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Microsoft is getting bitchy
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Microsoft is getting bitchy
Oct 28, 2006 09:01
the latest trailer of gears of wars is available only for the gold members, for the silver members they have to wait a week or so. this, as an employee from microsoft announced, will happen more and more " so you may want to think about upgrading if you want all the latest and greatest trailers, demos etc." said Hryb. i expected a friendly attitude toward customers from microsoft specialy when sony is announcing its service for free. instead they are opting to make gold members feel " special" and silver member feel like " crap"
Evil Man
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RE: Microsoft is getting bitchy
Oct 28, 2006 09:30
XBL is a scam
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RE: Microsoft is getting bitchy
Oct 28, 2006 09:30
i watched a recent gears of war trailer that resembled a music video....and i don´t have either xbox live silver or gold why is that all game companies have to sound like bastards sometime in their history?
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RE: Microsoft is getting bitchy
Oct 28, 2006 09:31
I didn' t get that vibe at all from what he said. Must be you.
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RE: Microsoft is getting bitchy
Oct 28, 2006 09:55
It may not be really offensive but why deny something simple like a trailer to all 360 owners? why only gold? Like Abasoufiane said, Sony is giving online free to everyone and they do something unpopular like this? They should be handing fresh made muffins to everyone instead
Terry Bogard
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RE: Microsoft is getting bitchy
Oct 28, 2006 09:57
instead they are opting to make gold members feel " special" and silver member feel like " crap" As you Silver members should feel like   *Don' t hurt me I only kid!!  *
Evil Man
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RE: Microsoft is getting bitchy
Oct 28, 2006 10:01
Trailers can make people buy a game, it' s retarded to charge for stuff like that.
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: Microsoft is getting bitchy
Oct 28, 2006 11:49
What' s the idea cutting off potential sales by making a trailer exclusive?! This is something that hopefully they could only feel comfortable pulling on a title that is already a foregone conclusion to be a success. It would kill any chances a lower-profile game might have.
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RE: Microsoft is getting bitchy
Oct 28, 2006 15:36
I for one am glad this is finally happening. I was actually thinking of dropping my gold subscription but now I may keep it. While $50 a year is insanely cheap anyway, I wasn' t playing online as often as I used to. This may just keep my subscription. I think its about time that people who pay get a little bit more than just online play. Smart marketing.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Microsoft is getting bitchy
Oct 28, 2006 15:58
I think its a bad thing that people have to pay for marketing, they day will come when we will have to pay for a demo! and that my friends will be a bleak one! Im hoping Sonys online structure will force MS to change things, but as it is, Sonys online will probably be so bad XBL is still the only option
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RE: Microsoft is getting bitchy
Oct 28, 2006 22:52
It' s not like you won' t ever get the content. They' ll probably release it later on like they' re doing with this GoW trailer. I think it' s good that as a paying customer, I' m finally getting some perks that the freeloaders don' t!
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RE: Microsoft is getting bitchy
Oct 28, 2006 22:58
It should have ben like this since the very beginning. So far we' ve been paying just to play online.
Gaius IV
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RE: Microsoft is getting bitchy
Oct 29, 2006 05:55
I think it' s good that as a paying customer, I' m finally getting some perks that the freeloaders don' t! I agree!
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: Microsoft is getting bitchy
Oct 29, 2006 06:10
I think it' s good that as a paying customer, I' m finally getting some perks that the freeloaders don' t! I think this is just twisted logic. It' s not like they' re giving the paying customers something that wasn' t already previously available. They' re just excluding the people who weren' t already paying. It' s the equivalent of a store drawing the curtains on something that was previously visible from the street. It' s just annoying, it really shouldn' t make you feel more like a VIP by any means. I like XBL and I' ve had an account for three years, but this is just stupid and rather petty.
< Message edited by Zoy -- 28 Oct 06 22:15:11 >
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RE: Microsoft is getting bitchy
Oct 29, 2006 06:29
They shouldnt charge you for something like trailers. Nobody should.
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- Joined: Jun 17, 2006
RE: Microsoft is getting bitchy
Oct 29, 2006 06:59
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical Sonys online will probably be so bad XBL is still the only option I think its gonna be just great, i mean, 40 player multiplayer for free, new content redy to be downloaded, and old goods making its way back, im so gonna get the biohazard director´s cut, and arc the lad for my PSP, since SONY has its own movie and music studios im sure we are gonna get exclusive content, for instance i bet my ass that the new Spiderman 3 trailer its gonna be able for download pretty soon, plus a behind the scene, music store, and alot more, i would love to see something for my " Sony Ericson" hell, the PS3 online its gonna blow everybody away
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RE: Microsoft is getting bitchy
Oct 29, 2006 06:59
I think it' s good that as a paying customer, I' m finally getting some perks that the freeloaders don' t! what kind of logic is that!! this is pathetic, it' s not like they giving you a new feature or something, they just excluded something from the silver membership , that' s all, THERE IS NO BENEFIT TO YOU, it' s like if the misfortune of some people makes you all feel great , that' s another issue ...
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: Microsoft is getting bitchy
Oct 29, 2006 07:10
With that XBL is loosing + points with as I am one of the " freeloaders" you speak of. It is sort of silly to do a thing like this, but I bet there must be a reason behind it other than than rewarding those who pay to play. However if they continue on this path I might never become a Gold Member, just because it goes against my principles. Also, if not for the free trailers and demos, why would a Silver member use XBL? they day will come when we will have to pay for a demo! MGS2 demo, whohoo!!! And I got this free game called ZOE with it, only for 50 bucks! It' s friggin christmas eve!
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RE: Microsoft is getting bitchy
Oct 29, 2006 07:50
Sorta is the pride of the Xbox (Live) so I can understand them doing this.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
RE: Microsoft is getting bitchy
Oct 29, 2006 09:08
ORIGINAL: Abasoufiane I think it' s good that as a paying customer, I' m finally getting some perks that the freeloaders don' t! what kind of logic is that!! this is pathetic, it' s not like they giving you a new feature or something, they just excluded something from the silver membership , that' s all, THERE IS NO BENEFIT TO YOU, it' s like if the misfortune of some people makes you all feel great , that' s another issue ... Settle down dude. I' m not a sadist. Remember what you quoted at the beginning of this. as an employee from microsoft announced, will happen more and more " so you may want to think about upgrading if you want all the latest and greatest trailers, demos etc." said Hryb. This trailer is the first example. But it doesn' t mean it' s going to be just trailers or demos. This is just the beginning and we don' t know what Microsoft has in store for us. There may be other exclusive content like developer interviews/special content that may be only for Gold members for now on. We' ll have to wait and see but I can see it happening for future content. Whether or not these things may have had the possibility of being released for silver as well is irrelevant. As it stands now Silver members will be excluded/delayed from certain content. This means that as Gold members, we are now getting something more than what Silver members do. Hence it is a perk no matter what you say now! I' ve been paying for Live ever since V1.0. So a good four years now and I' m sure a lot of other people have as well. To me, this is Microsoft saying: " Thanks for your patronage Gold Members. We think it' s about time we gave you something for your troubles" Just like any other online subscription service, the paying members get a little more. I' m sure quite a lot of other long time patrons feel the same as I do. At the moment it may not seem like much but the future will hold more. Silver members aren' t going to be completely excluded. Hence the stuff about delaying content for them. But like IGN, everyone can download a decent amount of content, it' s just the Insiders that get perks on top of that. This kind of thing has happened to heaps of websites that used to be all free. People bitched at first but then they got over it.
< Message edited by UnluckyOne -- 29 Oct 06 1:25:23 >
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