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It' s here!
Nov 14, 2005 14:17
My Xbox360 arrived this afternoon. Brother and roommate are currently playing with it. Mildly excited. In my excitement..... never realized that MXPX was beating me to the punch. So this is now a redundant thread. Powers that be, please lock, delete and destroy or whatever you do. Thanks Adam!!!
< Message edited by rikka -- 14 Nov 05 22:23:56 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: It' s here!
Nov 14, 2005 15:25
This was what ivan was talking about,but congratulation, add me at quezcatol later when i have mine. But i dont know if...im getting 360 at launch or not. All great games comes 2006 so O_o
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: It' s here!
Nov 14, 2005 17:53
CONGRATS i did not win  as hard as i tried but oh well. I never win anything so i wasn' t expecting much. How' s the game? what games you planning on buying?
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: It' s here!
Nov 14, 2005 18:01
Havn' t seeng you in awhile phoneix :P What have you been doing?
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: It' s here!
Nov 14, 2005 18:05
looking for a job and just finished playing Ratchet:deadlocked which was fun cool game but really short and no where near as good as parts 2 and 3 they seemd to make it more online and FPS like but from what i have heard the fans liked the platformer. if i wanted a FPS there are tons of them out there i liked this series because it was fun platformer different form all the FPSes. what have you been upto?
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: It' s here!
Nov 14, 2005 18:10
Bought,cod2/fear/gun/quake4 you missed that? :P And now i recently got " the movies" irratating game...has many nice intresting things but...many irrtating things that keep it from being a 9/10. Also i got my paper from swedish military :P gonna do a army service 2006. Actually you can see that military base via google maps,its muskö... so :P And i just dl half life2 lost coast,heard it was a graphic engine show or some sort? Anyway gonna check it out O_o mayby take a pic or 2? oh btw i wont get king kong,its looks like a great game,but i wanna see the movie
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 15 Nov 05 2:11:10 >
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: It' s here!
Nov 14, 2005 19:00
 Congratulations...now being yer not a big MS fan I' d be happy to come right over and take that ' piece of junk right off yer hands' Being the launch games arnt gonna be to glorious how would you rate the ones you got...actually how would you rate the system itself?
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- Joined: Feb 07, 2004
- Location: Canada
RE: It' s here!
Nov 14, 2005 19:06
We ended up getting Kameo with it today, and the gaurentee that a second game will be shipped with in the next two weeks.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: It' s here!
Nov 14, 2005 20:01
Ok, since I haven' t gotten mine yet, and only got to go see my brother in laws, and since he wouldn' t let me play Kameo, I can only say that the system looks great. Sounds silly, but I thought it' d be shinier. The power source is huge. Think 2 litres of milk and you' re in the ballpark. High (and I mean high) quality cables. The HD cables that come with it feel like monster cables. The remote looks nice. It will collect dust well. Last, the Controller. It really is as nice as people say. It feels so nice in your hands. One complaint though, and this will really get Joe and Terry angry with it, the d-pad sucks in my opinion. It feels like it' s going to just pop out at any moment. Seriously, why can' t a company just look at an original NES or SNES and copy the dpad exactly???? I did manage to see some of the boot up screens before I had to leave, and it all looks real nice. What' s interesting, is that (with Kameo at least) when you go to save your game, it' s not an ingame save screen. Instead it pops out to the system ' blades' and saves it. Makes it feel very different even though it seems like a little thing. The other game we' re supposed to be getting is either Madden, or Need for speed. I' ll be taking whichever it is in to Wal-Mart along with Kameo (since my brother in law has it), trading it in for in store credit, and buying Perfect Dark Zero, and either king Kong, or Call of Duty 2.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: It' s here!
Nov 14, 2005 20:37
One complaint though, and this will really get Joe and Terry angry with it, the d-pad sucks in my opinion. I checked out the controller with the 360 version of Need for Speed but didn' t have a chance to get a feel for the d-pad in a gameplay environment, so I have no idea much better or worst it is compared to the original Xbox controller' s d-pad. The 360 does support USB devices right? If so, import Sega Saturn USB pad here I come!(for 2D style games)
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- Joined: Jul 23, 2004
- Location: Leeds, England
RE: It' s here!
Nov 14, 2005 21:01
From the pictures at E3 I' m sure the pads and console were more ' PS3 silver' than the white they have become. I' ve not seen a 360 close and personal yet but the 360 tour rolls into Leeds on Friday. I' ll be popping down after work I reckon and get a good look myself. How' s the graphics on Kameo? It look Next Gen?
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- Joined: Feb 07, 2004
- Location: Canada
RE: It' s here!
Nov 14, 2005 21:15
Paul I like it a million times more than the Xbox (but most people know how much i am not a fan of the Xbox). It is definitely sleaker and sexier. I' d give it a 9. I do approve of the controller as well. Sorry, gotta run.... graphics thumbs up for sure. More later.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: It' s here!
Nov 14, 2005 21:27
I haven' t had a chance to see the game in action for anything more than 20 seconds. Tomorrow I believe we' re bringing it to my house and hooking it up on my hi def tv, so I' ll give it a graphics review then.
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- Joined: Jun 23, 2004
- Location: NS, Canada (living in Rhode Island)
RE: It' s here!
Nov 14, 2005 21:37
Oh so lucky! *jealous, jealous, jealous*
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