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Japan awards the 360?
Oct 13, 2006 09:57
It' s not for what you think, but interesting (and a little funny) none the less. Kotaku The Xbox 360 nabbed a Good Design 2006 award (yeah, it was released in 2005, so what?). The console was designed by Astro Studio and hot Japanese designer Chiaki Murata and is a tremendous step up from that awful black doormat Microsoft released a few years back. The award was given by Japan' s " Good Design Council," started back in 1957 and has the sole purpose to find " excellent design products, which encourage the contribution to the quality of life and industrial field via power of design." Okay. The criteria for winners were three basic questions: * 1. Is it a good design? * 2. Is it a superior design? * 3. Is it a design that breaks new ground for the future? So Japan may hate the Xbox 360, but that doesn' t mean it hates the Xbox 360. It obviously likes the way the machine looks. On store shelves, for example. I wonder how much that bribe cost?  j/k At least it' ll shut those people up who like to say that because the 360 is " American/Western made" that sales are poor (I hear this argument everywhere I go). You can have the greatest designed console in the world and still have it fail if there' s no reason to buy it.
< Message edited by UnluckyOne -- 14 Oct 06 1:30:18 >
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RE: Japan awards the 360?
Oct 13, 2006 10:30
I said this a while back but, really, the 360 looks more ' Japanese' (very iPod-ish IMO) than the George Foreman grill of a PS3. I think Wii will top product design easily though when it' s out.
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RE: Japan awards the 360?
Oct 13, 2006 11:06
I personally think its a big insult. I mean they think its very stylish and yet they (the japanese) wouldn' t touch it with a 10ft pole. Way to rub it in.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Japan awards the 360?
Oct 13, 2006 11:08
I find it difficult to judge console designs. In my eyes they' re all perfect representations of the consoles themselves.
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RE: Japan awards the 360?
Oct 13, 2006 11:12
ORIGINAL: Terrak I personally think its a big insult. I mean they think its very stylish and yet they (the japanese) wouldn' t touch it with a 10ft pole. Way to rub it in. As I said before, it doesn' t matter how well designed or how good looking it is. You could have the best desgined product in the universe and still have it fall short if you didn' t give people a reason to buy it. Would you buy something that looked cool yet was no more useful than a paperweight? I think not. Microsoft have only recently shown content made for the Japanese market. It' s not going to be instantaneous acceptance because of that. It' ll take a couple of years before anything significant changes.
< Message edited by UnluckyOne -- 13 Oct 06 3:13:00 >
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RE: Japan awards the 360?
Oct 13, 2006 13:43
I know what you are saying, my point is that this award would seem meaningless to microsoft considering it probably will have no effect in improving the 360' s standing in Japan at the moment, which is what they are trying to do now. Yes there are some Japanese content coming that will definately be more appealing but the award is not something to be too happy about, especially when the 360 ain' t being shown any Japanese love at the moment (though Blue Dragon can change that). I look at this way, say the 360 was like a very stylish car, and won an award for being the most stylish looking car in the world. However no one was buying it - its a hollow victory. Obviously its a pretty weak example but you hopefully get the picture.
< Message edited by Terrak -- 13 Oct 06 5:50:37 >
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RE: Japan awards the 360?
Oct 13, 2006 14:07
the 360 ain' t being shown any Japanese love at the moment (though Blue Dragon can change that). I really have my doubts as to whether Blue Dragon can change that significantly. What other Japanese games do they have in the pipeline for 2007 and 2008? They have to generate a consistent stream of titles and begin building the buzz for them months, if not up to a year or two, in advance. My question about what' s coming from Japan for the 360 in 2007 and 2008 is genuine, by the way... I haven' t heard much at all.
Evil Man
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RE: Japan awards the 360?
Oct 13, 2006 14:27
X360 needed to launch with shit like Blue Dragon to stand a chance in Japan. Blue Dragon will do nothing now, and after it does nothing they' ll just stop making RPGs and the next Xbox wont sell either because it has no games japanese like. It' s a simple matter of giving people what they want. Most of the gamers in the US & Europe are fucking idiots that only like Shooters, Sports & GTA games, why is MS doing good there? Because they give the fucking retards what they want, give the dumb fucks in Japan what they want and the systems will sell.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 13 Oct 06 6:29:08 >
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RE: Japan awards the 360?
