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My Analysis Predicts Analysts Will Die
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- Joined: Jul 23, 2004
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My Analysis Predicts Analysts Will Die
Jan 31, 2006 02:58
What is the deal with these bloody industry analysts? I could do their job... in fact all of us here do a much better job than them by openly discussing consoles and games. These faceless and authorative (if you let them believe you) figures don' t even predict but take things are a foregone conclusion. Thus the DS will fall and Sony' s PSP will reign supreme. The Nintendo' s Revolution is also doomed before it gets off the starting blocks. I' d like to know how in the world they can get away with saying stuff like that. The DS is outselling the PSP and will most likely continue to sell. The Revolution we know next to nothing about yet they say it’s doomed. It wouldn’t surprise me if their ‘predictions’ came sponsored by Sony.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: My Analysis Predicts Analysts Will Die
Jan 31, 2006 03:04
As you know Sony made up fake reviewers of their own movies,and was later sued and lost in court and everyone who seen movies by sony could claim 5-10 dollars from them. Anyway... I dont care about analyst either. They are always wrong and dont play games apparently...
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: My Analysis Predicts Analysts Will Die
Jan 31, 2006 03:09
Hehe what if some poeple in this forum are actually analysts that uses the kikizo forums as their biggest source for their analyses! Maybe... QuezcatoL is an analyst. But he pretends to be a normal user to avoid suspicion.... the plot thickens...
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: My Analysis Predicts Analysts Will Die
Jan 31, 2006 03:11
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- Location: Skåne
RE: My Analysis Predicts Analysts Will Die
Jan 31, 2006 03:15
there are two kind of lies m8, statistics and bloody freaking poetry I agree with you, but every company out there uses analysts to go over every possible scenario... And there are independent ones to like the one you' re talking about... I think I' m going to start a new career... Analysts Okey people listen up! This is the real deal: The 23 of June 2006 500.000 Xbox 360 will blow up and kill nearly 50.000 gamers worldwide.. MS have no real explanation and get their asses sued so bad that they have to quit making Xbox. On the 3 of September Nintendo will admit the Revolution being a practical joke and that there new hardware is called Picachu 128 and is a full scale model of the little furry fellow, and it' s main feature will be that it can give electro-shock therapy for those with severe back pain. And then when the Ps3 is supposed to launch it' s Ps3... Sega emerges from the shadows with their new Home Entertainment System called Seppuko that emitts beams of hypnotic waves that will cause all of the SCE staff to peform this form of ancient ritual suicide at there desks.. thus leaving Sega to dominate once again! I like being an analysts
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: My Analysis Predicts Analysts Will Die
Jan 31, 2006 03:16
Ahem, if you are refering to Homers catch phrase I believe it is spelled " d' oh!" . Correct me if I' m wrong about the spelling but as the Simpson freak I am I just can' t stand seeing such a mistake. Phoenix87, you have to be right! Everything you said makes so much sence!
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 30 Jan 06 19:18:37 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: My Analysis Predicts Analysts Will Die
Jan 31, 2006 03:19
Ahem, if you are refering to Homers catch phrase I believe it is spelled " d' oh!" . Then you can go to hell 
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- Joined: Jan 19, 2006
- Location: Skåne
RE: My Analysis Predicts Analysts Will Die
Jan 31, 2006 03:22
Phoenix87, you have to be right! Everything you said makes so much sence! As homer would have put it... Ohh, look at me I' m an analysts!
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
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RE: My Analysis Predicts Analysts Will Die
Jan 31, 2006 03:27
Quez if you want me to think you' re normal you need to try harder :)
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: My Analysis Predicts Analysts Will Die
Jan 31, 2006 03:29
I' m an angry analyst
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: My Analysis Predicts Analysts Will Die
Jan 31, 2006 05:29
Not that long when analyst predicted Nintendo DS was gona fail, look how wrong they was
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: My Analysis Predicts Analysts Will Die
Jan 31, 2006 05:46
not only analysts - even MS fanboys were happy not to mention those from Sony :) Everyone picked on that clunky fellow ...poor bastard :)
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: My Analysis Predicts Analysts Will Die
Jan 31, 2006 08:53
Game industry analysts and their so-called predictions are about as trustable as a Narc at a crack house.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 31 Jan 06 21:40:22 >
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: My Analysis Predicts Analysts Will Die
Feb 01, 2006 04:53
how about this. How is the Rev going to fail if every keeps saying they wil get one as their 2nd console not to mention the non-gamers who will buy one just for the download function. I don' t honestly see they are right about the PS3 being the winner seeing how it' s supposed to be super expensive. I just think Sony will do to the PS3 what they are doing to the PSP and concentrate making movies rather then games to try and push their format but being that HD-DVD is cheaper now sure how that wil work out. Also the crap about the DS falling before the big guns are released is crap like a DS zelda, real pokemon DS games not including picachu race that was out at launch, Super Mario and Princess Peach games, Final Fantasy crystal chronicles and FF3 japanese being redone in 3D etc.. Supid analyst don' t know crap.
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- Joined: Feb 01, 2006
RE: My Analysis Predicts Analysts Will Die
Feb 01, 2006 05:11
Ahem, if you are refering to Homers catch phrase I believe it is spelled " d' oh!" . Correct me if I' m wrong about the spelling but as the Simpson freak I am I just can' t stand seeing such a mistake. Err, ACTUALLY it' s spelled " Annoyed grunt" . In the scripts you' ll find episodes named: " E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)" and " I, (Annoyed Grunt)-bot" , how' s that for spelling mistakes mr. " Simpsons freak" Phoenix87, you have to be right! Everything you said makes so much sence! I believe you' ll find that it' s spelled " sense" . I actually just registered to this forum to correct your mistakes. I am a fucking pedantic asshole
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: My Analysis Predicts Analysts Will Die
Feb 01, 2006 05:54
I believe you' ll find that it' s spelled " sense" . I actually just registered to this forum to correct your mistakes. I am a fucking pedantic asshole LOL!! Welcome! That' s one of the best reasons I' ve ever heard for registering
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 31 Jan 06 21:54:46 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: My Analysis Predicts Analysts Will Die
Feb 01, 2006 06:02
Oops, is my face red or what... Nice to see that someone else can take the role as the pedantic asshole. That way I can go back to just being a regular asshole
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: My Analysis Predicts Analysts Will Die
Feb 03, 2006 07:31
I actually just registered to this forum to correct your mistakes. I am a fucking pedantic asshole Actually you shouldn' t place " SPACE" after dots. :)
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