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More Interested in the PS3
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More Interested in the PS3
Aug 02, 2005 15:01
Granted the PS3 is still very much of an enigma, it is the in fact that unknown element that is drawing me to it. No doubt I have my 360 pre-ordered, but I' m honestly not interested with the current software line up. The only game I know for sure I want (assuming it turns out to be a good game) is Emchant Arms. And worst of all that' s not even an American launch title. So that leaves me with very little to choose from at launch. I realize there' s going to be a lot of other quality titles at launch, but none of them interest me. And quite honestly, first gen 360 appears to be heading down the same path as last gen Xbox1. Even before the massive drought which is happening now, Xbox1 had too much focus on military FPS (a genre which I most definitely don' t like). What was missing were the games that made me get a Xbox in the first place. Games like JSRF, PDO, even Azurik. Games that were simply diffferent. Those games are hard to find now. But with the PS3 I have a very good feeling (though no actual facts  ) we' ll see more games like JSRF and PDO pop up. More high quality jrpg' s and less hack and slash dungeon crawlers. More original titles that are not in any way shape or form related to military FPS' s. And just an overall more unique line up. I know the 360 will have some great games eventually, and that' s why I still have my money on it. But I have a feeling most of my money will go to Sony this gen. Oh, and I' ll drop Nintendo a couple dollars next gen too.
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RE: More Interested in the PS3
Aug 03, 2005 10:50
i too more interseted in the ps3.with resident evil 5.i cant wait for the ps3
Chee Saw
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RE: More Interested in the PS3
Aug 03, 2005 20:28
ORIGINAL: residentevil327 i too more interseted in the ps3.with resident evil 5.i cant wait for the ps3 Resident Evil will be released on all next gen systems. Just like Rockstar, with the GTA series, Capcom got smart and decided to not do an exclusive with the title. The thing that I' m thinking of Lotusson, is that the 360 is coming out 6 months to a year in advance of the PS3! That' s a LONG time for quality games to appear. I' m sure we' ll all be happy with there offerings by the time the other guys join the party. I do THANK GOD I like first person shooter, cause I' ll be in heaven!!
Jason Zeidan
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RE: More Interested in the PS3
Aug 03, 2005 21:19
Huh? What? PS3 and ' interesting' in the same phrase? I don' t comprehend..
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RE: More Interested in the PS3
Aug 04, 2005 07:33
Resident Evil 5 is not coming out for the Revolution.
Jason Zeidan
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RE: More Interested in the PS3
Aug 04, 2005 08:35
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RE: More Interested in the PS3
Aug 04, 2005 09:12
It most likely won' t at all. I know everyone is all hyped about the innovation that the Revolution is going to be boasting but it actually worries me. While most of the people hear that are in love with Nintendo are blinded by the fancy name " Revolution" and the supposed greatest controller ever, this really puts Nintendo in a bad spot. Taking away buttons and changing the way games are played will make develpers stay away from them. How do you program a game that utilizes all the buttons on a PS3 or 360 controller and transfer that to a controller that could potentially be touch sensitve featuring only a few buttons? Nintendo and their fans don' t realize third party support for Nintendo could pretty much completely dissappear this next generation. Making a console radically different is not smart. If the console ends up featuring a helmet (like those fake internet videos showed), third parties won' t be able to take any multiplatform games to that system. I fear Nintendo will have almost no backing next gen. It will basically end up being it' s own only developer.
Jason Zeidan
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- Joined: Jul 12, 2005
RE: More Interested in the PS3
Aug 04, 2005 10:51
I really doubt it, Rampage. Nintendo knows what it' s doing. I mean, we already ' kinda' have a basic idea of what Revolution' s premise will be, ie: DS. And the DS has enjoyed numerous amount of support by publishers and developers. It' s radically different from the competition, like Revolution, and even though it' s underpowered, like the Revolution, it trades that for innovation and affordability, along with backward compatibility. So, yeah, I' m not worried about third party support. I mean I know it' ll have more third party support than GC. You know why? It' s hard to explain, but let me try this: Say, the Xbox and PS2 are very good chocolate icecream flavors. The gamecube is a chocolate flavor as well, but it' s not as delicious. So, why would the consumer (developer) care about the gamecube? It' s the same idea as Xbox and PS2, but is lacking. The Revolution is, say, vanilla. It' s a different flavor altogether, which gives people more variety and choice. So the consumer or devoloper would definately be eyeing it because it stands out. And the Revolution will have buttons, BTW. Reggie clearly stated that the controller will be able to play NES, SNES, and N64 games on it, so buttons, I believe, will be on it. It' s the extra features (Gyro/Tilt, possible voice recognition) that makes it so wierd.
