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Mass Effect Developer Interviews and Bonus Footage
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Mass Effect Developer Interviews and Bonus Footage
Aug 13, 2006 04:03
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RE: Mass Effect Developer Interviews and Bonus Footage
Aug 13, 2006 07:32
...hey, how come we always see the same three characters in any new mass effect footage?.... ....don' t tell me you only have 3 people in this whole game... ..what kind of a RPG is that?...  ..
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RE: Mass Effect Developer Interviews and Bonus Footage
Aug 13, 2006 09:20
Obviously because they' re the most completed characters. The others are probably still in development.... just like rest of the game!
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RE: Mass Effect Developer Interviews and Bonus Footage
Aug 13, 2006 22:26
...true... ....to be honest, i' m really getting sick of constantly hearing about games that are no-where near complete.... ....i' m not sure who to blame either, journalists or the game makers themselves... ...or are both equally responsible?.... ...it wouldn' t be so bad if when the game finally arrives after three years of hype that it delivered, but at least half of these titles stink to high heaven.... ...I spent the majority of the time i had my ex-box waiting for supposedly brilliant games, which when finally released sucked total a$$... *coughfablecoughcough*
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 13 Aug 06 14:33:41 >
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RE: Mass Effect Developer Interviews and Bonus Footage
Aug 14, 2006 07:41
..I spent the majority of the time i had my ex-box waiting for supposedly brilliant games, which when finally released sucked total a$$... in that case, there were two of us :) coughforzacoughhalo2coughfablecoughjadeempirecoughsomuchmorecough ' I was really impressed when I first saw footage from MAss Effect , but now it seems to me like all the visual power went into characters - backgrounds look kinda " empty" . It definitely lowered my expectations...
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 14 Aug 06 0:06:01 >
Evil Man
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RE: Mass Effect Developer Interviews and Bonus Footage
Aug 14, 2006 08:16
Looking forward to this one.
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RE: Mass Effect Developer Interviews and Bonus Footage
Aug 14, 2006 08:43
Gangsta,who really cares what you thinks about Mass effect,its not like you gonna get it anyway. Btw whatever you say about Jade empire,all bioware games all together has a 93% ratio,thats better then any of your japanese game studios.
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RE: Mass Effect Developer Interviews and Bonus Footage
Aug 14, 2006 19:43
I didn' t know I' m not getting it...strange. If your fanboy' s mind can' t respect my opinions based on this movie, you should keep it to yourself. I don' t care how much their scores are - I' ve played 2 bioware games - KOTOR was an awesome RPG with some flaws and Jade Empire was 9,5/10 until 10h playtime - after that it was boring , schematic and pointless (Story never felt epic or even great). I also don' t care about studios , cause I' m not a fanboy son.I care about titles.And I care about MAss Effect, but not as much as I did after previous movie. World would have been a better place without stupid fanboys who waste everybodys time.
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RE: Mass Effect Developer Interviews and Bonus Footage
Aug 14, 2006 20:04
Yes,you' re not a fanboy gangsta, no no. How much shit has you not written about 360 then and american products. You dont care about studios,? one of the dumbest remarks i ever read,so when you buy a console you dont go after which developers has done games and is making games for it?
