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Kameo better than Perfect Dark Zero?
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Kameo better than Perfect Dark Zero?
Nov 26, 2005 08:52
...On a corporate Public Relations front, PDZ seems to be getting all the attention (despite the obvious fact that it falls flat on it' s face when compared to ' last gen' masterpieces such as Halo/Halo2), ..whilst better overall launch games such as Kameo and Condemned hardly get a mention... ...in fact, the majority of informed net reviews and forums say that Kameo is enjoyable and is visually lush, whilst Perfect Dark Zero sucks nub ass.... ..... do you agree/disagree?......have you played both games??....and why do you think that PDZ is getting so much support ???.....
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 26 Nov 05 20:13:05 >
George Foreman
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RE: Kameo better than Perfect Dark Zero?
Nov 26, 2005 16:08
I think they' re both about equal. They both have good points and bad points. But, as of now COD2 kicks both their asses.
Game Junkie
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RE: Kameo better than Perfect Dark Zero?
Nov 26, 2005 16:41
I hate platform games so I won' t even waste my time with Kameo, and I' m hoping to get PD0 for free heres how if you' re Canadian and fit a certain cryteria. http://www.talkxbox.com/article1558.aspx
< Message edited by Game Junkie -- 27 Nov 05 0:42:14 >
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RE: Kameo better than Perfect Dark Zero?
Nov 26, 2005 18:33
COD 2 easily kicks both their asses. Haven' t actually played Kameo, downloaded the demo but haven' t tried it yet. PDZ is a great game though. It is a lot better for single payer and co-op than multiplayer. MP doesn' t really seem all that great to me. The weapons don' t seem very balanced. It is far better than most games though. The grahpics are awesome too. Maybe I just haven' t given the multiplayer enough time yet though.
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RE: Kameo better than Perfect Dark Zero?
Nov 26, 2005 23:22
I' ve played both games, as well as Call of Duty 2. Kameo is Awsome, but comparing it to perfect dark is like comparing mario games to madden games. Useless. As for saying that it falls flat on it' s face compared to masterpieces such as halo 2...... I guess we have a different idea of what a masterpiece is. The multiplayer in Perfect dark is better everytime I play it. I can' t say enough about that part of the game. My single player game got deleted, so i' ll be starting that over soon. As for Call of duty 2, it' s got amazing realism, and the surround sound is awesome. Didn' t care for the multiplayer much simply because I like to play split screen, and that game doesn' t allow bots.
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RE: Kameo better than Perfect Dark Zero?
Nov 27, 2005 08:09
..... Surely Kameo is an ADVENTURE game?.... more Zelda than Mario??.... comparing it to perfect dark is like comparing mario games to madden games. Useless. ...don' t you think that there is a certain threshold of quality that renders genres irrelevant?.... would you disagree with the statement: " Ninja Gaiden Black is better than Tao Feng: fist of the lotus " ? ...or were you trying to say that they are both good, but in different ways??..... .... and do you (or anyone else) think that PDZ is better than Halo 2? .... how exactly??....
Vx Chemical
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RE: Kameo better than Perfect Dark Zero?
Nov 27, 2005 10:13
I actually think Kameo has gotten just as much press and PDZ, now Condemned hasn' t gotten as much press as the other two, probably and mainly because its a third party title, and MS doesn' t use as much time to promote them as they do their own titles, if promoting them isnt entirely up to the publisher, in this case Sega, themselves. It' s hard to call things master pieces, while good, Halo and Halo 2 arent master pieces in my eyes. Repetetive levels are actually quite boring! Now there will always be the good and the bad games category, but its hard to put two got games against eachother when there is no other comparisson, than that and the fact that both are video games!
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RE: Kameo better than Perfect Dark Zero?
Nov 27, 2005 15:16
I totally agree that it hasnt been getting as much attention as PDZ, and i think its wrong for a number of reasons. To me PDZ looks alot like all the other games before it, i mean yeah it looks great visually and im sure its a great game, but there have been games that are virtually the same as it before. Then there is Kameo which is a whole new concept which i think deserves more attention because its new and exiting. I guess it is getting more coverage because they are pretty sure it will be a big hit because of its predecessors, whilst Kameo might not be accepted.
Chee Saw
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RE: Kameo better than Perfect Dark Zero?
Nov 27, 2005 16:46
PDZ is getting more press because Microsoft wants another Halo as far as sales go. I guess they feel that since it' s a FPS it has a better chance of achieving those numbers. In my opinion, if you' re going to buy one game on the 360, get Condemned! It' s AWESOME!
Vx Chemical
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RE: Kameo better than Perfect Dark Zero?
Nov 27, 2005 21:51
im a bit turned down that Condemned only takes 10 hours to complete and has nothing else to offer me. That kinda sucks. i think ill get it when the price drops in the future!
Chee Saw
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RE: Kameo better than Perfect Dark Zero?
Nov 28, 2005 04:42
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical im a bit turned down that Condemned only takes 10 hours to complete and has nothing else to offer me. That kinda sucks. i think ill get it when the price drops in the future! I' m more interested in quality than quantity. It' s like the Chronicles of Riddick. All I heard before I bought it was how short it was. Now that I' ve played all the way through it, it' s one of my favorite games! Actually, I think I rather prefer short games, as weird as that sounds. All of these long ass role-playing games that I' ve started, I haven' t finished one!
Vx Chemical
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RE: Kameo better than Perfect Dark Zero?
Nov 28, 2005 13:02
Its not that i want games that takes ages to play, but i do want to have around 15 hours in a game, less if it has added mp support alternate game modes and unlockables. Resident Evil 4 is the perfect example, games simply dont come better than that!
