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Chee Saw
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- Joined: May 12, 2005
- Location: SoCal USA
RE: More Bad Press for Sony
Oct 11, 2006 09:07
Dood, I walked into the store and just noticed a new SEGA system sitting there! I was like WTF, and bought it on the spot. Really, I never saw ANY advertising for the damn thing. Sad.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: More Bad Press for Sony
Oct 11, 2006 09:30
The biggest problems with the dreamcast imo are threefold. Firstly it as you guys already mentioned the marketing for it was weak. Secondly it lacked a variety of games, the thing was a platform for arcade ports, not much more sadly. Thirdly, and this is a matter of Segas failure to understand the market. Which is the mistake of their timing, the Dreamcast was released in between two generations. I suspect they did this on purpose but it probably only served to kill them. It was released after the N64 and shortly before the PS2. At the time people were left with a bad taste with the Saturn (even though I liked it, didn' t own one though) and were looking foward only to Sonys second coming. IMO Sega would have been better off releasing Dremcast after the PS2 and having better hardware and a few killer launch titles while doing so. This combined with a strong marketing ploy, Dreamcast could have killed Xbox completely and damaged PS2 badly. Or releasing something more similar to the Dreamcast when they released the Sega Saturn. As it wasn' t the Dreamcast that killed Sega it was the Saturn. Ofcourse thats just my view on things...