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RE: More Interested in the PS3
Aug 04, 2005 11:13
Voice recognition has been done. MS has done it for years now with games like Rainbow Six 3. Also, giving all these backwards compatible games... think about it. They need those games to attract consumers because quite possiblely they don' t have enough 3rd party backing. How many companies have you actually heard saying " we are developing for the Revolution" . Uh... I haven' t heard many. Capcom completely dropped Niontendo support as far as the Resident Evil series goes. Imo, Nintendo has become a group of idiots. It saddens me but I see all the failure they' ve had of late. Oh and your comment about it it being called the Revolution... marketing ploy. That' s why the 360 is called the 360. The 3 at the begginning matches up with the 3 of PS3 so it doesn' t sound less powerful. 360 s also a full circle or " revolution" . Names are all marketing. I hope Nintedo shows something awesome but I' m not expecting anything better than what we' ve seen from the other two consoles. I hope it' s good enough to warrant a purchase though. I want Nintendo to coe back as a major player.
Jason Zeidan
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- Joined: Jul 12, 2005
RE: More Interested in the PS3
Aug 04, 2005 20:00
Developers not announcing Revolution support is caused by the fact that not many developers and publishers have dev kits, let alone even know what it' s all about. That doesn' t mean they' re not interested, it' s just an early stage in development. And oh yeah, see my remark about the ' marketing ploy' in the other thread. Look at the state of things. You look at the market today, and you see these two huge, immense companies that originated and grew from other products. And you look at Nintendo, a company that can' t compete in terms of finance, and is a game-only company. From an analytical perspective, it' s amazing that Nintendo hasn' t been eaten alive by the big boys!!! But then, you look at annual earnings. Nintendo still makes a healthy profit, while juggernauts Sony and Microsoft, huge and experienced companies mind you, don' t get the same result. That' s quite astounding, especially when comparing the companies' net worth, and the growth of the game industry. Is Nintendo number one? How can it be? But it is a major player in this huge industry, which remains, to me at least, a miracle. Nintendo just does something right. It' s the games. They make kick-ass games that appeal to any main audience of the game industry, and in some cases, non-gamers as well. Even at their status and financial contrast, Nintendo still takes risks to innovate with new hardware and software, something that these mega-rich companies won' t do. Isn' t it amazing that Microsoft, that has a net worth of 54 billion dollars, doesn' t take as many risks as Nintendo corp., that has a net worth of 4 billion? Money is a backup for risks, and even though Nintendo doesn' t have as much as competition, they still continue with innovation. Nintendo' s run by idiots? Methinks not. It is run by a large group of experienced gamers and businessmen who may or may not see a good future for their company, but continue to take risks in business decisions, like removing the brand Gameboy, the epitome of handheld gaming, and adding a new brand, DS, in the face of a mega-popular product. It may sound crazy, even idiotic, but it seems to be paying off. Nintendo makes a fine profit every year! Plus, the company' s hoping for dominance in the marketplace, and very serious about it, and, again, looking at the state of things, looking at dev costs, and net-worths, and growing technology, and the big boys; wanting to face them head on with a different, regenerated flavor takes some balls. And some bucks, which, while risky, is Nintendo' s plan. All I' m saying is; after the dud that was gamecube, Nintendo realizes it' s possible future, and is ready for yet another round, this time, with a new army and goal. You' d think it' s impossible for Nintendo to become market leader, and it just may be, but the fact that they' re trying, and aren' t just sitting in the corner and holding on to what they' ve got... anymore, you can' t help but respect them. Go Nintendo.
< Message edited by Jason Zeidan -- 5 Aug 05 4:06:17 >
George Foreman
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- Joined: Jun 13, 2005
RE: More Interested in the PS3
Aug 05, 2005 09:02
I' m definately getting a 360 because of all the great sports, FPS, and racing games coming out. With the PS3 I' m not entirely sure what the hell is coming out for it. I see a lot of EA sports games and some franchises but, where are the interesting new series. I don' t feel like playing DMC 6 or MGS 5: Snake' s Undersea Adventure(I' ll probably get this). I know this kinda sounds a little hypocritical but, sports gamers do like new series. With the Revolution I kinda feel I will inevitably get it for the overhyped new Mario and/or Zelda but, I think it' s third party support will be like this gen or worse(like no or few Capcom, Sega, and/or Konami games).
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- Joined: Sep 03, 2005
RE: More Interested in the PS3
Sep 06, 2005 13:13
i definetly will buy a ps3 if they were coming out about the same time ps3 would definetly be first of the 3 into my room. but there not so 360 coming in first. but when the ps3 comes out iam going all out on it alot games and 7 controllers. i want to a Jak and daxter title on the Ps3 and an unbeatable rpg game that is not rated M.
