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 Lost odyssey and blue dragon pictures
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Lost odyssey and blue dragon pictures - Feb 13, 2006 00:53
Basically,Sakaguchi is the guy behind FF serie,Chrono trigger,and also has worked with titles as parasite eve,xenogears and vagrant story.
He is the best developer and king of all media.
He has hired Nobuo who left square-enix who did the Music in every FF game,and other titles like Chrono trigger,however he did not do the main themes nor the most in CT.
Nobuo is a fucking genius and the best musician in the game industry.
They also hired " Christian lorenz" for the art and concept design in Lost odyssey,who done art in Titanic,Fifth elemtn,matrix,day after tomorrow and FF movie.
Which suits good i guess,seeing how they want a world that once and still is kind of beautiful but is eaten up by industrial estates and a evil empire...

The main characters is a guy/women who lived for over 1000 years and cannot die,and suprace families and friends...

main character kaim...and sakaguchi btw :P

here is the women,who i forgot her name on,and btw her hair has changed from purple/blue/black in diffrent pics...
But anyway,if you look at the pic,and remember the art we saw in Gears of war,we know it could be made as in the ART,and Lost odyssey share unreal engine with gears of war,so we can have amazing graphic on its way if we are lucky,many former employers of square-enix is doing Lost odyssey for sakaguchi,so we have good talented people with a 360.

Main character...however in this pic we know now,he will use a sword as every FF main chaarcters basically does.

here we got pics from Blue dragon,Akira is the one who made these characters,and he got a nice touch on his drawnins,as can be seen in Dragonballz/Ct and dragon quest 8.

The character with a red cape cannot speak and dance to express himself.
Sakaguchi also said the game will be like 40 hour long,and the team will split up often,as in FF9.
And also you can explore and touch many things in a town in Blue dragon,its gonna be intresting to visit a new town apprently...

main character shu something,with the little fellow...
2 more pics of them together,could it be so that shu and this fellow is gonna be on a journey tgether alone for a while?

Whats nice about this pic is that we see a airship,sakaguchi loves airship and so does i and he also said he gonna include them as much as he can,and look how amazing it look >_< i love the cartoonish look on veichles in Blue dragon.

Nice water?

Anyway the backround story behind Blue dragon is...that the people living in the world has recently found robots in ancient ruins,but they dont know why they are there,and what they do,and if you can start them,suddenly they awake,and a evil person is probably behind this...
Might not sound so epic and intresting,but the trio behind blue dragon,was also behind Chrono Trigger,which is considered by many as the world best game ever,or as the best rpg ever,and many who say no,is the FF7 people,but then again,you got the ff7 people behind Mistwalker too >_<

Well kitase isnot there,but look what he does now?
FF7 cerbues?!
Dont milk our greatest game of all time you sob!!!
ah fukk him!! >_<

I will upload more pics if the intrest is up on kikizo for Blue dragon/lost odyssey,and if im allow to upload famitsu pics.
And my japanese friend who liver in tokyo might find more news and stuff that i can include...

As people remember i usually upload 30-40 pics with a new AA-AAA title i get,and i will do so with Oblivion too >_<
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 12 Feb 06 22:44:47 >

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RE: Lost odyssey and blue dragon pictures - Feb 13, 2006 01:09
Nice dude. I couldn' t find anything ingame, just concept art.

Blue Dragons visual style looks amazing. They just need to release it now!
Vx Chemical

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RE: Lost odyssey and blue dragon pictures - Feb 13, 2006 02:03
Im certainly looking forward to both games, so i cant try out some japaneese roleplaying games :)

Both games show much promise.

I think this years E3 will be the best ever!
Terry Bogard

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RE: Lost odyssey and blue dragon pictures - Feb 13, 2006 04:59

I think this years E3 will be the best ever!

It' s also going to be a complete nightmare.. I' m already nervous. Might as well start working out now in preparation for it...

*starts doing upside down sit-ups*

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RE: Lost odyssey and blue dragon pictures - Feb 13, 2006 05:12
Some people say...PSX won thanks to Square and enix with FF7 and Dragon quest 7 and it basically killed nintendo off,or the finale stab.
If wada does announce multiplattform to FF13+DQ9 then we are in a very intresting situation,whihc might lead to MS as winners not in this future gen(xbox360/ps3) but after that one.
THis e3 is one of the most importest one in gaming history.

