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 Kikizo Classics
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Mass X

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Kikizo Classics - Oct 04, 2007 05:18
So on a whim I decided to go browsing thru kikizo posts of the past. After coming across a few very interesting things I felt they needed to be brought up. One in particular stood out immediatly and ths one is for you Terry:

Terry Bogard (May 21, 2005):I' ve read a few estimates of how much more they' re expecting the Playstation 3 to cost and I' m sticking FIRMLY to the belief that the PS3 will launch at $299

I remember the Playstation 2 went through the same craziness before launch with all types of news outlets and analysts predicting it would launch at $450 - $500..

They launched the Playstation at $299
They launched the Playstation 2 at $299
and until Sony officially releases a price for the PS3 I' m sticking to the believe that the Playstation 3 will follow that $299 tradition.. I mean the amount of software sales that thing' s bound to have should help cushion the blow.. :)

MXPX182:I will change my avatar to mary kate and ashley for 1 month if the PS3 comes out at 299 Terry! It' s a bet. Let' s make it fun, if it' s more than 299, you change your avatar to this:

Click to enlarge

Any one else wanna get in on this??? I' d love to see a bunch of backstreet boys foin the forum!!!

Terry Bogard:LOL, I Never bet... :)

But for fun I' ll use that avatar if the PS3 doesn' t launch with the same price tag as its predecessors.

By the way who the heck is that a picture of????

Thread can be found here

Tell us Terry did you keep to this bet?????? BTW it was a pic of Ricky Martin.

Anyhow why don' t some of you go browsing and see what things you can find. IM gonna go snooping for more.
< Message edited by Mass X -- 4 Oct 07 0:21:22 >
Terry Bogard

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RE: Kikizo Classics (Terry you may need to see this) - Oct 04, 2007 06:11
LOL!!... First of all, it wasn' t a bet. I remember saying that I don' t gamble.
I have never forgotten about what I said about proudly wearing that avatar if the " PStriple" doesn' t come in at a cool $299, I haven' t forgotten and I DO still plan on honoring it even though it' s been a while, lol.. I just haven' t had a chance to touch base with Adam regarding that and other stuff for a while now since things have been a bit topsy turvy!

But not to worry, some day that Ricky Martin avatar will be mine!! Unless Adam reads this thread and gives me that avatar pronto!

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RE: Kikizo Classics (Terry you may need to see this) - Oct 04, 2007 06:54
Haha, I remember reading about that Ricky Martin business during my lurking days.
But it' s bad in a way that the avatar should be there. 299 dollars for a PS3 would' ve been better somehow ;)
< Message edited by ys -- 3 Oct 07 23:54:41 >

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RE: Kikizo Classics (Terry you may need to see this) - Oct 04, 2007 07:26
Hey I grabbed another from the depths but it is in the Everything Else area here is the link

It isn' t funny but it would be a good thing to post in.

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RE: Kikizo Classics (Terry you may need to see this) - Oct 04, 2007 07:29
Terry = Owned
Mass X

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Joe Redifer

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RE: Kikizo Classics (Terry you may need to see this) - Oct 04, 2007 08:28

ORIGINAL: emofag

Terry = Owned

No no no. He was PWNT.
Mass X

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RE: Kikizo Classics - Oct 04, 2007 08:33
Yes we must discuss this with Adam. Terry must not get away with not sticking to the deal (not bet), otherwise it ruins the credibitly of the Kikizo Forums.

In other news here' s one of th emany DMC will never come to the 360 threads:

In that same thread Majik predicts Lost Planet 2 as a PS3 exclusive. Incedently he believed DMC a PS3 exclusive as well... only time will tell on his other assumption...

Now Im gonna go see if I made and predictions as to keep this thread balanced.

ONE OF THE FIRST KIKIZO FEUDS! Its true I was there! And so were a few others heheh

May not be the first but it was the first one I witnessed...
Read the last post by " Professor"
Again about the HD, an idea that went 2 ways. A removable HD and the creation of the Zune wouldve at one point been one thing.
< Message edited by Mass X -- 4 Oct 07 1:03:39 >
Joe Redifer

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RE: Kikizo Classics - Oct 04, 2007 09:15
Ha ha, I remember fathoms. He was like an intelligent version of evilman/emofag. He was fun to have issues with.

EDIT: I actually ended up REALLY liking Gradius V on the PS2.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 4 Oct 07 1:22:52 >

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RE: Kikizo Classics - Oct 04, 2007 09:26
Intelligent? LOL

That guy was the biggest fanboy on the planet, when this site was gamerweb he made a thread where he argued Gamecube had worst graphics than N64, after about the 8th page everyone on the entire forum had owned him and he said " oh it was a friend who posted that, not me, sorry."

He' s also like 30 years old and was asking people on a gaming forum for advice on how to approach women, rofl.
< Message edited by emofag -- 4 Oct 07 1:28:20 >

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RE: Kikizo Classics - Oct 04, 2007 10:18
brilliant idea mass x

Now about tthat thread:

Your 10 most anticpated games of 2006

really funny, people were actualy expecting Halo 3 as a2006 title WTF ? :d heck even resident evil 5 , not a single chance

and ADAM what was the announced title about the revolution , come on you can reveal it now, was that mario galaxy ?

laughed when quez said

Ahum... Majikdragon did you not know,resident evil 5 is coming to ps3 too?
And that Unreal tournament 2007 and virtua fighter 5 is ps3 exclusive?!

which he answered

But you can bet your bottom dollar it' ll make both systems!

nice call Nitro.


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RE: Kikizo Classics - Oct 04, 2007 10:24
when is vf5 coming to 360 anyway, i may get it if the online play doesnt suck ass
Adam Doree

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RE: Kikizo Classics - Oct 04, 2007 10:28

ORIGINAL: Abasoufiane

and ADAM what was the announced title about the revolution , come on you can reveal it now, was that mario galaxy ?

Link? I will tell!

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RE: Kikizo Classics - Oct 04, 2007 10:47
here , read your first post

what was supposed to be that announced game?
< Message edited by abasoufiane -- 4 Oct 07 2:48:35 >

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RE: Kikizo Classics - Oct 04, 2007 11:19

Enough said.

What was wrong with him?
Joe Redifer

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RE: Kikizo Classics - Oct 04, 2007 13:35

He' s also like 30 years old and was asking people on a gaming forum for advice on how to approach women, rofl.

Now that' s a post I' d like to see!

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RE: Kikizo Classics - Oct 04, 2007 14:04
Wow, I even remember him saying that. He really got my hopes up on that and then afterwards, I realized to never put your hopes on a " Terry" again. Not just a " Terry Bogard" but on any " Terrys" that I meet in the future forevermore. ROFL.
Mass X

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RE: Kikizo Classics - Oct 04, 2007 16:46
Dammit I know theres a really juicy one out there that im set on finding but have yet too grrrr...Hopefully I by the time im done I will have ruined the reputation everyone including me. MUAHAHAHHAHAAHAAA!!!!!

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RE: Kikizo Classics - Oct 05, 2007 19:30
heh this topic is fun

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RE: Kikizo Classics - Oct 05, 2007 20:22
Sorry, had to bring this one up:

Cetra' s Departure
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