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London Games Festival 2nd - 7th October
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London Games Festival 2nd - 7th October
Sep 25, 2006 00:11
I' ve posted about this before and only one or two people took notice, ...most notably Tiz as he lives in London. I have however just found out that for that week, as part of the festival there will be companies showcasing some games at Oxford Streets HMV. Could definitely be worth checking out.
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RE: London Games Festival 2nd - 7th October
Sep 25, 2006 00:17
any good games?
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: London Games Festival 2nd - 7th October
Sep 25, 2006 00:18
That is like 1 week after X06. Do they really have anything left to show? If you' re lucky some gameplay stuff gets up at X06 then it might also come there.
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RE: London Games Festival 2nd - 7th October
Sep 25, 2006 00:26
ORIGINAL: Silentbomber any good games? Dunno. I don' t know what compaines will be there. I might make my way down on the off chance they' ll have some Wii pods there, i couldn' t care less about the PS3 and 360 stuff.
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RE: London Games Festival 2nd - 7th October
Sep 25, 2006 00:28
Majik,if Fable2 is playable at X06 then it might be there.
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RE: London Games Festival 2nd - 7th October
Sep 25, 2006 00:33
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL Majik,if Fable2 is playable at X06 then it might be there. Nah. Fable 2 will definitely be at X06 along with everything else Microsoft has held back on, but it wouldn' t be at the London Games Festival. It' s not that kind of event. I doubt there would be any PS3 stuff there at all, and if there is 360 stuff it' d be either stuff that' s already out or stuff that' s coming in the next couple of weeks/months. Nintendo on the other hand aren' t at TGS and are currently doing some sort of roadshow. They' ve been to London before with a Twilight Princess/DS setup so it' s possible they' ll have some Wii stuff there.
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RE: London Games Festival 2nd - 7th October
Sep 25, 2006 00:36
I heard a lot of MS people say that they saving big guns up for X06 i also heard bungie will show something at it. What do you think will be shown/playable at X06? In-game footage of Halo3? New map with Gears of war? Forza2 playable? Perhaps new mass effect trailer? or playable. what do you think.
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RE: London Games Festival 2nd - 7th October
Sep 25, 2006 00:46
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL What do you think will be shown/playable at X06? Games-wsie?! Huxley Halo 3 Gears of War (extensively - both single and multi-player) Alan Wake PGR4 (teaser) Forza 2 Mass Effect Too Human Lost Odyssey Lost Planet Fifa 2007 Pro Evolution 6 Crackdown CoD3 BiA3 Sonic Rainbow Six: Vegas Splinter Cell: Double Agent Viva Pinata Smackdown vs Raw 2007 2 Days to Vegas Alone in the Dark 5 Cellfactor FEAR Half Life 2 Fable 2 GTR Ninja Gaiden 2 Haze Indiana Jones Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom KOF: Maximum Impact 3 Medal of Honour: Airborne Overlord Project Offset The Darkness
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RE: London Games Festival 2nd - 7th October
Sep 25, 2006 00:51
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RE: London Games Festival 2nd - 7th October
Sep 25, 2006 01:06
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL KICK ASS!!! Don' t quote me on that though. That' s just what they should be showing, not what they will be showing. We do know that Gears, Alan Wake, and Half Life 2 are 100% confirmed. Some of the rest, like; Huxley, Halo 2, FEAR, Lost Planet, Rainbow Six: Vegas, Splinter Cell: Double Agent, Crackdown, Viva Pinata, CoD3, Fable 2 etc are no brainers.... ....but games like Too Human, BiA3, Cellfactor, Project Offset etc are just possibilites. Theyve not been seen for a while and it' s a western console specific event so i' d expect them to be shown. The Japanese titles like; KOF: Maximum Impact 3, Lost Odyssey, Sonic, Ninja Gaiden 2 etc are possible but it' s not a Japanese event and so they may not be there at all. Games due to launch on 360 before Christmas should be there. Anything else could technically be left until GDC 2007.
