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 Michael Moore Fahrenheit 9/11
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Mass X

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Michael Moore Fahrenheit 9/11 - May 19, 2004 19:01
As promised, Michael Moore lit a powder keg Monday at the Cannes Film Festival: His incendiary " Fahrenheit 9/11" riled and disturbed audiences with a relentless critique of the Bush administration in the post-Sept. 11 world. If Moore can get the movie into U.S. theaters this summer as planned, the title " Fahrenheit 9/11" could become a rallying cry in the fall election for voters hoping to see Democratic challenger John Kerry defeat President Bush.

Michael Moore was greet to a 20 minute standing ovation.

Miramax was origionally going to distribute the movie, but parent company Disney didnt want any political connections especially so close to election time. Miramax head is trying to find a company to distribute the film asap.

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RE: Michael Moore Fahrenheit 9/11 - May 20, 2004 05:21
I have heard about this movie, and i am interested in seeing it. I really enjoyed " Bowling for Columbine" , and I expect this one to be just as interesting. I like that guy.

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RE: Michael Moore Fahrenheit 9/11 - May 21, 2004 12:44
Michael Moore=Biggest load of shite since the dinosaurs walked the earth. There are some people I would love to be locked in a room with a baseball bat with, and he' s one of them. Bowling for Columbine COULD have been a decent made movie if he hadn' t went out of his way to make everything look so bad. I mean, he even re-edited the Charlton Heston speech just to make the NRA look bad, WTF?

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RE: Michael Moore Fahrenheit 9/11 - May 21, 2004 19:07
funny, because in Canada, that movie was very well received.

Does Moore take a biased standpoint, perhaps, but no more than anyone else. Of couse he is going to edit things to make them force his point. All documentaries are edited. I have read his books, he is a well spoken man who makes a point.
Adam Doree

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RE: Michael Moore Fahrenheit 9/11 - May 22, 2004 13:31
I wantto see this. Moore is an interesting character with a lot of useful things to say. Whether you agree with much of what he says is surely not as big a point as the eyes he is opening all over the place... and the docu style is most entertaining

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RE: Michael Moore Fahrenheit 9/11 - May 22, 2004 18:26
Adam, you said exactly what I think.

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RE: Michael Moore Fahrenheit 9/11 - May 22, 2004 22:42
Well I guess it' s alright to re-edit a speech and make it look like a group of heartless gun users have met up to dance on the graves of those that died in Columbine. A documentary for me is something that shows the truth, and I believe that Moore shows everything BUT the truth. If it doesn' t fit his current cause then you' ll never hear about it. Believe it or not there are far better liberal debators and demonstrators in Hollywood than Michael Moore...Richard Dreyfuss is probably the best and he doesn' t have to resort to the sort of bully tactics most often used by Moore or Geneane Garofolo. Prove Michael Moore wrong, or Geneane, and they' ll just start screaming and running around like a chicken with it' s head cut off making no sense.

I' m neither republican or democrat because I see wrongs from both parties. It' s people like Dreyfuss that make me proud to be an american, and those like Moore that make us all look bad.

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RE: Michael Moore Fahrenheit 9/11 - May 23, 2004 01:10
Love him or hate him, I guess he does exactly what he wants - he gets people responding.

I don' t think Moore makes Americans look bad. I think some Americans make Americans look bad. Not all, I know many wonderful Americans, sadly they are not the ones getting the publicity.

As for the lack of " truth" in his documentaries, I don' t think that is true. he has an agenda, yes, but there is still truth in what he is saying. He works to open eyes, it is just a shame when the truth starts to hit a little to close to home, people scream that it is all lies and pass it off as nonsense. That tactic is just as bad as editing.

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RE: Michael Moore Fahrenheit 9/11 - May 23, 2004 18:36
The man makes propaganda, and his movies are HIS own take on a situation. If you are liberal then I can see why you like the guy. Just remember that this guy doesn' t give a shit about anyone in these movies...

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RE: Michael Moore Fahrenheit 9/11 - May 24, 2004 20:42
I am not going to argue with you, it is apparent that we both have different takes on this artist. You se things one way, i see them another.

And for the record, i am not a liberal, but thanks for coming out.

