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Jack Thompson - Guilty as charged!!!
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Jack Thompson - Guilty as charged!!!
May 21, 2008 09:41
In early 2007 the Florida Bar filed a five count, 38-page complaint against Florida Lawyer Jack Thompson, seeking sanctions against the outspoken critic of video games. " This is frankly once again just the Bar going off the deep end trying to use Bar rules to limit my First Amendment activism," Thompson said about the matter, according to Law.com. The trial ended in December 2007, and the verdict was expected in late April of this year. Judge Dava Tunis had asked for an extension in order to, among other things, deal with 400 " pleadings, e-mails, letters and missives (including pictorials)" sent by Thompson since the end of the trial. Judge Tunis has now released her report, with recommendations that Thompson be found guilty of 27 of the 31 charges. These are not small offenses, as Judge Tunis recommended a guilty verdict for, among other things, " knowingly making a false statement of material fact or law to a tribunal," " using means that have no purpose other than to embarrass, delay, or burden a third person," " engaging in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation," and " making statements that the lawyer knows to be false or with reckless disregard as to the truth or falsity concerning to the qualifications or integrity of a judge." It' s hard to take Thompson' s communications with the courts, the press, or government officials seriously at this point. Thompson has included gay pornography in his court filings, causing the Judge presiding over the case to note that " Mr. Thompson made available for unlimited public viewing, on the court’s docketing system, these graphic images." In this most recent case, Thompson created a picture book in reaction to " the court' s inability to comprehend" what he was saying. The book contained pictures of swastikas, a copied dollar bill, monkeys, and, in a surreal touch, a handprint with the word " slap" written under it. That' s leaving out the cartoon squirrels. Earlier this year, Thompson asked why another gaming writer doesn' t " just molest children directly rather than through Rockstar. It would be more personal that way." Before the release of Grand Theft Auto IV, Jack Thompson wrote Ars Technica a letter that compared the game to polio. These frenzied, nearly constant communications are at the heart of most of Thompson' s troubles. Wisely, the Florida Supreme Court has declared that it will no longer accept any filings from the man unless they have been signed by another lawyer. Thompson still has time before the Supreme Court makes a final ruling on these charges. A hearing covering possible sanctions will be held on June 4; Judge Tunis' final report is not due until early September. The majority of the primary reporting on this case was done by GamePolitics.com, with the backing of the ECA. " I want to mention that without ECA president Hal Halpin, this series would not have been possible," writer Dennis McAuley wrote. " When I pitched the idea to Hal and asked that the gamer advocacy organization (which owns GamePolitics) cover the not-insignificant cost of acquiring the initial round of transcripts, he didn' t hesitate. When we needed additional transcripts later, Hal insisted that the ECA cover the expense." McCauley invited Thompson to share his closing statement, and any other insights he had about the trial. After ranting at the writer, Thompson finally stated that he " spent nine days in trial. I don' t have to relive it for a twit who couldn' t care less what really happened there, asshole." Despite the ambivalence of the mainstream media in reporting on this case, and no matter what the final outcome turns out to be, the coverage of the trial has done something more damaging than any attack Thompson could have dreamed up on his own: it has let the public judge the man through his own actions and words. GamePolitics was able to get Thompson' s closing statement, and the man spoke like a captain straightening his coat as the ship goes down. " I' m simply making the argument, Judge, that my motivations—which I have tried to make clear, maybe to the point of nausea—are religious and that my efforts against the distribution of adult material, pornographic material, violent material, adult rated material to children is violative of the law as well as violative of Scripture. I quoted the biblical passage where Jesus says, reportedly: ' If any one of you should cause one of these little ones to stumble, it would be better that a millstone be tied around your neck and that you be cast in the uttermost depths of the sea.' " LINK The end is near my brothers. Soon we will only have Uwe Boll to worry about...
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Jack Thompson - Guilty as charged!!!
May 21, 2008 09:50
Christians... It' s funny how he uses the first Amendment to defend his behaviour. What a f.ucker.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
RE: Jack Thompson - Guilty as charged!!!
May 21, 2008 14:15
ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost It' s funny how he uses the first Amendment to defend his behaviour. What a f.ucker. That' s what anyone does when they can' t justify their actions.
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RE: Jack Thompson - Guilty as charged!!!
Jun 06, 2008 00:18
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RE: Jack Thompson - Guilty as charged!!!
Jun 06, 2008 00:25
Ha ha!
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RE: Jack Thompson - Guilty as charged!!!
Jun 06, 2008 00:43
Uwe wishes he could get the press coverage Thompson has.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Jack Thompson - Guilty as charged!!!
Jun 06, 2008 06:28
That' s what anyone does when they can' t justify their actions. Yeah but in this case Jack is such a hypocrite when he' s trying to censor videogames.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: Jack Thompson - Guilty as charged!!!
Jun 06, 2008 07:05
An idiot is an idiot and an idiot often time gets what he/she deserves. At least Uwe is a funny idiot, and an inoffensive one at that
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- Joined: Sep 28, 2007
RE: Jack Thompson - Guilty as charged!!!
