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- Joined: Apr 06, 2004
- Location: Antigonish, NS (Canada)
I am an Idiot
Jul 18, 2004 03:21
The reason being this: I went shopping today (3 hours away from where I live) and as I usually do on shopping trips, visited futureshop. I went in and also as usual started checking out the PS2 games. I never find any kind of special deal but I look anyways. So this time I see like 8 - 10 copies of Champions of Norrath (I thought about buying this awhile ago but passed because of the price) and they were all priced down to $19.99 (Canadian - like $15 US). I was like holy crap that' s crazy, but it must have something wrong with it to be that cheap. Turns out that there was nothing wrong it just really was that cheap BUT I didn' t get it! I passed! On such a great deal! Argh I' m an idiot. Now I am kicking myself I for not getting it. I will be heading back to futureshop in 10 days and hope that they will still be there. I tried to order online (same price) but they are all out of stock online. Argh! Why didn' t I buy it when I had the chance! 
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
- Location: Where ever you need me.
RE: I am an Idiot
Jul 18, 2004 03:29
Argh! Why didn' t I buy it when I had the chance! Because you' re an idiot.
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- Joined: Jun 12, 2004
RE: I am an Idiot
Jul 18, 2004 04:37
That is the next older game I buy. I will probably end up picking up a used copy once I beat Dark Cloud 2(which probably won' t be very soon). When I first saw details on Champions, I was playing EQOA. So, I didn' t see any need to pick it up. Now, it looks very interesting
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- Joined: Jul 05, 2004
RE: I am an Idiot
Jul 18, 2004 05:13
<message edited by fictionised on Jul 01, 2013 07:14>
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: I am an Idiot
Jul 18, 2004 05:47
I thought that Norrath game didn' t look too good. Of course I don' t really care for those types of games anyway. That was one helluva deal though, I might have even bit on it and sold it on Ebay or traded it back in to Wal-Mart for a little extra money.
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- Joined: Apr 06, 2004
- Location: Antigonish, NS (Canada)
RE: I am an Idiot
Jul 18, 2004 12:37
Yea its going for like $40 - $50 Canadian on eBay
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: I am an Idiot
Jul 19, 2004 14:53
Raven: Yep, you = idiot. CoN is one of the best games I' ve played on the PS2, and WELL worth that price. Just look at the reviews around the Internet; even the ever-stingy Gamespot gave it an 8.5 and it' s averaging exactly that at Gamerankings (85%). http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/915265.asp?q=champions%20of%20norrath If you like BG: DA, but are looking for something more RPG-oriented (i.e., deeper, longer, etc.), than this is just the game for you. I' m nearing the end, playing as a High Elf Cleric, and it' s an absolute blast. Furthermore, it' s actually a pretty decent challenge, unlike the BG: DA games (which I also love). You need to go pick this one up.
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- Joined: Apr 06, 2004
- Location: Antigonish, NS (Canada)
RE: I am an Idiot
Jul 19, 2004 15:30
Yes Yes I know I know! I checked the price today and I think the sale is gone it is now $29.99 Canadian ($23 US) I am calling them today to see if I can still get one of the cheaper ones and pretend that I didn' t know the price went up. Ugh so stupid not to get it earlier. Question - I know there is multiplayer online but is there also hotseat multiplayer? Like two playing on one system?
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: I am an Idiot
Jul 19, 2004 16:10
IGN lists the number of players as 4, so I think you can play multi-player. That' s not hot-seat, though, that' s just all of you playing at once, I think. I know you can play 2-player at once in each of the BG: DA' s, and this is made by the same people, so... THAT is crazy fun; two of the best multi-player games of this gen., IMO.
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- Joined: Apr 06, 2004
- Location: Antigonish, NS (Canada)
RE: I am an Idiot
Jul 19, 2004 18:24
On the Champions of Norrath site it said that you could play up to 4 online and you could play 4 players on one system with the multitap Does that mean you can ONLY play with 4 or could you play with 2?
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: I am an Idiot
Jul 19, 2004 18:28
I doubt it means you can ONLY play with 4 players. That would be just too weird... I' m sure it means 2-4 with the multitap.
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- Joined: Jul 05, 2004
- Location: America's Finest City
RE: I am an Idiot
Jul 19, 2004 19:13
raven already accepted himself as an idiot, haha, i dont think u guys need to repeat it. and i believe we are all idiots at one time or another (or yet to come  ), so yea, u guys should bring out your stupidity sometimes too, i will do it sometime later.
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- Joined: Apr 06, 2004
- Location: Antigonish, NS (Canada)
RE: I am an Idiot
Jul 19, 2004 21:07
I made the call and it turned out to be a one day deal
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