Oct 13, 2006 14:33
I personally have my doubts too, however with the ps3 launching with so few units the 360 could possibly sneak in and might steal some of those dissapointed people who were looking for some cutting edge entertainment but could not find it in the form of a ps3. Thats not to say that Wii won' t have a say on things, if there is a plentiful supply and it emulates the DS success then both ps3 and 360 might be in some real trouble (thats what i am hoping  ).
Evil Man
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RE: Japan awards the 360?
Oct 13, 2006 14:35
Why would they be dissapointed? Because it' s physically impossible for Sony to generate enough demand? I would be dissapointed if the console sucked so much ass that there was no demand for it. The fact that they can' t get one is just going to make them want it more. Wii? as I said before, Wii will be dominant the day Zoy grows a single brain cell - it just isn' t going to happen.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 13 Oct 06 6:36:24 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: Japan awards the 360?
Oct 13, 2006 14:40
Most of the gamers in the US & Europe are fucking idiots that only like Shooters, Sports & GTA games, why is MS doing good there? Because they give the fucking retards what they want, give the dumb fucks in Japan what they want and the systems will sell. And playing games that mostly star metrosexuals or semi gays is a good way to go? If anything its the Japaneese who needs a brainchecking!
Evil Man
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RE: Japan awards the 360?
Oct 13, 2006 14:42
Yes. They need to release gay shit like dating sims, hello kitty baseball games, music games, and alot of RPGs to be succesful there.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 13 Oct 06 6:42:51 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: Japan awards the 360?
Oct 13, 2006 14:46
Yes. They need to release gay shit like dating sims, hello kitty baseball games, music games, and alot of RPGs to be succesful there. Yes but doesnt that make them even sadder than the people who like shooters? No gay dating sims for me! And not if it features gay cats as well! Lesbians are okay in my book* *as long as they are hot!
Evil Man
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RE: Japan awards the 360?
Oct 13, 2006 15:00
Asians have small penises, smaller amounts of testostorone, hence their homosexual tastes & antics. It' s not mental retardation like is the case with USA/Europe.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 13 Oct 06 7:03:22 >
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RE: Japan awards the 360?
Oct 13, 2006 19:20
ORIGINAL: Evil Man Asians have small penises, smaller amounts of testostorone, hence their homosexual tastes & antics. It' s not mental retardation like is the case with USA/Europe. Actually, according to science, penis size/testosterone has no impact on a persons sexual preferences. What makes people homosexual are the way their brains look when they are born. Women and men have very different brains and homosexualls actually have brains of the opposite gender. Transexualls who are usually considered insane are actually of another gender in their brain compared to their genitals. You can actually tell whether a man is gay or not by doing an autopsy of the brain and look at its structure.
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RE: Japan awards the 360?
Oct 13, 2006 19:49
This has got to have the record for going off topic the quickest... We haven' t even reached page 2! As long as I get the games I want, I don' t care what the japanese do with the 360. They can set it on fire for all I care.
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RE: Japan awards the 360?
Oct 13, 2006 22:59
they didn´t give that award to Microsoft...but to the japanese designer that designed it. Like i said many times before they only care for what is from their country but hey that´s what many other countries do. Maybe with Blue Dragon and Lost Odissey they will sell a few more units...hope so...or not
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RE: Japan awards the 360?
Oct 14, 2006 09:28
ORIGINAL: Hidemoto they didn´t give that award to Microsoft...but to the japanese designer that designed it. Like i said many times before they only care for what is from their country but hey that´s what many other countries do. Wrong. http://www.g-mark.org/search/Detail?id=32006&lang=en Going by that award memo, it was awarded to Microsoft. And it was co designed by a Japanese firm. The other design firm was western. They awarded the design because it was good, not because it was 1/2 Japanese made. edit: typos
< Message edited by UnluckyOne -- 14 Oct 06 5:47:14 >
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RE: Japan awards the 360?
Oct 14, 2006 18:45
Wrong. http://www.g-mark.org/search/Detail?id=32006〈=en Going by that award memo, it was awarded to Microsoft. And it was co designed by a Japanese firm. The other design firm was western. They awarded the design because it was good, not because it was 1/2 Japanese made. edit: typos you´re correct...but think about it this way...if there wasn´t a japanese involved in the process would microsoft still receive this award?
< Message edited by hidemoto -- 14 Oct 06 10:45:28 >
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RE: Japan awards the 360?
Oct 14, 2006 23:24
And playing games that mostly star metrosexuals or semi gays is a good way to go? Yup
< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 14 Oct 06 15:24:48 >
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