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Modified 360' s get banned from XBL
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Modified 360' s get banned from XBL
May 18, 2007 18:54
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
RE: Modified 360' s get banned from XBL
May 18, 2007 19:46
About damn time. I' m all for homebrew but firmware mods were used exclusively for piracy and gave the " scene" a bad name. Kudos to Microsoft for protecting their interests and ours. Sucks to be a poor pirate.
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RE: Modified 360' s get banned from XBL
May 19, 2007 04:19
About damn time. I' m all for homebrew but firmware mods were used exclusively for piracy and gave the " scene" a bad name. Kudos to Microsoft for protecting their interests and ours. Sucks to be a poor pirate. Not all firmware updates are for backups.
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2007
RE: Modified 360' s get banned from XBL
May 19, 2007 04:31
ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated About damn time. I' m all for homebrew but firmware mods were used exclusively for piracy and gave the " scene" a bad name. Kudos to Microsoft for protecting their interests and ours. Sucks to be a poor pirate. Not all firmware updates are for backups. I wonder if there is anyone who modded their box and didn' t pirate anything.
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- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Modified 360' s get banned from XBL
May 19, 2007 08:08
You' re having a discussion with one now.
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: Modified 360' s get banned from XBL
May 21, 2007 02:10
It' s funny. The whole ' essential-to-be-online' thing with next-gen consoles makes piracy less profitable than past generations. Unless a person mods with the chips that can be turned ' on or off' , although I wonder if they' re still detectable. Btw, I asked around the local gamers' shops. Seems that modded Wiis are able to go online and do stuff normally. Wonder if Nintendo' ll feel such protection is vital?
Evil Man
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RE: Modified 360' s get banned from XBL
May 21, 2007 03:07
Of course it is vital, no body wants dirty pirates like yourself wasting bandwidth on their game servers, they are for paying customers ONLY.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Modified 360' s get banned from XBL
May 21, 2007 05:49
Unless a person mods with the chips that can be turned ' on or off' , although I wonder if they' re still detectable.
Stealth chips aren' t if they' re done right. Btw, I asked around the local gamers' shops. Seems that modded Wiis are able to go online and do stuff normally. Wonder if Nintendo' ll feel such protection is vital?
Nintendo' s consoles have always (intentionally or not) been very mod friendly. They' re relatively easy to chip, have had no real internet presence, and no warranty stickers, just proprietary triwing bits for all of their external screws. They' ll throw on some half-arsed protection, but it' ll be easy to get around with a stealth switch-chip.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Modified 360' s get banned from XBL
May 21, 2007 06:10
Of course it is vital, no body wants dirty pirates like yourself wasting bandwidth on their game servers, they are for paying customers ONLY. Signed. And im tired of all lame lies towards majronelson and gamerscoreblog, lol. Some people claim it was their brother who hacked the xbnox,some claimed they had kids that they had to do backupfiles for which they screw up etc. BS. YOU FUCKERS MODDED YOUR XBOX TO GET FREE GAMES,and we who pay for these games has to take the extra 10$ fee for your disgusting choices,glad you fuckers are all banned from XBL.
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: Modified 360' s get banned from XBL
May 22, 2007 02:07
no body wants dirty pirates like yourself wasting bandwidth on their game servers For the last time, we know you' re being hypocritical because you openly said you played bootleg Xbox games off your Xbox 360' s hard-drive and the entire post is still in Kikizo' s database so we can all just search for it; and even if you edit it, the edit-date would show so we know you tried to cover your own ass. And anyway, I don' t even own any of the new next-gen consoles. I' ve waited till now so I could choose from all 3. And my own Xbox is unmodded since the games are produced here and so are cheaper than the UC exports and I can afford them easy. *shrugs* Get new ammo, Evil Man. This whole ' you' re a pirate' thing is just old. Plus, it' s kinda flattering with Pirates 3 coming out.
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RE: Modified 360' s get banned from XBL
May 22, 2007 05:48
I wonder if there is anyone who modded their box and didn' t pirate anything. I turned mine into an internet browser and media center. The only game I ever " pirated" was Fable: The Lost Chapters. In UnleashX there is an option to copy a game disc, so I copied my friends Fable:TLC to it. However, I feel justified by the fact that I already bought Fable, and the new quest was about 3 hours long. After the failing to live up to what was promised, Peter Molenux(sp) didnt deserve $20 after I paid $50.
