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I would never pollute my HDTV with Batsu-Box 360 filth
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Evil Man
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RE: I would never pollute my HDTV with Batsu-Box 360 filth
Apr 01, 2007 09:00
That is a CRT image super imposed over an LCD. So I was right you ARE still on a CRT! It' s ok, for there to be rich there has to be poor.
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RE: I would never pollute my HDTV with Batsu-Box 360 filth
Apr 01, 2007 09:05
haha wow, just wow. Evil just ripped the lil kid a new one, more so than Michael Jackson or a Catholic Priest would.
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- Joined: Apr 01, 2007
RE: I would never pollute my HDTV with Batsu-Box 360 filth
Apr 01, 2007 09:23
Give me a minute you filths!! I need time to come up with my next photo shop! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D ===============D (_)(_) Ken Kutaragi ----------------Me :D I' ll be back, learn to properly spell! Stupid Americans!
< Message edited by emofag -- 1 Apr 07 1:25:22 >
I love PS3
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RE: I would never pollute my HDTV with Batsu-Box 360 filth
Apr 01, 2007 09:33
ORIGINAL: Evil Man That is a CRT image super imposed over an LCD. So I was right you ARE still on a CRT! It' s ok, for there to be rich there has to be poor. I didn' t know they made 1080p CRTs. ^_^ Don' t worry Evil Man. To know that you know nothing is the first step to enlightenment. Now, I have to get back to marking....
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- Joined: Apr 01, 2007
RE: I would never pollute my HDTV with Batsu-Box 360 filth
Apr 01, 2007 09:46
Oh, and sorry it took me so long to reply, I had to wait on my slow American friend to send me back the picture, stupid Americans!
Evil Man
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RE: I would never pollute my HDTV with Batsu-Box 360 filth
Apr 01, 2007 09:54
Why did it take 30 minutes to reply? It' s almost as if you had to wait for someone to send you that picture. You' re in a lose/lose situation. You are either A) A troll. or B) A homosexual. European guys that play American college football games are homos, it' s as simple as that. Have some dignity and go for A. I admit when I came to my conclusion I was assuming you weren' t gay, I drew conclusions too fast, I apologize.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 1 Apr 07 1:55:59 >
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: I would never pollute my HDTV with Batsu-Box 360 filth
Apr 01, 2007 10:00
Wow, you know your gay when you cant say something to someone on a video game forum and have to write it one a DS
Evil Man
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RE: I would never pollute my HDTV with Batsu-Box 360 filth
Apr 01, 2007 10:02
Now we have to wait 2 hours for him to get a another picture transfered over, sigh. AFK 2 Hours.
I love PS3
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- Joined: Oct 03, 2006
RE: I would never pollute my HDTV with Batsu-Box 360 filth
Apr 01, 2007 10:02
ORIGINAL: Evil Man Why did it take 30 minutes to reply? It' s almost as if you had to wait for someone to send you that picture. You' re in a lose/lose situation. You are either A) A troll. or B) A homosexual. European guys that play American college football games are homos, it' s as simple as that. Have some dignity and go for A. I admit when I came to my conclusion I was assuming you weren' t gay, I drew conclusions too fast, I apologize. I' m doing my marking. ^_^ Who said I was European? Didn' t you notice the CFL game on the TV? Americans just have no knowledge of Geography. I would know... I have an American kid failing Geography. :D
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: I would never pollute my HDTV with Batsu-Box 360 filth
Apr 01, 2007 10:02
emofag haha, is this eddie? majik? ghost? zoy?
Evil Man
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RE: I would never pollute my HDTV with Batsu-Box 360 filth
Apr 01, 2007 10:03
Oh so now you' re American. LOL. And I' m not surprised about the kid, like father like son.
I love PS3
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- Joined: Oct 03, 2006
RE: I would never pollute my HDTV with Batsu-Box 360 filth
Apr 01, 2007 10:05
ORIGINAL: Evil Man Oh so now you' re American. LOL. And I' m not surprised about the kid, like father like son. Nope. I would never live in a country formed by traitorous rebels. :D And my kids are both attending UWO ^_^.
Evil Man
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RE: I would never pollute my HDTV with Batsu-Box 360 filth
Apr 01, 2007 10:12
Why does a 40 year old guy come in here to do such obscenely stupid things? What exactly is your point? You come to post pictures of how X360 isn' t allowed on your TV - OK. What does such a petty personal choice like that even *mean* to us? Nobody really cares. I don' t allow my maid to clean my TV' s screen, because she' s an idiot and doesn' t know how to properly clean an LCD screen. Does anyone give a fuck? No. Thus why I don' t mention such insignificant things. You' re obsessed with correcting people' s spelling errors yet you constantly spell words wrong and use incorrect grammar. Example: You post this: Learn to use proper English. Then 30 minutes later you will post this: If the Wii was only capable of 480i, it would have to be deinterlace it. You can' t spell either, and guess what nobody gives a fuck, it means nothing to me or anyone else. STFU about it. You get a rise out of people because nobody likes a moron, not because what you say has any merit, because you don' t really say anything, you post stupid pictures and make random statements. " FPS Rot your brain!" " JRPGs are better for your brain!" again, what does that even mean? They are baseless retarded statements. I think FPS are garbage, because they' re repetitive, usually have pathetic narratives, and provide a simpleton-esque kind of gameplay. I prefer RPGs because they implement much better storylines, puzzles that more often than not make you think, which in turn makes it a more engaging and less boring experience. And finally RPGs typically have interesting combat, unlike the shoot and jump around like a moron combat of the typical FPS. That means something. Saying FPS' rot your brains doesn' t mean anything, it is a meaningless childish statement. And finally, constantly bragging about a TV doesn' t do anything but make people think you are a child. You have a 40" inch LCD TV. Wow, oh my fucking god, you must be amazingly rich, being able to afford a $3000 TV in a country where the average yearly income is $50,000 is absolutely fucking amazing. You' re a winner? Come on now. This is why I think you are a kid, you don' t even realize what you' re bragging about, it' s a fucking TV. Get over it. Christ.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 1 Apr 07 4:38:32 >
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RE: I would never pollute my HDTV with Batsu-Box 360 filth
Apr 01, 2007 16:43
Better stop this discussion here. It' s obvious we won' t get anywhere with this. But wow, Evil Man = This month' s winner IMO. And who the f*** is emofag? If it' s another double-account issue then Adam is going to be pissed. I hope he checks the IP adress of emofag to see if it' s a current member playing with us.
Adam Doree
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RE: I would never pollute my HDTV with Batsu-Box 360 filth
Apr 01, 2007 19:06
OK. Stop it now. Thanks.
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