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RE: Kameo better than Perfect Dark Zero?
Nov 29, 2005 11:55
PDZ' s weapons are said to be the best balanced and coolest ever - so I trust it when I know how they worked in PD and when I see it written i 3 reviews (ign,gamespot and 1up) Soundtrack (check it on PDZ website) is off tha hook. PD for N64 was (9.9/10 gamespot) the best FPP game for many (including me - I bought N64 for it) and is even today for some (yep that' s me). Halo is not that big of a deal for me - it is a great fpp game and since Nintendo didn' t get that mainstream with N64 (goldeneye,PD) some say it' s the first that rox on consoles. [I don' t care if you call me fanboy ,cuz I' ve played Sega' s and Sony' s stuff as crazy before I got n64 (at DreamCast times) and long after.And most of people who call guys fanboys didn' t even play Ocarina of Time - now tell me how someone in luv with games doesn' t want to play the one that' s said to be perfect?] Kameo seems to be a great game (I didn' t see any review positive enough to call it a masterpiece though) - and it did get a lot of attention - it' s the only game that have been shown over and over again before the launch. I actually luv Ridge Racer so when I hear that for RR fans it' s the best RR ever ...I' m like really into getting one:) Doesn' t matter if it looks worse than PGR3 - I' m not a PC gamer - I' m into Gameplay. I wonder how will DoA4 play.And will they make VF5 exclusive for 360 , or for all the next gen systems? hmm (I still think VF4 should have landed on X)
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RE: Kameo better than Perfect Dark Zero?
Nov 29, 2005 15:58
It' s hard to call things master pieces, while good, Halo and Halo 2 arent master pieces in my eyes. Repetetive levels are actually quite boring! ......ok, maybe i was stretching it with the whole masterpiece thing.... but when you isolate Halo 2' s AI, and how fun it is to go toe to toe with a pack of Elites on Legendary ..... or to lead Elite brethren wielding Carbines against a tsunami of flood, also on Legendary..... ....this ninja was just plain awed.... .....please point me in the direction of any other FPS which can match Halo 2 in this respect... ... you' re defiantly right about Resi 4.... i tend to feel cheated if blockbuster games don' t include a WEALTH of unlockables *coughbugiecoughcough* ....it' s definitely a major factor in my buying decisions (game makers please take note)..... i didn' t know Condemned was so short.... and nothing besides the main story?..... sounds kinda rushed... guess I' ll have to cross it off my list.... ]GaNgStA[ I don' t care if you call me fanboy ......nothing wrong with proclaiming your undying love for a thing... ]GaNgStA[ I' m not a PC gamer - I' m into Gameplay. .... a little harsh, non?.... PCist are you?... ..a point maybe?....
Vx Chemical
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RE: Kameo better than Perfect Dark Zero?
Nov 30, 2005 01:12
please point me in the direction of any other FPS which can match Halo 2 in this respect... Halflife 2 had just as good combat, and i enjoyed Doom 3, just as much as i enjoyed H2 or HL2. Fear has great AI as well. I dont know, people agree that generally its a good launch lineup, but ill have to wait and see for friday!
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RE: Kameo better than Perfect Dark Zero?
Nov 30, 2005 01:23
ORIGINAL: Bishonen ......ok, maybe i was stretching it with the whole masterpiece thing.... but when you isolate Halo 2' s AI, and how fun it is to go toe to toe with a pack of Elites on Legendary ..... or to lead Elite brethren wielding Carbines against a tsunami of flood, also on Legendary..... ....this ninja was just plain awed.... .....please point me in the direction of any other FPS which can match Halo 2 in this respect... It' d be more accurate if you had said Halo instead of Halo 2. Legendary on Halo was amazing and probably the most fun I' ve had in ages. It was well balanced and really made the game shine. Going " toe to toe" with elites on Legendary in Halo 2 equates to taking cover behind something solid, inching out little by little and trying to find a way to cheap them. Legendary on Halo 2 is NOT fun. It is stupidly difficult and frustrated the hell out of me.
< Message edited by Unluckyone -- 30 Nov 05 9:24:33 >
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RE: Kameo better than Perfect Dark Zero?
Nov 30, 2005 19:50
You sound like a sore loser to me. Sounds like you just aren' t good enough.
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RE: Kameo better than Perfect Dark Zero?
Nov 30, 2005 20:44
Not at all  . I finished Halo 2 on every difficulty and I am sure others here will agree that Halo 2 on Legendary is not fun. It pales in comparison to the greatness of Halo.
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RE: Kameo better than Perfect Dark Zero?
Nov 30, 2005 22:10
I disagree. I liked both a lot, but Halo 2 legendary more than Halo 1 legendary, especially for co-op. I think Halo 2 beat Halo 1 in all areas.
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RE: Kameo better than Perfect Dark Zero?
Dec 01, 2005 00:22
That' s cool but I really can' t see how you find it better than Halo 1. I remember a long discussion was had about H2 on legendary and I' ll see if I can find it. edit: Here it is. But we' re getting off topic here. I think both Kameo and PDZ have their strengths and weaknesses and it' s a little hard to compare a FPS and a platformer. It' s like comparing Civilization 4 to COD2. Both games are great in their own right. When I get my X360, PDZ will definitely be one of my first choices, but despite the hype around PDZ, Kameo has sparked my curiosity and I' ll probably end up buying it too just to see what it' s really like.
< Message edited by Unluckyone -- 1 Dec 05 8:24:27 >
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