Game Junkie
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RE: More Interested in the PS3
Sep 07, 2005 18:17
Lotusson the reasons the Xbox didn' t have as much games as the ps2 are because A) the ps2 came first and had alot of exclusive rights and B) when xbox came out Microsoft was new in the buisness and had no credibility now things have changed and they have much more support now certainly with Japanese support. Especially with the rise in develpment costs games will have to go multiplatform, so 360 will be very comparable to ps3 in terms of game selection only maybe with less Japanese games and more American/European games.
Terry Bogard
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RE: More Interested in the PS3
Sep 08, 2005 13:33
The DS is a low-cost venture for developers, it' s cheap to develop for and they' ll get a decent return with the games they release on that unit, so, like the GBA, it' s not so much an issue to develop games for it as they can quickly turn a profit.. However, the Revolution is a full-blown next-generation console with full blown next-generation development costs and I don' t really see a lot of developers rushing to develop for it unless they' re certain that there' s plenty of money to be made developing for the platform. The sad reality is, Nintendo kept touting that they realized that things needed to change and that they were working on acquiring more 3rd party developers for the GameCube, BUT all we seem to read about the GameCube this generation is news of yet more 3rd party developers abandoning the platform... Despite the hatred of many gamers for EA, you have to give them credit for sticking with the platform. I remember someone once saying that the only games that ' seem' to sell well on Nintendo' s consoles are Nintendo' s games. While I don' t agree with that statement, there seems to be something to it at times.... Multiplatform releases (except for Soul Calibur II) almost always have the GameCube versions of those games trailing behind their PS2 and Xbox counterparts in the sales charts by a significant margin. But there have been some 3rd party success stories on the GameCube. Sega has seen some success on it with ports of games like Sonic Adventure 1 & 2, and Super Monkey Ball. I' d love to see the Revolution shine next generation and come in a close second to the Xbox 360 but only time will tell as Nintendo hasn' t convinced me that they' re on their way to acquiring the 3rd party support they need. The Revolution could turn out to be another Nintendo platform that developers abandon left and right, we' ll just have to wait and see how it all plays out.
Chee Saw
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RE: More Interested in the PS3
Sep 09, 2005 06:22
I truly hope Nintendo doesn' t suck this gen. I hope they warrant me spending more of my gaming dollar on them. This is how it all shook out this last gen for MY gaming budget: Xbox: 85% PS2: 12% Gamecube: 3% The really sad part is I had a Gamecube from DAY ONE! I got a PS2 only this past Christmas! Man, I hope the Revolution has games that I like. We' ll see, I suppose.
Terry Bogard
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RE: More Interested in the PS3
Sep 09, 2005 08:17
This is how it all shook out this last gen for MY gaming budget: Xbox: 85% PS2: 12% Gamecube: 3% For me the GameCube got way more playtime than the Xbox did this generation. The PlayStation 2 with its wealth of games got the most play but the GameCube managed to keep a good enough pace behind it. I can already tell that the Xbox 360 is gonna get WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more playtime from me during its first year on the market than the original Xbox got from me its entire lifespan.
Chee Saw
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RE: More Interested in the PS3
Sep 10, 2005 05:11
ORIGINAL: Terry Bogard This is how it all shook out this last gen for MY gaming budget: Xbox: 85% PS2: 12% Gamecube: 3% For me the GameCube got way more playtime than the Xbox did this generation. The PlayStation 2 with its wealth of games got the most play but the GameCube managed to keep a good enough pace behind it. I can already tell that the Xbox 360 is gonna get WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more playtime from me during its first year on the market than the original Xbox got from me its entire lifespan. I' m a first person shooter NUT, so... I' m sure you understand! And I' m sure the 360 will get a lot more playtime from almost everyone, considering it' s gonna be the only next-gen game in town for at least 6 months. I hear you, though. The titles so far look tasty, indeed!
Game Junkie
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- Joined: Sep 04, 2005
RE: More Interested in the PS3
Sep 11, 2005 00:24
Chee Saw I agree with you Nintendo truely did drop the ball with this gen, I bought the GameCube a few months after launch and I think the only exclusives worth buying are Super Smash Bros. and the Rogue Squadron games. Sadly I think Nintendo' s stoborness with console design (specifically the game formats) have lead to permanent damage to third party support. Do they even have exclusive third party support for next gen? I think that if Nintendo64 used a cd rom drive and Gamecube had a DVD drive (8.7gig instead of 3.6 gig) Nintendo would be much better off nowadays. Nintendos first party games can be the best but its not enough to warrant buying a console for. Frankly I hope the big N decides to leave console manufacturing and pull a Sega to make games for Sony or M$ (everyone would be much happier).
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