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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 11, 2006 07:10
I agree with that. I also doesnt get why homosexuell should be allowed to marry,its should be up to the church not them.
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 11, 2006 23:53
uncensored hentai is like 90% rape hentai,i know all about those hentai,its fucking retarded. For Legend of the Blue Wolves, well, yes. But New Angel is famous for being one of the most explicit yet consensual hentai there is. AND I think that' s enough info... also doesnt get why homosexuell should be allowed to marry,its should be up to the church not them. If we' re talking about legislation, not everyone' s a Christian, or religiously motivated as all that. And the law ISN' T suppose to be that way either =/ And what happens when the church itself has homosexuals in office who apparently don' t want to admit to their sexual orientation and do anything about it but hide in what they feel is shame  I' m sure we all know who I' m talking about...
< Message edited by Byakko -- 11 Nov 06 15:56:47 >