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RE: Mass Effect Developer Interviews and Bonus Footage
Aug 14, 2006 20:25
How much shit has you not written about 360 then and american products. I' m not sure what you' re trying to say here , but if you' re saying that I' m a fanboy cause I wrote about problems with 360 and so on, then you should keep that 360 love a bit more hidden cause it' s more and more like mad fanatics talk. I guess any site that reports about 360 problems should be shut down. You dont care about studios,? one of the dumbest remarks i ever read, That would mean you don' t read your own posts too often. so when you buy a console you dont go after which developers has done games and is making games for it? That' s my last answer to your fanboys bitching so get over it - here goes: If konami makes games for 360 - I don' t give a fuck - why? cause as long as they don' t make MGS for it (and that' s the only game I' d get a system for) that game can be bad , terrible or good or whatever. If SEGA makes games for 360 - I don' t give a fuck - cause FullAuto is no shenmue. If Square Enix makes a game for 360 - I don' t give a fuck , unless it' s a REAL Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy Title (not some online game or like with GCN - FF spin off) (to be perfectly honest I don' t care qabout FFXIII either cause I haven' t been satisfied with the latest FF games - I hope FFXII will change that) that' s to show you why I follow games not developers and I showed it to you on your system so you could understand. So I' m sorry but I' m not a Bioware fanboy - I don' t really think they should be admired.I could understand that kind of affection for Bethesda - they make truly hardcore RPGs that move the genre forward, but bioware is good and that' s it. thank you for your time
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 14 Aug 06 12:26:38 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: Mass Effect Developer Interviews and Bonus Footage
Aug 14, 2006 20:33
Halo 2 was sooooo much better than Halo:CE
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RE: Mass Effect Developer Interviews and Bonus Footage
Aug 14, 2006 20:36
Halo 1 would be amazing if it weren' t for the lower quality of the end. I love the way H2 implemented story, but it lost this HAlo1 feeling of being in this sci-fi world.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Mass Effect Developer Interviews and Bonus Footage
Aug 14, 2006 20:42
I thought it had a great feel! And... it didnt have the library! now the setting on the halo, in Halo CE, was very cool indeed! But the repetative structeres nearly made me barf
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RE: Mass Effect Developer Interviews and Bonus Footage
Aug 14, 2006 21:19
Yes,Beathsed make hardcore games,you said they make shit and bugs all the time in a previous post when you trashed OB. And now you think they should be admired,for what? -Making shit and bugs? as you stated before. Gangsta wakey pakey!!! You dont make sense again.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 14 Aug 06 13:19:54 >
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RE: Mass Effect Developer Interviews and Bonus Footage
Aug 15, 2006 00:52
I never said that Oblivion sux (sure it has bugs and glitches,everyone but you MS fanboys, will admit it) and if I were to admire one of those two it would definitely be bethesda.As for you - you really are retarded quez. when you trashed OB. I trashed bugs and glitches , not oblivion - if you can' t understand my posts , then your english isn' t good enough to discuss games with people. Vx - I guess it' s a typical sequel syndrome - some things are improved while others are lost.I hate that shitty library...
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 14 Aug 06 16:55:21 >
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RE: Mass Effect Developer Interviews and Bonus Footage
Aug 15, 2006 00:55
You' re both stupid fanboys. Quetz and friends thinks Oblivion has no bugs. WRONG! Gangsta calls it Buglivion and motivates this by saying that it has more bugs than what is acceptable. WRONG! The truth is in the middle. Oblivion has bugs, but that' s to be expected from such a huge and advanced game. They sometimes affect gameplay, but mostly, the game works fine. End of story.
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RE: Mass Effect Developer Interviews and Bonus Footage
Aug 15, 2006 00:58
Ginj, you have like a bright light shining behind you, and faintly... on top of your head... That' s... a halo?
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RE: Mass Effect Developer Interviews and Bonus Footage
Aug 15, 2006 01:00
No, it' s a radioactive donut I forgot to eat for lunch. Thanks for reminding me.
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RE: Mass Effect Developer Interviews and Bonus Footage
Aug 15, 2006 01:04
 Erk... You' ve turned! Throw a radioactive donut over. (In some places it is spelt, doughnut, wait.... I' m in one of those places  ) Wasn' t this thread about Mass Effect? Personally, I' m not bothered about the game.. It doesn' t excite me really.. Even that trailer that' s on X-box live doesn' t impress me... I like the facial animations and everything, but... Who buys a game for facial animations unless it' s the 4th disc of Shenmue? That being said, it would probably make more sense if I come clean about hating both Kotor' s...
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RE: Mass Effect Developer Interviews and Bonus Footage
Aug 15, 2006 01:07
Gangsta calls it Buglivion and motivates this by saying that it has more bugs than what is acceptable. WRONG! Actually it has less bugs than you' d expect since they' ve patched it already.This discussion is out of date.It definitely was a Buglivion - gotta give props to IGN people for naming it that.
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