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How much time do you spend on playing videogames?
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
How much time do you spend on playing videogames?
Jul 28, 2007 23:52
I' m just a little curious. Try to figure out an average of hours/week. Some of you have played so many games and are buying so many new that you must be wasting a lot of time on videogames. I' d be great if you could divide your time between the different consoles, especially handheld and home consoles, so it' s possible to see what' s getting all the attention. I like videogames a lot and I make sure to follow most of what' s going on in the industry, but I don' t waste extreme amounts of time on playing the games. Every week I guess I spend roughly this much time on gaming 360: 9H/week (about an hour a day, a little more on weekends) PSP: 7H/week (mostly during travels on the train every day) PS2: 2H/week (when I have some time over) GCN: 2H/week (when I have some time over) Total 18H/week (an average of about 2H30M/day)
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RE: How much time do you spend on playing videogames?
Jul 29, 2007 00:04
XBox 360: 15h a week (When I got something real good to play its even more, when I dont have something to play it' s much less) Playstation 2: 3h a week (Not for long, though. I' ll bury it as soon as I beat Zone of the Enders 2, Okami and Disgaea 2) Nintendo Wii: 1h a week (mostl when I am visiting my little sister because she absolutely loves Wii Sports. But I suppose I' ll be using my Wii much more soon, too) Nintendo DS: 3h a week (Same as with Ginjirou, mostly on travels. But I travel less than he does) PC: 4h a week (Pro Evolution Soccer 6) About 25h a week(A bit much, but well the time is constantly changing. When I' ve got no new games it usually goes down to as low as 5, 6 h a week. And in Fall/Winter it goes up to sometimes 40, 50 h a week)
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: How much time do you spend on playing videogames?
Jul 29, 2007 00:14
I typicaly play games when I have something to play or when I want to replay some of my favorites. So some times a week has passed and I havent played anything, Recently I am talking more about games than playing them. If i had to break it down.. PS3: 1 hour a day [mostly superstar dust, maybe, nothing much to play as i still only have ristance and motorstorm...] ps2: 1 hour every 3-4 days Dreamcast: 1 Hour some weekends N64/Ps1: Never Pc: Not recently but I still have to finsh Miedievil total 2 and Oblivion. And yet to get command and conquer 3 [i did have it for a while on Vista  but it didnt run right, but the demo runs fine on xp] but maybe 1-2 hours a week. mostly Bf2. Expect those numbers to increase tenfold when I get some bloody games.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: How much time do you spend on playing videogames?
Jul 29, 2007 00:21
I dont play games,I rock them.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: How much time do you spend on playing videogames?
Jul 29, 2007 00:27
you should all figure out that this month for me was the busiest ever since many years ago. after buying the 360 like one month ago and i after i added the DS, man i think i play a little bit too much... i started my internship this week so the game time has dropes drasticaly but for the whole month that had passed i played xbox360: 4h a day (90% single player games, for one month and half) Ds: for this whole week around (4h a day), 360 (droped to 2 ) PSP: nothing for his month That is 28h a week , and recently up to 36h/week because of the Ds. Games i beat This one month and half : Graw 2 Lost Planet Vegas Gears of Wars Kameo Splinter Cell double Agent Call of duty 3 Castlevania aria of sorrow (ds) Playing: Forza 2 The Darkness Advance Wars New Mario World + Extras like Viva pinata and mario touch You guys can' t blame me of playing much when i have this much of quality games.
< Message edited by abasoufiane -- 28 Jul 07 16:28:32 >
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RE: How much time do you spend on playing videogames?
Jul 29, 2007 00:29
360 = About 45 minutes to an hour on weekdays, an hour and a half or so on Saturday and Sunday. PS2 = About 2 hours a week. Mainly Jak & Daxter & Ratchet & Clank. PSP = About 10 minutes a day. My drive is busto, so I spend most of my time watching videos, listening to music. PC = My PC is always on, I don' t spend too much at one time, maybe an hour or so, but I jaunt back & forth between modding projects & online resources all day. DS = Erm... 15 minutes a week, although that' s not exactly a fair estimate as all I own is Starfox Command. GameCube = The only console I regretted selling. Dreamcast = I look at it every so often, just to say " Cockaroaches!" like Tony Montana.
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: How much time do you spend on playing videogames?
Jul 29, 2007 02:04
I mainly just play on Live weekly with my friends. Usually something like every Tuesday or Wednesday night, for about 4-5 hours. Then maybe a couple of hours on the weekend. These days I definitely talk and read about games more than play them. But there' s some good titles coming soon, so we' ll see what happens.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: How much time do you spend on playing videogames?
Jul 29, 2007 03:11
PSP: Around 20 hours a week, give or take.. Xbox 360: Around 2-3 hours a week PS2: 2 hours a week Saturn: 2 hours a week Wii: An hour a week PS3: 1-2 hours a week Arcades: 4 hours a week
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: How much time do you spend on playing videogames?
Jul 29, 2007 04:16
Games 365 days per year Sex? ca 9 min per every 2nd year. 2nd base ca 290 days per year.
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: How much time do you spend on playing videogames?
Jul 29, 2007 07:25
I don' t play nearly enough games. Perhaps 2/3 hours every 2nd week. For me, I tend to play long and hard, when a new game I like is released, then afterwards I go back to society and is game free for 1/2/3/4/more months. On a side note, I haven' t watched TV for 4 years now. With the exeption of occantional rewatches of old DVD films, with friends.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: How much time do you spend on playing videogames?
Jul 29, 2007 11:11
PC: 7-20 Hours a Week (Threewave Clan practice / Clan Matches) DS: 5-10 Hours a week (MK:DS Clan Races, NSMB, Brain training) Wii: 5-10 Hours a week (RE4, Mario Striker challanges, F-Zero X VC) PS3: 3-5 hours a Week ( Virtua Fighter 5 Practice / Challanges, Gradius IV) 360: 0-1 hour a week (when it was working) (checking for New LIVE arcade Demos now and again)
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: How much time do you spend on playing videogames?
Jul 30, 2007 07:44
I don' t have a set time period but i can break it down to percentage of time i make available for gaming. PC - 66% Wii - 33% Unfortunately there is no game on any platform at the moment i am interested in so i probably won' t be playing games for a while (Until the Nintendo big 3 that is)
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: How much time do you spend on playing videogames?
Jul 30, 2007 08:08
I typically spend about 30 hours a week playing evenly between my PC and 360. Lately I' ve spent less than an hour a week gaming. Mainly for two reasons. One, it' s summer and I have too many parties to attend to. Secondly, Ive had these connection issues which kill the fun from playing online. However I believe I fixed my problem with my connection after I bought a new Ethernet cable. In the Fall with the kickass games coming out I' ll be spending a lot more time gaming.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: How much time do you spend on playing videogames?
Jul 30, 2007 15:33
like 2 hours a week on my 360, 4 when i have something new to play. 10 hours a week on my laptop playing old CRPGs
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
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RE: How much time do you spend on playing videogames?
Jul 30, 2007 16:26
Lets see gaming on avg starts at about 8 or 9 PM and goes on til 2 AM and its usually on Xbox Live. Thats Monday-Friday. I see my girlfriend every Saturday but shes on Xbox Live as well so she rushes home at around 10pm. Sunday is all day gaming pretty much. So about 30hours minimum a week. Then you add in the off days when there ain' t shit to do then it brings the number way up. PC gaming gets its time. And I rarely delve into the past. The Wii only gets love when I go out to a friends place where there out plenty of people.
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