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: London Games Festival 2nd - 7th October
Sep 25, 2006 01:11
Ofc i don' t hold you accounted for that list,we have no official comments yet,we know though that bungie teasing about showing something very very soon. Must be at X06.
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RE: London Games Festival 2nd - 7th October
Sep 25, 2006 04:30
TGS then X06 then London Games Festival... Kick ass! Majik, could you post the link again, as when I wanted to put my details down... It didn' t let moi! I suppose I could just look for the thread.. I am more interested in the Gamer Careers Fair than the actual gameplay side of the festival, but I think the event at HMV almost screams at me to at least see what it is like... Seeing as I live about 10 minutes away.. They might have WiiPods, which would be nice, as I have been dying to prove myself wrong that the Wiimote isn' t gimmicky.. Huxley Halo 3 Gears of War (extensively - both single and multi-player) Alan Wake PGR4 (teaser) Forza 2 Mass Effect Too Human Lost Odyssey Lost Planet Fifa 2007 Pro Evolution 6 Crackdown CoD3 BiA3 Sonic Rainbow Six: Vegas Splinter Cell: Double Agent Viva Pinata Smackdown vs Raw 2007 2 Days to Vegas Alone in the Dark 5 Cellfactor FEAR Half Life 2 Fable 2 GTR Ninja Gaiden 2 Haze Indiana Jones Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom KOF: Maximum Impact 3 Medal of Honour: Airborne Overlord Project Offset The Darkness Would be nice and right, because you can' t just show Sigma, and get people wanting the PS3 excited, just an in-game trailer, 5 minutes of gameplay... ANYTHING!!!
< Message edited by Tiz -- 24 Sep 06 20:33:33 >
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RE: London Games Festival 2nd - 7th October
Sep 25, 2006 04:43
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RE: London Games Festival 2nd - 7th October
Sep 27, 2006 17:22
October 5 to 7, HMV Games Showcase, 12:00-6:00pm HMV - Oxford Circus 150 Oxford Street, London Z1D 1DJ The London Games Festival 2006 kicks off here. This stage of the event will bring together well-known figures from the world of video games throughout the week and the event will feature celebrities (gaming and real world celebrities) competing against each other in a series of high profile tournaments, with the winners crowned the kings of the gaming world. October 2 to October 7, at HMV main stage, Oxford Street, 7:00-9:30pm October 3, Lizard' s Lair, Visit London 2 More London, Riverside, London SE1 2RR This event is free but it requires you to pre-register. The Lizard' s Lair is open to anyone who has a great idea for a video game and wants the chance to pitch it to the top people in the industry. So if you want to sell your idea to people from Eidos or other such developers, this is the place to be. October 5, The BAFTA Video Games Awards, 6:30pm-1:00am The Roundhouse Chalk Farm Road, London, NW1 8EH The special thing about this event is that this is the first time that the winners of the Video Game Categories will get to sit side by side with the winners of more socially-recognized events. A definite elevation of status in the field of electronic entertainment don' t you think? October 6 to October 8, World Series of Video Games, 10:00am-10:00pm London Trocadero 7 - 14 Coventry Street, London, W1D 7DH Free if you' ve registered, otherwise a fee of £1 will be charged at the door. The event basically features professional gaming tournaments in Counter-Strike 1.6, Quake 4 and Warcraft III: Frozen Throne. Attendees of the event can compete in these tournaments or watch the world' s best gamers as they battle for over £40,000 in cash and prizes. November 25, Video Games Live, 6:00pm-12:00am Hammersmith Apollo Queen Caroline Street, W6 9QH The event is all about Video Games Live coming to London to provide stunning orchestral and choir renditions of some of the most memorable and popular tunes in gaming, which highlights how games have embedded itself in our art and culture. Many of the classic tunes from gaming’s past and present are featured, including themes from Sonic, Mario, Zelda, Halo, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy and God of War. With over 50 different games included, it promises to be a musical night you will never forget.
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