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Most hated game or game series
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Boss Hogg
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Most hated game or game series
Jan 20, 2006 20:44
What game do you guys hate hust so much you want to punch your TV when you play it? For me it would have to be GTA:SA. everyting about it. The terrible graphics. The repeating character models. the bootleg multiplayer and for every good mission there are at least 25 gay missions.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Most hated game or game series
Jan 20, 2006 21:06
I wouldn' t be playing a game i hated... The PC version of GTA:SA was much better than its console brethren, but still had it' s share of problems. Still, it didn' t stop the series from topping the charts and selling tons did it eh?! I don' t like the Gex series or anything Barbie, Action Man or Pokemon. And Angel of Darkness was a crime!
Vx Chemical
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RE: Most hated game or game series
Jan 20, 2006 21:36
Final Fantasy, iv tried giving it chances many times, but i just get sooo bored when i play them, soo annoying!
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- Joined: Jan 01, 2006
RE: Most hated game or game series
Jan 20, 2006 22:21
I' m not sure what to pick but I did not like War 2040 (SNES) And Cyberia for the Saturn and PSX (maybe different now....maybe not)
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RE: Most hated game or game series
Jan 20, 2006 22:42
RoboWarrior for NES. I get so mad thinking about that game... RAAARGH!!
Terry Bogard
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RE: Most hated game or game series
Jan 20, 2006 23:54
Gran Turismo series (realistic my ass, I don' t know of ANY cars, not even lemons, that control the way the cars in these games do) Sega GT series Namco' s MotoGP series
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 21 Jan 06 8:23:17 >
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RE: Most hated game or game series
Jan 21, 2006 00:04
The entire Gran Turismo series sucks!
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: Most hated game or game series
Jan 21, 2006 00:32
Any type of ' realstic' racer. When I play a game, I want to actually play a game. I don' t want to do something I could do in a few years time(well, I could do it now  ...). I mean, you can' t fight parasite infected villagers or visit fantastically colourful worlds of popular family movies in real life! Nor can you transform into various strange creatures or race a gorilla and a grotesquely large turtle in go-karts. I usually play games to escape realism- though there are a few exceptions. Then, saying that, I did rather enjoy the arcade Outrun 2. I try to get as much out of any genre that I can, then base critisism on it. However, I didn' t succeed with most ' realistic' racers.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: Most hated game or game series
Jan 21, 2006 00:35
sick of the Gran turisimo series. But I hate the crime games, GTA, 25 to life, Streets of Nwe york, etc. Useless games.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Most hated game or game series
Jan 21, 2006 00:54
I' ve taken a serious dislike to Perfect Dark Zero in the time i' ve had it (since the 2nd Dec UK launch). It' s not as polished as it should have been and both the character animation of NPC' s and the story are utterly dreadful. Compared to Call of Duty 2 it looks and feels second rate, and i' d rather play Halo 2 on Live than PDZ, not that it' s bad online, but it' s certainly not as good as Halo 2. I was initially really impressed, but once the shiny plastic looking visuals wore thin i found that it lacks depth and you really start tto notice how half-assed it is. Granted, the jungle level is great and it does look nice (mostly, although the texture could have done with being a bit more realistic), but it doesn' t go beyond that. I officially hate Perfect Dark Zero!
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Most hated game or game series
Jan 21, 2006 00:57
Final Fantasy, iv tried giving it chances many times, but i just get sooo bored when i play them, soo annoying!
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: Most hated game or game series
Jan 21, 2006 01:22
QuezcatoL, usually when you quote someone you should add a post of your own. You do know that don' t you? Unless you' re implying that you feel the same way...
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: Most hated game or game series
Jan 21, 2006 01:34
the game i cant stand is: PGR3.. i cant stand it.. it dosent know what the hell it wants to be. an arcade racer? or a sim racer? 30fps for a so-called next gen racer is just unaceptable.. the game is just no fun to play atall especially if u have MK:DS, RR6 and OR2.. Yuk horrible.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Most hated game or game series
Jan 21, 2006 01:37
Who cares when it' s this much fun?! RR6 can' t be compared to PGR3, it' s not even in the same league! PGR3 is simply great..
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: Most hated game or game series
Jan 21, 2006 01:48
That' s funny Magikdra6on I love PD0 and absolutely HATE PGR 3! I NEVER play the single player game for PD0 though. I exclusively play online multiplayer. Call of Duty 2 has an amazing single player game, but I heard the multiplayer on line isn' t that hot, can you add to this?
< Message edited by mxpx182 -- 21 Jan 06 9:49:14 >
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- Joined: Jan 21, 2006
RE: Most hated game or game series
Jan 21, 2006 04:21
I' m gonna have to go with either GTA or Grand Turismo. GTA especially because I know very few people who play that game that don' t use a million different cheat codes. My brother played and finished it and I was looking at his log and he' d utilized a cheat code 32,000 times in the game. I' m serious!! I didn' t even think it was possible to cheat that much but then again its my brother.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Most hated game or game series
Jan 21, 2006 04:25
QuezcatoL, usually when you quote someone you should add a post of your own. You do know that don' t you? Unless you' re implying that you feel the same way... I dont know what happend... The text did not show up :S
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
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RE: Most hated game or game series
Jan 21, 2006 04:58
okay, this is diggin back in the memory banks a bit far but... okay i' ve got Metal Gear: Snakes Revenge, which was officially dropped from MGS cannon. the resident evil game for the gameboy color who' s name eludes me. The ET game, which i just won' t talk about in civilized conversation. and finally anything with Auto, Grand, and Theft in it. (I' m not fond of action shooters where you can' t chose your allignment/plot choices, just too pre-packaged)
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Most hated game or game series
Jan 21, 2006 05:04
(I' m not fond of action shooters where you can' t chose your allignment/plot choices, just too pre-packaged) What action shooters can you actually choose your allignment or change the outcome of the story through your actions in the game?
Boss Hogg
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- Joined: Jun 27, 2005
- Location: Long Island,NY
RE: Most hated game or game series
Jan 21, 2006 06:52
GTA especially because I know very few people who play that game that don' t use a million different cheat codes. Me too. Its like that game was made so people could cheat like hell.
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