Evil Man
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RE: Modified 360' s get banned from XBL
May 22, 2007 07:53
ORIGINAL: Byakko no body wants dirty pirates like yourself wasting bandwidth on their game servers For the last time, we know you' re being hypocritical because you openly said you played bootleg Xbox games off your Xbox 360' s hard-drive and the entire post is still in Kikizo' s database so we can all just search for it; and even if you edit it, the edit-date would show so we know you tried to cover your own ass. I don' t own an Xbox360, and when I owned one I never modded it, there is nothing to bootleg on Xbox360, it has no good games, so your statement makes no sense. And play them off the hard drive? please know what you' re talking about, 360' s HDD wouldn' t even have enough room to store more than 1 game. I have promoted piracy on Xbox products because MS doesn' t deserve money, just as I have promoted the assasination of George W Bush because he doesn' t deserve to live, it doesn' t mean I actually have tried to kill him myself, nor that I have actually bootlegged Xbox games myself. I can afford them easy Prostitution must be paying well in Singapore these days, I remember when business was rough and you had to resort to pirating 5 dollar SNES games a few months ago.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Modified 360' s get banned from XBL
May 22, 2007 08:22
Evil Man you dont need to be a prick about it, but yeah, people who use cheats/hacks/mod chips to cheat/scam/bootleg should really expect some drawbacks.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Modified 360' s get banned from XBL
May 22, 2007 09:36
too bad really, i' m planing to get a 360 this summer or a wii, they are totaly hacked in our country and i thought it was excellent to be on live for the xbox. damn it, now that pirated 360 games are everywhere in the country (and even wii games just recently ) there is not a single chance to find a legal copy in any store, not that i' m going to buy a game for 90$, but it' s good to have the choice if i ever decided to play gears of war or forza 2 online .
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: Modified 360' s get banned from XBL
May 22, 2007 19:49
Prostitution must be paying well in Singapore these days, I remember when business was rough and you had to resort to pirating 5 dollar SNES games a few months ago Um, dude, Singapore is too advanced for that joke to even make sense  You can only make a joke like that for a country that' s known to be either second or third world and with a proliferating vice trade. All of which Singapore is so obviously not possessing. Number one seaport in the world, number one/two airport each and every year etc. We' re a first world country, and that means, sure, we have a red light district. But as if America, Britain, or any other first world country can say they don' t. Our crime rate is amongst the lowest in the world, our GDP per capita is in the top 10 of the world, and despite various ethnicities, we have never known racial strife. Singapore is also the leader of ASEAN. We have hosted the World Cyber Games Championship, and we' re going to host an Urban circuit (possibly a night race, not confirmed) for an F1 NASCAR tournament. Development has also been planned and initiated for a large resort island off the coast which includes Universal Studios as a partner. My country is too good for that useless comeback to even make sense in the dullest of minds. Try again, Evil Man. PS: And your double standards on piracy is just too laughable. I give you one last chance to try to justify yourself, because your reasoning is still juvenile.
< Message edited by Byakko -- 22 May 07 11:51:44 >
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- Joined: Nov 28, 2006
RE: Modified 360' s get banned from XBL
May 23, 2007 01:21
ORIGINAL: Abasoufiane too bad really, i' m planing to get a 360 this summer or a wii, they are totaly hacked in our country and i thought it was excellent to be on live for the xbox. damn it, now that pirated 360 games are everywhere in the country (and even wii games just recently ) there is not a single chance to find a legal copy in any store, not that i' m going to buy a game for 90$, but it' s good to have the choice if i ever decided to play gears of war or forza 2 online . Why are they so hacked in your country?
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Modified 360' s get banned from XBL
May 23, 2007 02:44
Prostitution must be paying well in Singapore these days, I remember when business was rough and you had to resort to pirating 5 dollar SNES games a few months ago. Hahahahahhahahaha.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Modified 360' s get banned from XBL
May 23, 2007 02:48
our GDP per capita is in the top 10 of the world Actually your in 40' s and Sweden is in top 20,but GDP isn' t a good way to measure it. Sweden is among the top 10 always in best places to live,Norway for ex ranked nr1 by UN and is basically superior then every country in terms of the middle class standard etc. ANd they are nr 25 on the list.
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- Joined: Nov 28, 2006
RE: Modified 360' s get banned from XBL
May 23, 2007 03:28
Only one drawback to moving to Sweden though Quez
Iad umboros
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2006
RE: Modified 360' s get banned from XBL
May 23, 2007 06:09
4 of my colleagues in work were banned in time for the Halo 3 Beta. How I laughed. Especially as one is an R6:V online fanatic.
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