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RE: Michael Moore Fahrenheit 9/11 - May 24, 2004 23:40
I' m not sure what that last part meant but just so you know I' m not conservative. I' m an independent...there are flaws in both parties. This guy just happens to be one of the bigger flaws that I see in the liberal party...people that are liberal just to be liberal. It' s time for someone to step up and acknowledge the pros and cons of both liberals and conservatives and make them one. If only the independents could raise enough money, or in the very least get someone who' s NOT crazy to be their leader, we might be able to get somewhere.

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Micheal Moore= Bad American - May 26, 2004 03:31
Seriously people..Micheal Moore is a laughing stock amongst clear thinkers.

First, he is a bad American. Anyone who hopes that the USA will lose in Iraq is a bad American.

Outside of that the guy cant give a straight answer no matter what forum hes in. You cant believe a word he is saying because everything out of his mouth is propaganda just like Yoshimitsu said.

Micheal Moore is a Left Wing Nut, or what we more lovingly refer to as a " far left liberal wacko" .

Now I watched Bowling for Columbine and I didnt hate it, but I found it thick with bias and agenda. It had its moments..on both ends of the spectrum. Im not looking forward to this movie at all, but I hope Oreilly gets this guy on the Factor so we can watch that fatboy sweat!

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RE: Michael Moore Fahrenheit 9/11 - May 26, 2004 04:52
I have no desire to get into a political discussion, but the below statement offended me, and I am not even American...

Anyone who hopes that the USA will lose in Iraq is a bad American.

Or perhaps because of statements like that, and the opinions expressed by the posters above, I am glad I am not an American.
Mass X

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RE: Michael Moore Fahrenheit 9/11 - May 26, 2004 14:00
Its not that I hope we lose but more to hoping this BS ends soon. Not really doing America ne good at this point neways.

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RE: Michael Moore Fahrenheit 9/11 - May 26, 2004 19:00
I really have trouble even understanding your posts in this thread. Perhaps it' s better for you to just stay out of all political discussions because it' s obvious you don' t know what the hell you are talking about. So I take it we should all be crossing our fingers to LOSE in Iraq? You' re glad you' re not an american because it would be hard for you to support your country?

I' ll tell you something. I' m glad you' re not an american. Americans should debate things like this, and NOT believe everything they see on tv. We' ve got enough stupid people running around in America as it is, so I' m glad you' re staying in Canadia.
Mass X

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RE: Michael Moore Fahrenheit 9/11 - May 26, 2004 19:55
Brief update on the film. Michael Moore just won the top honors (the Palme d' Or) at the Cannes film festival.

Jury president Quentin Tarantino was quick to defend the jury' s selection of the film, claiming the choice had nothing to do with Moore' s left-leaning politics; rather, that the film was simply the best picture screened at the festival.

--More Info Here--
< Message edited by Mass X -- 5/26/2004 7:58:04 PM >

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RE: Michael Moore Fahrenheit 9/11 - May 26, 2004 20:58
That was interesting to read. thanks for the link Mass X
Russian Mobster

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RE: Michael Moore Fahrenheit 9/11 - May 27, 2004 01:07
all of michael moore' s movies are 90% bullshit.

The only thing i injoyed about " Bowling for Columbine" is the little cartoon they had.

I also want to see Michael Moore on The O' Rielly Factor.

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RE: Michael Moore Fahrenheit 9/11 - May 27, 2004 02:11

Seriously people..Micheal Moore is a laughing stock amongst clear thinkers.

Nope. Whether you' re left or right wing, anyone with an objective eye could tackle this subject without resorting to questioning his " patriotism" (yawn). By insinuating that only morons enjoy his work, you' ve effectively insulted anyone who doesn' t agree with you.

real comprehensive argument you got there - and persuasive, too!

First, he is a bad American. Anyone who hopes that the USA will lose in Iraq is a bad American.

Labelling someone a bad American for exercising their democratic right to freedom of speech is grossly " unamerican" too. Bullying people into agreeing with the government line by questioning their loyalties rings true with communism rather than the " greatest democratic country on earth" . Hold on - I see a pattern!

Star Tekkie

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RE: Michael Moore Fahrenheit 9/11 - May 27, 2004 18:14
This thread was certainly enlightening... for the most part....
everyone is entitled to their own opinions and views, and as Americans do they not have the right to express these? Wether it be on a message board, through art, music, or even a film?
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