And we will probably see the first pics of halo3,i mean ps3 is almost coming out then,and MS wont try and hurt them?
Ofc they will show with whatever they can,blue dragon/halo3 and other stuff like gow.

Btw Terry,why is kikizo site so slow...its so for my friends too,and ivan has even left the site now.
And other friends to me.
Emil tried the site today and felt a real slowdown too.

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RE: Lost odyssey and blue dragon pictures - Feb 13, 2006 05:12
I' m counting on Lost Odyssey mostly , but I ' ve become sceptical about JRPGs lately.

Parasite Eve - one of my favourite games with RPG flavour.

There' s a nice movie from blue dragon on the net - everyone should check it - it' s realtime.I' m affraid I have no idea where I saw it :)
Vx Chemical

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RE: Lost odyssey and blue dragon pictures - Feb 13, 2006 05:30

It' s also going to be a complete nightmare.. I' m already nervous. Might as well start working out now in preparation for it...

*starts doing upside down sit-ups*

Just invite me and ill help you do the work ;) Always wanted to go to E3.

Terry Bogard

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RE: Lost odyssey and blue dragon pictures - Feb 13, 2006 05:57

Some people say...PSX won thanks to Square and enix with FF7 and Dragon quest 7 and it basically killed nintendo off,or the finale stab.

That was the case in Japan, I don' t think it applies to anywhere else simply because the PlayStation was already doing well elsewhere, the Saturn certainly wasn' t posing much of a threat and those game series weren' t as huge a deal outside of Japan. It was only in Japan where the Saturn was kicking ass and was actually #1 for a while until Squaresoft announced that they were developing for the PSX, immediately afterwards the weekly sales charts started to change and PSX sales started to skyrocket and catch up to the Saturn sales. Then Squaresoft announced Final Fantasy VII and that was all she wrote. The PSX became unstoppable in Japan.. I remember those dark days like they just happened, lol..

In the U.S. Sony' s marketing, the PSX hardware and cheaper price tag, and great 3rd party support helped it capture that market easily.

Don' t know what happened in Europe but I would imagine a scenario similar to the U.S.

All in all, my belief has always been that Sony became number 1 with the PSX simply because the 2 established veterans of this industry made BIG mistakes that Sony was able to capitalize on.. If Sega and Nintendo had played their cards right while going from the 16-bit era to the 32-bit era then Sony MIGHT have become just a memory.

If wada does announce multiplattform to FF13+DQ9 then we are in a very intresting situation,whihc might lead to MS as winners not in this future gen(xbox360/ps3) but after that one.
THis e3 is one of the most importest one in gaming history.

I have absolutely ZERO faith in Final Fantasy 13 OR Dragon Quest 9 going anywhere else other than to the PS2/PS3....

Btw Terry,why is kikizo site so slow...its so for my friends too,and ivan has even left the site now.
And other friends to me.
Emil tried the site today and felt a real slowdown too.

It' s slow on my end to.

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RE: Lost odyssey and blue dragon pictures - Feb 13, 2006 06:30
I also think PSX won thanks to easy piracy and cd' s to be honest...
You could get some of the best games ever made for free,for for like 10 box for like 10 games.
Also,Wada said this he will either do multiplattform on FF serie and DQ or Just on one plattform and dedicate it to that the whole new gen.
But at the moment he said that,he also said,as it is now it would be impossible to make it multiplattform,however i will give an answere next e3.
The question is,who gives him the most candy to e3?
And how much of those 8% in stocks that sony has in Square-enix how much power does they mean?
Lets not forget S-E is a huge company,8% of that is not little.

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RE: Lost odyssey and blue dragon pictures - Feb 13, 2006 10:16
Btw i just found Christian Lorence homesite,who gonna work in lost odyssey,look at his amazing work,not only in matrix,and fifth elemnt but look at some private stuff he did for himself.

so amazing.

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RE: Lost odyssey and blue dragon pictures - Feb 13, 2006 19:28

I also think PSX won thanks to easy piracy and cd' s to be honest...

That' s only in poor parts of Europe , Asia and other countries that are poor - but it stoped Nintendo from selling there (and it does matter).

Saturn runs backups as well so Sony' s marketing is the only thing that really helped.
FF7 is a huge partt of that , but like Terry said it' s mostly fo Japan - Europe and US fell in love with FF7 after buying it.Before FF7 PSX was doing very good with other games.

That' s looking at it objectively - for me PSX without Square or Enix wasn' t half as good - but still a very good system.

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