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 Leading Developers...
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Mass X
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Leading Developers... - Apr 06, 2004 14:57
Who do you think the leading developers are in each of these catagories:

-Pushing console limits
-Biggest Name
-Rookie developer 2003-04
-Veteren developer
-Your favorite game developer
-(extra ideas will be put after here)
--Most Surprising/Accomplished Developer (Fathoms)
My votes
-Lion Head and there collaberators...
-Tecmo and Square
-hard to give a fav but I been hooked on Ubi Soft games

--SEGA even after leaving the console wars they still continue to push out very good and often origional games. They may have taking a shot to the legs but they continue to fight on clear into 2004.

-The first time I heard of lion head was when Black and White came out. Altho that game had its flaws it was still a very advance take on the god games genre. And now with there collaberation with Big Blue Box (Fable) and Intrepid Games (BC) I continue to like what they have. And I know the collaberation is mostly with Peter Molyneux.

-I agree with both of what Fathoms and Terry Bogard said. Both companies have pushed the limits of consoles. Tecmo has been doing it since Dreamcast and Square has its beautiful FF franchise on PS.

-Hmm well what Rockstar game " latly" hasnt been a lil iffy. They certainly stick with the company name.

-Hell EA with all its sub companies have almost somthing of high quality for every genre (ie- Sims,007,sports titles,NFS etc etc etc)


-It was a hard debate over this one (mostly between sega and nintendo) but since nintendo still has the consoles and has been around a lil longer it won that battle.

-As said in the list. I been hooked on Ubi titles mainly those of Tom Clancy.

--Reason listed above-
< Message edited by Mass X -- 4/6/2004 6:03:55 PM >
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RE: Leading Developers... - Apr 06, 2004 15:24
-Originality: Sega
-Pushing console limits: Square-Enix, SCEA
-Contraversial: Rockstar
-Biggest Name: Nintendo
-Rookie developer 2003-04: Was there one?
-Veteren developer: Nintendo
-Your favorite game developer: Square-Enix
-Most Surprising/Accomplished Developer 2002-2004: UbiSoft

Sega has been known for originality and uniqueness in games for quite some time, and although the experiments sometimes backfire, they have still taken more risks in the past than any other developer, IMO.

Both SCEA (Ratchet and Clank, Gran Turismo) and Square-Enix (FF X, FF X-2, Kingdom Hearts) really show what the PS2 is capable of. Konami would be a runner-up with MGS 2 and the Silent Hill series.

Controversial is easy; Rockstar is the creator of the most controversial series in VG history (GTA), and their recent title Manhunt is even more out of control.

Biggest name and veteran developer to me will always be Nintendo for as long as they' re in the game. From Mario to Zelda to Metroid to a legion of fantastic games on the NES and SNES especially, Nintendo is still the king in terms of sheer magnitude.

I can' t think of a rookie developer for last year off the top of my head.

My favorite has always been Square (Square-Enix); simply because of the level of quality that goes into each and every one of their titles. I can' t think of another developer that' s even close in regards to ratio of games created vs. great/fantastic games...I' d estimate that as high as 75-80% of all Square titles are at least worth playing, if not excellent.

This generation, with titles like Splinter Cell, Prince of Persia, and Beyond Good and Evil, UbiSoft really surprised me with their ingenuity and polish. They' re rapidly gaining ground on the other developers on my " best" list.
< Message edited by fathoms -- 4/6/2004 3:25:41 PM >
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RE: Leading Developers... - Apr 06, 2004 16:50
I think you guys are mixing up developers and publishers. Some publishers have in-house developers and others don' t. Fathoms mentioned Gran Turismo and Ratchet and Clank from SCEA. They where both published by them (in North America) but the GT series is developed by Polyphony Digital and R&C by Insomniac. Same with Splinter Cell (though the development was in-house) and some of the others mentioned. Oh, this is a bit off topic but did you guys know the original Splinter Cell and Pandora Tomarrow had different developers? Good thing the new team knew what they where doing.

Oh yeah, my list:

-Originality: Harmonix- They did Frequency, Amplitude and Karoke Revolution. They' re not the most original but that' s all I could think of.

-Pushing console limits: Polyphony Digital- Just have to say three things: Gran Turismo 4

-Contraversial: Rockstar. I don' t need to say why.

-Biggest Name: EA Canada- EA is obviously the biggest publisher and they do almost all of there game' s in-house. EA Canada most likely isn' t really their biggest but I picked them because of the SSX series.

-Rookie developer 2003-04- Swingin' Ape Studios for 2003. They did Metal Arms (for X Box, another company did the PS2 version and I' m not sure who did the GC one). For 2004 probably Gorilla Games. They' re doing Killzone and Nam ' 67.

-Veteren developer: Anything from EA.

-Your favorite game developer: Polyphony Digital for the Gran Turismo series.
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RE: Leading Developers... - Apr 06, 2004 16:54
I know SCEA are the publishers, but both Polyphony and Insomniac are basically owned by SCEA; they only publish for Sony products, and only Sony publishes them. That' s why I included SCEA.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Leading Developers... - Apr 06, 2004 17:04
Originality: SEGA
Pushing console limits: TECMO (They' ve done wonders on the Dreamcast, PS2, and Xbox.. Not many other companies can make that claim)
Contraversial: The makers of Grand Theft Auto??
Biggest Name: Nintendo
Rookie developer 2003-04: Those guys working from their garage down the block from here!
Veteren developer: Sega and Nintendo
Your favorite game developer:SEGA

Before Sega went third-party, Konami WAS my #1 favorite third-party developer.
Sega was my favorite hardware and software company.
Kikizo Staff
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RE: Leading Developers... - Apr 06, 2004 17:09
Damnit, I need to change the Pushing Console Limits one to Tecmo. I don' t know WHY I completely forgot about the best-looking games this generation. LOL

Well, it' s still Square-Enix/SCEA for PS2, anyway.
Mass X
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RE: Leading Developers... - Apr 06, 2004 17:43
oi i fergot they have been around pushing limits since dreamcast! well then that just got changed for me as well heheh

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