think the game would have
scored higher than the below par 6.0 it seems to be getting across the board.
Yes, it is a fabled
Dynasty Warriors clone but it is so much more enjoyable
as the action is thick and fast. Alas when the action becomes too heated (in very
rare situations) the frame decreases, but only to a jitter.
In actual fact, the only 2 characters that make the framerate decrease so much when performing their
huge screen moves are the magician girl (a tidal wave of water) and the mystery
character (it has to be THE MOST over the top screen clearer) this is also a main
attraction of satisfaction in this game as it is amusing to watch the number of
kills pile up and the bodies fall down.
The game is harsh at times as if you arrive at an unfamiliar boss and try to
work out their moves, it can result in immediate death and you have to do the stage
ALL OVER AGAIN. The voice acting is very annoying, with Klannar being the only character with
an acceptable voice, the rest are irritating (after a while, you will want to wish
Inphyy would just DIE in battle, if Aspharr won' t do it, you might as well).
There is also no effective way of quickly getting up from the ground when you
are knocked over, some characters are slower at getting up than others. The
game warrants you tapping
A as you touch the ground in order to backflip
to standing position, however upon missing this, it is the skill of the enemy that
will determine your fate, and in some levels there are those annoying Goblin
Captains who will feel more than inclined to take your life.
Overall, the reason I got the game is because it had better characters then your
typical Dynasty Warriors, the design of them was better too, it was the second
hack and slash to peak my interest, (the first being
Crimson Sea). It is
worth a try though, but more suited as a rental if character designs aren' t your
Re-playability You' ll be playing this game again for 2 reasons:
- To get all your missions A rank or above.
- To get all your characters up to level 9.
As there' s a wopping
400 gamerpoints available for completing those 2 tasks.
For people like me, there' s the added bonus of looking through the library at all
the artwork (which makes you wonder if the concept designers and programmers/
3-D modellers actually hated each other as the concept work looks like something
that should have led to an epic game).
Reasons you' ll kill yourself after playing the game Boss battles are a bitch if you' re not levelled up substantially and you don' t have
advantageous items/weapons.
No new missions? If it had something like the Havoc forest in Otogi 2, the score
would be a bit higher.
No alternative costumes? C' mon, a bodysuit for Inphyy is not too much to ask..
No movie gallery? Jesus...
This game is as average as it gets, but not as bad as everyone makes it out
to be (here' s looking at YOU Kikizo

VERDICT: 7/10 There' s a little mini-review.. It' s longer than the Kikizo one..
< Message edited by Tiz -- 27 Aug 06 22:36:47 >