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Microsoft sells 100,000 360' s in Japan in Dec / slow PS3 sales down to more than supply issues
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Microsoft sells 100,000 360' s in Japan in Dec / slow PS3 sales down to more than supply
Jan 10, 2007 18:51
US, January 9, 2007 - Despite promises of a million systems at Japanese retail by the end of 2006, Japanese publisher Enterbrain reports today that Sony has managed to sell just 466,716 PS3 units to Japan. This figure covers the period from the Japanese launch on 11/11 to the end of the year. In comparison, Enterbrain reports that Nintendo managed to sell 989,118 Wii units from the 12/2 launch to the end of the year, with the number quickly jumping over the million mark for a total of 1,135,671 units by 1/7. The firm didn' t provide 2006 results for the Xbox 360, but did list the system as having sold a total of 290,467 units total from its 12/10/2005 launch to the end of 2006. In particular, spurred by the release of Blue Dragon, Microsoft managed to sell 99,798 360 units in December 2006 alone -- the highest month ever for the system (yes, that includes the launch). Portable gaming has been Japan' s big star over the past couple of years. Enterbrain reports total Japanese DS and DS Lite sales from 2004 until the end of 2006 as 13,950,000 units. The PSP, while nowhere near the DS, has managed a respectible 4,510,000 units since its launch. In the case of the Wii, IGN has had trouble finding a system since launch, making today' s reports of a million plus Wiis sold to Japanese consumers all the more impressive. The PS3, on the other hand, has been readily available since the New Year began. We were able to find a used 60 gig unit today at a major retail for $50 less than the new selling price. This would suggest that the lack of sales is due to more than just supply constraints. LINK It' s interesting because there have been numerous reports of PS3' s being in stock in the US but still not selling very well. Perhaps Tiz and i were correct in saying that PS3 could face a similar fate to that of the Saturn, for the same reasons.
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
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RE: Microsoft sells 100,000 360' s in Japan in Dec / slow PS3 sales down to more than sup
Jan 11, 2007 02:25
I still think their price point is completely off for a games machine, and they' ve overestimated demand for proprietary HD movies. I never bought into Saturn as a kid simply because it was too expensive. Also I think many who buy PS3 and haven' t a clue will also be disappointed with the picture quality compared to demo pods when they plug in via composite. I' m still baffled by the decision to market the machine as true HD and not provide HD out of the box!
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RE: Microsoft sells 100,000 360' s in Japan in Dec / slow PS3 sales down to more than sup
Jan 11, 2007 04:22
Yeah, here i the States the PS3 is pretty much sitting on shelves. What amazes me is that the 360 is still selling so well. At Best Buy there used to be HUGE piles of 360s everywhere and by the week before Christmas they were all gone. It was incredible. Then with the Wii... well you still can' t find it.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Microsoft sells 100,000 360' s in Japan in Dec / slow PS3 sales down to more than sup
Jan 11, 2007 08:27
Yeah, in the states, its worse than it was in japan with 360' s. at my local gamestop, they thought no one was buying them because they didnt know they had them, so they bought a neon sign that said " we have ps3' s in stock" so then they started putting them on the counter. Then when some one would walk in they would say " we have plenty of ps3' s in stock" and they would just ask for a wii and ofc they were sold out
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RE: Microsoft sells 100,000 360' s in Japan in Dec / slow PS3 sales down to more than sup
Jan 11, 2007 20:29
Perhaps Tiz and i were correct in saying that PS3 could face a similar fate to that of the Saturn, for the same reasons. I want it to become the new Saturn so I can say " I told you so" ... Then again, I also want it to thrive on the wave of success because there are some particularly awesome games coming out for it, and I simply can' t contain the excitement... Until I see some Ninja Gaiden 2 and the other side to the Lost Odyssey battle system, I am kind of bought by the PS3 promise at the moment, if only by: FFXIII VersusXIII Heavenly Sword For the time being... But hey, the Saturn is still one of my fav consoles of all time, so if the PS3 ends up being the Saturn, I have no problem with that. 
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RE: Microsoft sells 100,000 360' s in Japan in Dec / slow PS3 sales down to more than sup
Jan 12, 2007 00:47
i thought i might never have the change to say this but... NINTENDO 1 SONY 0!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: Microsoft sells 100,000 360' s in Japan in Dec / slow PS3 sales down to more than sup
Jan 12, 2007 01:37
fish, I think there were plenty of other chances to say that way before (mostly with the DS and PSP). In Singapore, we got neither PS3 or Wii. That so sucks...but they' re prolly ' officially' launching here after New Years... Btw, what is WITH the selection of Blu-Ray titles? The Fifth Element? The Fifth Element!? Bruce Willis doesn' t even LOOK like that anymore!
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
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RE: Microsoft sells 100,000 360' s in Japan in Dec / slow PS3 sales down to more than sup
Jan 12, 2007 03:10
The Fifth Element is teh roxx0r, the fact that it' s in 1080p only multiplies the roxx0r factor. I don' t care what anyone says. I read this, called my local EB, & they' ve got 3 sitting behind the counter.  I kinda feel bad for Sony now. I' m not a big fan of the console, but it' s really going to suck if PS3 starts to tank.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Microsoft sells 100,000 360' s in Japan in Dec / slow PS3 sales down to more than sup
Jan 12, 2007 03:14
Why feel sorry for sony when they knew they had it coming?
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
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RE: Microsoft sells 100,000 360' s in Japan in Dec / slow PS3 sales down to more than sup
Jan 13, 2007 23:23
I read this, called my local EB, & they' ve got 3 sitting behind the counter. I kinda feel bad for Sony now. I' m not a big fan of the console, but it' s really going to suck if PS3 starts to tank. We got 3 sitting out for all to see at the Target Superstore I work at. We sold one of them about a week ago. Every night I go in and check the numbers on them just to see if maybe they are different ones only to find out its the same 3 that been there for some time now. I' m gonna check the elctronics backstock room to see if we have more. If they are still there by my next paycheck I may buy one. I cant find a friggin Wii anywhere tho...
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