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I need a lil buying advice
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Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
I need a lil buying advice
Oct 26, 2004 01:41
Mostly concerning GTA: San Andreas. OK currently my long living xbox is now suffering from plug problems, so Im in need of getting a new one mainly before the release of HALO 2. that' ll cost be about $150+/-. But, I so want GTA:SA but need to get a PS2 as well. However, we all know how Rockstar has been with the games especially when GTA showed up on xbox. Shoudl I hold out for the possibility that GTA:SA may coming to xbox or should I spend $300 on a new xbox,pstwo, and GTA:SA? I have the money to do so it' s just Im very picky when it comes to spending it. What do you all think?
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RE: I need a lil buying advice
Oct 26, 2004 02:38
well here is one question you need to answer your self and that is if i get a ps2 just to play GTA: SA will i use it enough to justify getting the package? or will by getting the ps2 just for GTA: SA, be the only game i will buy for the ps2 and be worth the $200; or take the chance that it will come out on the xbox in a few months and save that money for something else? that is just the way i would think and from those questions, just me i dont really care for the GTA: SA, i would not get the ps2 and game, but wait for it to come to the xbox
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: I need a lil buying advice
Oct 26, 2004 03:39
To be perfectly honest, I' m not sure how you' ve lived this long without a PS2. Personally, I don' t think one game is ever enough to warrant a purchase of a system (which is why I never got the Xbox until 9 months after launch). However, there' s FAR more than just one game worth playing on the PS2. I can give you a list of about 50 exclusives that might interest you. But if you' ve already done your research, then regardless of how great GTA: SA is, if you still think it' s the only game you' ll play, I just don' t think it' s worth it. Besides, if you wait a few months, you may get the announcement for SA to go multi-platform, just like the first two did.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: I need a lil buying advice
Oct 26, 2004 03:48
Personally, I don' t think one game is ever enough to warrant a purchase of a system The only exception to that would be Gradius V.   That game is worth purchasing 6 PS2s for :)
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: I need a lil buying advice
Oct 26, 2004 04:46
Well then, I stand corrected.
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: I need a lil buying advice
Oct 26, 2004 04:55
Thats the big pushing point for me so far is that it most likly will end up on Xbox sooner or later. Then again there a few PS2 exclusives I' m interested in and its always nice to have a bigger library of games and choices. Still so far the Xbox and Gamecube have kept me satisfied in most of the genres. Thanks very much for the opinions, I' m probably just gonna wait it out.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: I need a lil buying advice
Oct 26, 2004 06:16
I' m bored, so here' s a few PS2 exclusives off the top of my head that are excellent: Shadow of Destiny (mystery/adventure) Onimusha 2, 3 (action; best action games available next to NG and DMC) Devil May Cry (action; along with NG, a CANNOT-miss experience) Twisted Metal: Black (action; 9.6 at GameSpot) ICO (adventure) Soul Reaver 2 (action) Suikoden III (RPG) Final Fantasy X (RPG) Final Fantasy X-2 (RPG) Ace Combat 4, 5 (flight) Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, La Pucelle Tactics, Phantom Brave (Strategy/RPG) Amplitude (rhythm) Gran Turismo 3 (racing; still the best simulator out there, GT 4 coming in Dec.) Ratchet and Clank, R&C: Going Commando (platform) Jak and Daxter, Jak II (platform) Kingdom Hearts (RPG) Champions of Norrath (RPG) Frequency (rhythm) Gitaroo-Man (rhythm) Gradius V (arcade/shooter) The Bouncer (action) Star Ocean: ' Til the End of Time (RPG) Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution (fighting) SOCOM II (action/strategy, online) Zone of the Enders: The 2cd Runner (action) Maximo: Army of Zin (action) Guilty Gear X2 (fighting) Rygar (action) Silent Hill 3 (survival/horror) Smugglers Run 1, 2 (action) Super Bust-a-Move 2 (puzzle) Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven (action/stealth) Legaia 2: Duel Saga (RPG)
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- Joined: Jul 23, 2004
- Location: Leeds, England
RE: I need a lil buying advice
Oct 26, 2004 12:23
How much money can you actually spare for these consoles? I' d say to get your X-Box plug repaired. You don’t need to buy an entirely new X-Box do you? It might cost $50 for somewhere to repair it but it' s better than $100 for a new X-Box. PS2' s should be going cheap somewhere too. Have a look on e-bay for some second hand ones. You should be able to snag one for a good price. Alternatively do what I did when getting my X-Box... trade in some of your older games you know will never be played again. I got a £110 X-Box with 2 games and a joy pad for £60 by trading in about 4 games or something as stupid.
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- Joined: Oct 28, 2004
RE: I need a lil buying advice
Oct 28, 2004 19:09
I think you should wait now for XBox i' m not sure what' s coming out but i Know in the coming months for PS2 metal gear solid three is coming out and 2005 will be the year of the PS2 but as most people i don' t think buying a system for a game is worth it so what i would do is buy a XBox get halo 2 if you don' t like it go to Gamestop and trade it in so that you can at least get some credits to buy a PS2 when San Andreas will probably will be cheaper of course you can wait till 2006 and get a PS3
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- Joined: Aug 28, 2003
RE: I need a lil buying advice
Oct 28, 2004 23:50
It all comes down to the games you want to play. BTW if you have poor morals you could always trade in that broken xbox. I assume you' d get US$40 to US$50 for it. Fathoms The very first game on that list is available for the xbox you fool! :P
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- Joined: Oct 28, 2004
RE: I need a lil buying advice
Oct 28, 2004 23:58
Of course if you want you can get a PS2 and buy Kingdom Hearts 2 and Final Fantasy 12since according to gamestop Final Fantasy 12 is coming out 12,30,2004, and Kingdom Hearts 2 January 11, 2005 man i hope if you can confirm this
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- Joined: Jul 23, 2004
- Location: Leeds, England
RE: I need a lil buying advice
Oct 29, 2004 00:09
LOL, he' s right fathoms.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: I need a lil buying advice
Oct 29, 2004 00:24
LOL Okay, that' s true. But A. It' s the only one on the list that is, and B. It took like, a YEAR, for that game to show up on the Xbox. It was a launch game for the PS2 in 2000.
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: I need a lil buying advice
Oct 29, 2004 00:53
I have been wanting to play ICO and Devil May Cry. Also I' m not a big RPG (turned based especially) but I do often love the stories behind them. However, my PS2 lacking issues is no longer a problem since my girlfriend is getting one this weekend. BTW I preformed surgery on thee ol xbox (had the poor thing since it first came out like 4 or so years ago) and the plugs working now. Still tho I think I should get a newer xbox neways just to ensure top quality performance on newer games. Time has cured everything. I think Ill get in the bed with Sony on the release of a PS3 along with the next gen XBox. I may leave the nintendo out tho. So thats the plan - New Xbox with games. PS2 games for my girlfriend. Wait a year or so for the Next Gen and go with Sony and MS. --Thanks Again--
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- Joined: Aug 28, 2003
RE: I need a lil buying advice
Oct 29, 2004 01:37
If your xbox is still working there' s no point in getting a new one. You might as well wait until it has some major problems before buying a new one.
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- Joined: Oct 28, 2004
RE: I need a lil buying advice
Oct 29, 2004 01:55
Or do what i did borrow from a friend it should work
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