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MGS movie confirmed!
Feb 09, 2007 04:19
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RE: MGS movie confirmed!
Feb 09, 2007 04:21
It has the potential to be excellent so hopefully it will.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
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RE: MGS movie confirmed!
Feb 09, 2007 05:34
I want it CG' ed with the original voice actors. That is the ONLY way I' ll ever like this film.
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: MGS movie confirmed!
Feb 09, 2007 06:38
I can' t wait for MGS: The Movie: The Game! And then the movie version of that one, too! The game <--> movie continuum is always the cream of the crop for both industries! [:' (]
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RE: MGS movie confirmed!
Feb 10, 2007 02:25
I want it CG' ed with the original voice actors. That is the ONLY way I' ll ever like this film. Yeah, it' s going to be weird without the original voices. I' d say just get the voice actors to play in the movie as regular actors, but that probably wouldn' t work for some reason. Maybe they could have the voice actors dub the normal actors? No, that would probably end up looking stupid. I' d actually like it if they got Michael Biehn to play Snake. He was the reference for the picture of Snake on the box of Metal Gear, and he' s pretty familiar with those types of roles. I think he' d be good.
< Message edited by he -- 9 Feb 07 18:26:35 >
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RE: MGS movie confirmed!
Feb 10, 2007 03:25
Heh yea, who could ever do the voice for Snake?? He' s got the wierdest, funniest voice ever. *grunt-grunt-merrryl* Maybe Kurt Russell since he played the original Snake Plissken.
< Message edited by choupolo -- 9 Feb 07 19:25:54 >
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RE: MGS movie confirmed!
Feb 10, 2007 04:40
" Escape from bad gaming-movies" Starring Snake Plisskin.[:' (]
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- Joined: Jan 30, 2006
RE: MGS movie confirmed!
Feb 10, 2007 22:00
Ikk. [:' (] Escape from L.A. was bad enough. Whay put us through any more torture?
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RE: MGS movie confirmed!
Feb 11, 2007 00:26
How about Christian Bale? He did a good job as Batman.
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: MGS movie confirmed!
Feb 11, 2007 04:59
How about Christian Bale? He did a good job as Batman. You know, I was thinking the same exact thing. I figure if he can get rid of that accent and pull off the best Batman yet(other than Adam West, the man is a legend), then he could pull off Snake better than most actors. That, or just get the guys that did the FF movies and lock em in a room until they come out with a perfect MGS movie  .
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RE: MGS movie confirmed!
Feb 11, 2007 07:05
..hmm.. ...could work pretty well if the story is decent, the casting inspired and they actually bring in a quality director.... ...a " wait and see" methinks....
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
- Location: Manchester, England
RE: MGS movie confirmed!
Feb 11, 2007 10:43
I don' t think MGS would make a good movie for several reasons (even though the game was inspired by movies). I dunno: 1) There' ll be lots of winks and nods to gamers, like the main guy will hide in a box at some point - gamers will laugh, movie-goers will just think " eh??" 2) What' s the story gonna be? Oh noes terrorists are making giant nuclear missile carrying robots, and Snake will save the day while grunting and having emotional crises with some random woman. 3) He' d look silly in real life tight combat gear, bandana, cigarette and eye patch, and too many people not familiar with the game will laugh at the euphamism ' solid snake' ! 4) An MGS movie done right would have lots of very long confusing conversations in it, and flashbacks to the cold war intended to be history lessons. Silent Hill was the only interesting movie-game adaptation so far, but only because they used the visuals and atmosphere to really good effect. The story and acting was shit. Now MGS as a hand-drawn feature length action-packed animation on the other hand...
< Message edited by choupolo -- 11 Feb 07 2:46:07 >
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: MGS movie confirmed!
Feb 11, 2007 12:33
3) He' d look silly in real life tight combat gear, bandana, cigarette and eye patch, and too many people not familiar with the game will laugh at the euphamism ' solid snake' ! Us gamers get a laugh out of that euphemism, too. Hey, one of the hallmarks of the series is bizarre character names. It adds an element of fun knowing the designers don' t take it all so seriously, even though the story has some series undertones and references to real-life situations.
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RE: MGS movie confirmed!
Feb 12, 2007 09:30
The animated approach sounds like it would work out the best. They could even get the voice actors from the games to do voices.
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- Joined: Jul 09, 2006
RE: MGS movie confirmed!
Feb 12, 2007 10:23
After watching Van Helsing, I really think Hugh Jackman would be a good choice for the role of Snake.
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RE: MGS movie confirmed!
Feb 12, 2007 18:40
Oh god no. Should have been a Squenix developed CG written and directed by Kojima. Anything else is doomed.
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: MGS movie confirmed!
Feb 12, 2007 21:56
How about the marketing? Sure, MGS has a sizable fanbase; you can always count on them... But if it was pure CG, and NOT looking like a Pixar/Dreamworks, main movie-goers might not be up to it...especially if a knowledge of the backstory was necessary. Which brings up another thing. The actual story of the movie. If it was a retread animated version of basically the games, it' ll be boring and redundant to series fans. YET, if they DIDN' T make something that at least showed an early game of the series, audiences new to MGS would totally not get it. As a game, MGS seems to have too much ' history' behind it to make the leap to (CG or not) movie that would satisfy both the fanbase and moviegoers. And if they mainstream audience can' t be reached, the movie would be doomed to a restricted screen release, and end up earning through DVD sales...which is prolly the most realistic approach to selling the movie.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: MGS movie confirmed!
Feb 12, 2007 23:46
If it was live action then asking who would play Snake would be like asking who would play Cloud in a live action Final Fantasy game. I mean, look at the DoA movie. Do any of the characters match up with any of the characters from the games?! No. And DoA isn' t exactly plot heavy. If they' re making a Metal Gear movie they need to leave Snake out of it completely, ...or at least just mention him rather than having him as a featured character. I do not want to see Tom Cruise running around in a sneaking suit fighting big metal frogs [:' (] If you' re going to make a Metal Gear film it needs to be about the machine and not eccentric unrealistic characters live Vulcan Raven or Vamp. If you start including things like Dead Cell, Foxhound or Outer Heaven in a live action picture it' ll end up laughable. Kojima is writing it but i' d feel better if he was directing it too, ...and i' d feel better if it wasn' t going all Hollywood. CG would be a much better option, whether a western audience would buy into it or not.
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
- Location: Manchester, England
RE: MGS movie confirmed!
Feb 13, 2007 01:59
I really think hand-drawn animation could be marketable to the mainstream. CG has gotten too associated with kids movies nowadays with stuff like The Invisibles, The Incredibles etc. Hand-drawn animation is still evolving in the mainstream with some very credible endorsements. Stuff like Studio Ghibli movies eg Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away were very popular, Samuel L Jackson' s has his animated series Afro Samurai, Tarantino put that nice animated bit in Kill Bill, and other movies have tried to emulate a hand-drawn look like A Scanner Darkly. Like Nitro kinda said, most of the characters in MGS are far too cartoony/stylised to translate to live action. It' d be like a dodgy cosplay convention!
< Message edited by choupolo -- 12 Feb 07 18:01:34 >
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RE: MGS movie confirmed!
Feb 13, 2007 02:53
How about Christian Bale? He did a good job as Batman. You know, I was thinking the same exact thing. I figure if he can get rid of that accent and pull off the best Batman yet(other than Adam West, the man is a legend), then he could pull off Snake better than most actors. Mr Bale was good in batman begins but i doubt he make a good snake. And without the original VO it wouldn' t be the same. Sony better not Flunk.
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