Jun 06, 2008 07:18
In this most recent case, Thompson created a picture book in reaction to " the court' s inability to comprehend" what he was saying. The book contained pictures of swastikas, a copied dollar bill, monkeys, and, in a surreal touch, a handprint with the word " slap" written under it. That' s leaving out the cartoon squirrels This part makes me question the man' s sanity, or at the very least, for how long as he lived in is own little world.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: Jack Thompson - Guilty as charged!!!
Jun 06, 2008 07:25
This part makes me question the man' s sanity, or at the very least, for how long as he lived in is own little world.  I think his sanity was in doubt, even before the booklet. This just drive the final nail in the coffin regarding said issue.
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RE: Jack Thompson - Guilty as charged!!!
Jul 12, 2008 19:49
You people enjoyed him getting disbarred for 10 years did ya? It gets even better...everybody ready?? SIDEBAR: The GameSpot News Blog Thompson facing permanent disbarment, $44K fine In his often heated communiqués to the press, ardent anti-game activist John B. " Jack" Thompson often uses fiery religious rhetoric to portray the perceived righteousness of his cause. Today, however, the Miami area attorney is likely looking for some divine intervention on his own behalf, after a Florida judge recommended he be permanently banned from practicing law in the state. In a 169-page ruling issued today, Judge Dava Tunis said she felt that the Florida Bar' s recommendation that Thompson be forbidden to practice law in the state for 10 years was too lenient. Citing a 1996 precedent, she said that first, any " judgment must be fair to society, both in terms of protecting the public from unethical conduct and at the same time not denying the public the services of a qualified lawyer as a result of undue harshness in imposing penalty. Second, the judgment must be... sufficient to punish a breach of ethics and at the same time encourage reformation and rehabilitation. Third, the judgment must be severe enough to deter others who might be prone or tempted to become involved in like violations." Citing these three guidelines, Tunis recommended a penalty of " permanent disbarment" for Thompson " with no leave to reapply for admission." She also ordered him to pay the court $43,675 in " disciplinary costs," including $23,538 to pay for transcripts used to outline 27 violations of five Florida bar rules. " Respondent [Thompson] was found guilty of three violations of rule 4-8.4(c) for engaging in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation," said Judge Tunis in her ruling. " Respondent was also found guilty of making false statements (two violations of 4-3.3(a)(1) and two violations of 4-8.2(a)). Further, he has repeatedly indicated, verbally and in writing, that his conduct is justified to promote and champion his personally engendered moral values and causes." " The Bar has clearly shown the Respondent' s continuing pattern of misconduct as alleged in the Bar' s complaint," Tunis continued. " He has indicated his intent to continue to engage in the misconduct and his conduct before this Court during the almost 18 months of litigation, has clearly corroborated that as fact." As evidence, she pointed to two orders by the Supreme Court of Florida earlier this year which " abused the legal system by submitting numerous, frivolous and inappropriate filings." In a statement sent out to the press today, Thompson repeated his assertions that Tunis has no jurisdiction because her loyalty oath is, according to him, forged. Last month, he repeated his accusation before abruptly walking out of a hearing in Tunis' court. link Well all you can say is...he' d be getting what he deserves. A nice fine and facing permanent disbarment...oooh now that' s just sweet. On one side I' m kinda sad though...cause I' d lose something that made me laugh my ass off. But hey it' s still great news.
< Message edited by demonoroth -- 12 Jul 08 11:54:20 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Jack Thompson - Guilty as charged!!!
Jul 12, 2008 22:36
Should never have crossed R*
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Jack Thompson - Guilty as charged!!!
Jul 13, 2008 00:20
why do people care about him, its not like he will ever make a differance.
Chee Saw
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RE: Jack Thompson - Guilty as charged!!!
Jul 13, 2008 02:52
ORIGINAL: Silentbomber why do people care about him, its not like he will ever make a differance. The problem is that people actually took him quite seriously for a while. He was like a champion for a couple of groups (and individuals) who stood against certain video games. Now that all of this is happening, everybody' s trying to stay at arms length from the guy. Let' s hear it for the guy. We handed him a noose, and he placed it squarely around his own neck! Good job, Jack Thompson!
Terry Bogard
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RE: Jack Thompson - Guilty as charged!!!
Jul 13, 2008 03:18
Someone should Photoshop a Jack Thompson OWNED picture
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RE: Jack Thompson - Guilty as charged!!!
Jul 13, 2008 04:13
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RE: Jack Thompson - Guilty as charged!!!
Jul 13, 2008 11:51
This isn' t related to his career... what you are doing is more fanatical than what he does.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Jack Thompson - Guilty as charged!!!
Jul 13, 2008 11:56
I don' t have any credibility to begin with, nor do I have a responsibility to the US Dept. of Justice to not be an ignorant fuck. I' m just some kid on the internet. Therein lies all the difference in the world.
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