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Japan Gets New 40GB PS3 SKU
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
Japan Gets New 40GB PS3 SKU
Feb 06, 2008 09:35
Filched from QJ.net Don' t crap yourself now, their " new" color is actually just the ugly-as-hell faux-silver color the original mock-ups were done in. They' re also getting a copy of Yakuza, and a smelly ' ol SixAxis controller. We reported about the new Satin Silver PlayStation 3 unit a few moments ago which Sony Computer Entertainment Japan (SCEJ) will be releasing, and we can' t help but be envious of our friends in Japan. And now, here' s another heart-breaker for us who live in countries other than the land of the rising sun: Sega of Japan' s Ryu ga Gotoku Kenzan!, also known as Yakuza 3, will be bundled with...yes, the Satin Silver PS3. Nothing like a blingy console to show off the Yakuza' s power and influence, yes? The bundle will be released on March 6, and will include dragon stickers to pimp up your PS3' s body, much like how the Yakuza pile up tattoos on their own. For 47,040 yen or US$ 441, this nice shiny bundle certainly is a sweet deal. Way to go Sony... Now how about a 100+GB and a DualShock?
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 6 Feb 08 1:36:56 >
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: Japan Gets New 40GB SKU
Feb 06, 2008 09:37
That sucks that the controller smells. Anyway what to do with all of that hard drive space on a game console? I can' t even fill the 8 gigs my 360 came with!
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Japan Gets New 40GB PS3 SKU
Feb 06, 2008 09:46
Do you buy XBLA games? Or things like map-packs & expansions? The Movie & TV service is anything but worth it, but it only takes 5 or 6 demos (they' ve been averaging out at a gig a piece) combined with a game video or two, some music, and some other random DLC to top off that 13GB limit.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Japan Gets New 40GB SKU
Feb 06, 2008 09:51
ORIGINAL: Joe Redifer That sucks that the controller smells. Anyway what to do with all of that hard drive space on a game console? I can' t even fill the 8 gigs my 360 came with! You mean the 8 gigs your original Xbox came with.
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: Japan Gets New 40GB PS3 SKU
Feb 06, 2008 10:25
No, my original Xbox has waaaay more than that. I can' t remember how much my 360 has, but it isn' t much. I don' t buy much downloadable content other than a couple of XBLA games because there really isn' t anything worth buying. Demos get deleted right away and watching super-compressed movies (and paying for them) makes my head hurt. I' d much rather rent or buy something in physical form with MUCH higher quality. Blu-Ray destroys XBL.
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2006
RE: Japan Gets New 40GB PS3 SKU
Feb 06, 2008 10:29
Is Yakuza really good? i didnt find the demo to be anything above weak/average (but that little girl claiming to be his daughter was a shock to his pals  ). I didnt play the PS2 games yet so what did i miss that makes this game great? Edit: Hey that box has SEGA branding! that will make SEGA fanbois shed emo tears. 
< Message edited by GrayFox -- 6 Feb 08 5:32:57 >
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Japan Gets New 40GB PS3 SKU
Feb 06, 2008 11:03
You mean the 8 gigs your original Xbox came with.
The original Xbox had infinite memory x3. I had like 50 CDs and about 35 game saves+downloads and it never fell from 50,000+ blocks of memory.
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: Japan Gets New 40GB PS3 SKU
Feb 06, 2008 14:04
Edit: Hey that box has SEGA branding! that will make SEGA fanbois shed emo tears. Actually it pisses me off seeing the blue logo of honor and strange artistry slumming it on a crummy Sony box.
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: Japan Gets New 40GB PS3 SKU
Feb 06, 2008 15:23
The original Xbox 360 has pathetic Hard Drive space. When I buy a 20gb console, I expect more than 13gb available(sure you can delete some stuff). 40gb is the BARE minimum and I say this only because Sony is the one that set that number, and I could manage to get by with 40gb as I have a lot of crap I don' t need on my 60b and I still have 5gb left. That said, the Elite is a bit of overkill considering I have 15 demo' s and 25 Arcade games + videos with 70gb left of space. MS aught to either increase the HD size of the Premium(formerly, now just the Xbox 360 in North America) or add the HD to the Arcade and drop the price of the Premium.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Japan Gets New 40GB PS3 SKU
Feb 07, 2008 05:04
40gb is the BARE minimum and I say this only because Sony is the one that set that number, and I could manage to get by with 40gb as I have a lot of crap I don' t need on my 60b and I still have 5gb left. Huh? They set the bare minimum at 20GB originally, and not to be outdone, upped the ante when Microsoft did.
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: Japan Gets New 40GB PS3 SKU
Feb 07, 2008 11:36
Huh? They set the bare minimum at 20GB originally, and not to be outdone, upped the ante when Microsoft did. I guess I can explain what I mean more clearly. What I' m trying to say is that 40gb is the minimum IMO because the 20gb on the 360 is not enough, and the next step up in size in the console market is the 40gb ps3. Now as I said, I could do without quite a few things on my 60gb ps3 and I would be down to 40gb of files easily. As for Sony originally selling a 20gb ps3 - I never thought that HD size was large enough, which is a good chunk of the reason I bought a 60gb on launch day. Considering how cheap HD' s are these days, I think MS should start putting a larger HD on the premium, the 20gb on the arcade, and lower the price on the Elite. I think Sony should just put the 80gb on all the ps3' s, and let the lack of BC, card readers and USB slots be the differentiating factors in price. Though now that they have stopped production on the good ps3 for the time being, we will have to wait and see what happens.
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
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RE: Japan Gets New 40GB PS3 SKU
Feb 07, 2008 11:54
Why do people keep demos? If the game is so good that you wanna keep the demo why not just get the full game? I' ve got 10 XBLA games and a few demos some videos and stuff and have maintained an avg of 9-11 gigs. What the hell do you guys put on these things? Th TV shows I d/l I delete after awhile since I don' t need to re-watch the same episode so much. And If I really wanted to see it again a quick search and re-download (at no extra cost) and I' m set. Hell since you can watch a show while it downloads pretty much dumps the excuse of " well what if I don' t wanna wait for it to download again?" as after a minute or so the ' Play Now' button lights up. I' m finding it hard to feel the space I have. Granted more space is never bad either, but without it is just as manageable as well. I guess it helps that I stream music with an MP3 player so that saves space also. I dunno it just seems odd. SO anyways anyone going apeshit for a new color scheme? I rather see that new re-design.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Japan Gets New 40GB PS3 SKU
Feb 08, 2008 00:56
Why do people keep demos? If the game is so good that you wanna keep the demo why not just get the full game? Tons of reasons. There are games that have elements I think are fun that I don' t necessarily want to spend money on. I was perfectly content playing around in the Just Cause demo with the choppers. Was it good enough to buy? Not really, no. I had fun screwing around in the THP8 demo, but I was fine just playing around in the skate park, and there were other games that I' d rather spend what money I have on. I move my box around often, so it' s convenient to have stuff like shows & movies stored on my HDD in case I can' t get a hardline connection (I don' t bother with their overpriced wireless BS). I guess I can explain what I mean more clearly. What I' m trying to say is that 40gb is the minimum IMO because the 20gb on the 360 is not enough, and the next step up in size in the console market is the 40gb ps3. Now as I said, I could do without quite a few things on my 60gb ps3 and I would be down to 40gb of files easily.
Ah, I gotcha. Yeah, I agree. The logical minimum should be 40GB.
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