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How many people have picked up SC: PT?
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How many people have picked up SC: PT?
Mar 30, 2004 03:44
Man this game rocks. I need to get more single player gaming time in but the Live gameplay just freakin rules. Must play single player and get review done!!! This game is just awesome overall. How many of got the game? What level are you on and what do you think of it so far?
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: How many people have picked up SC: PT?
Mar 30, 2004 03:58
I have it, but I haven' t opened it yet. I' m trying to beat Beyond Good and Evil, Ninja Gaiden, and I have yet to start Champions of Norrath. I' ve been putting THAT off for far too long; so I' ll probably start on that before SC.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: How many people have picked up SC: PT?
Mar 30, 2004 05:03
I' ve got the game but I haven' t even touched the single player. All of the online levels require memorization and I' ve only got about half of them down good.
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- Location: Dartmouth, NS (Canada)
RE: How many people have picked up SC: PT?
Mar 30, 2004 05:39
Call me crazy but I still don' t own the first one. I' m probably not going to get Pandora Tomarrow until I get and complete the original.
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- Location: Florida
RE: How many people have picked up SC: PT?
Mar 30, 2004 12:15
The original and the second one are a bit different. You really don' t need the background from the first game to enjoy the second game... well from what I' ve seen in the story so far. The control scheme is also simplified for the sequal so if you play the first you' ll start out with a bit of a tougher learning curve. That' s not a problem though because it makes the second feel like a breeze once you' ve gotten used to it. I know a lot of people that don' t have the first yet so it' s not really a big deal. I reccomend both as must haves though.
Star Tekkie
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- Joined: Feb 09, 2004
RE: How many people have picked up SC: PT?
Mar 30, 2004 16:30
haven' t gotten that one yet... perhaps when I' ve gotten some cash, or won the lottery *crosses fingers* (though I should probably buy a lottery ticket first!)
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Dartmouth, NS (Canada)
RE: How many people have picked up SC: PT?
Mar 30, 2004 16:33
I just want the original first because I hear SC: PD is a big improvment over the original. So if I get SC: PD first then the original it will probably feel like a lot lesser of a game... know what I mean?
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: How many people have picked up SC: PT?
Mar 31, 2004 03:00
I know what you mean. It works both ways though. This new SC is simply awesome BUT it doesn' t pack that revolutionary punch that the first had. Now if I had never played the first and just hopped into SC: PT I probably would have been knocked on my ass in amazement 10 times as hard as the first game. If you intend on getting both though, definately get the original first.
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- Joined: Apr 03, 2004
RE: How many people have picked up SC: PT?
Apr 03, 2004 21:12
im not a fan of stealth. i like action (007, halo etc...) im sure my dad picked it up though
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- Joined: Apr 05, 2004
RE: How many people have picked up SC: PT?
Apr 05, 2004 05:07
I' ve got to say that SC:PT has to be one of the best games that I have ever played. I' m pretty deep into the single player levels already and I think that if I' m not already on the last level, I' m really close to it. I loved the first SC and this one is one of the rare sequals that does the original justice. My only complaint about this game is that even on hard, it' s not too hard to finish. The multiplayer is cool, but, like one other person has already said, it takes time to commit things to memory and I don' t have that kind of time so I just go in there to get whacked by a 13 year old kid who' s on Spring Vacation. Anyway, if you don' t have it and you' re thinking about it, buy this game! If you flat out, 100%, just hate stealth games, then yes, leave it in the store. Anyone else, buy this game! And just FYI for gamer247365, this one does have more action than the first so it just may turn you onto the genre if you try it out.
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- Joined: Apr 05, 2004
RE: How many people have picked up SC: PT?
Apr 05, 2004 15:24
In my last post I was close to completion of this game, this time, I' ve finished it. This is an awesome game from start to finish and I can' t wait to download some new content when it comes out!
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: How many people have picked up SC: PT?
Apr 05, 2004 18:51
May I ask how many levels were in it? I heard 17 from a couple people but I' m not %100 sure.
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RE: How many people have picked up SC: PT?
Apr 06, 2004 20:22
I need to beat the first, then I will think about PD
Mass X
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RE: How many people have picked up SC: PT?
Apr 07, 2004 00:52
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: How many people have picked up SC: PT?
Apr 07, 2004 02:32
Lol, yeah that game does have that kind of effect on people.
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- Joined: Apr 06, 2004
- Location: Antigonish, NS (Canada)
RE: How many people have picked up SC: PT?
Apr 07, 2004 02:37
I played the demo and yea it looks great. Not my kind of game though. I don' t have the patience for all that sneaking haha I need more action. Played the first SC too but again was too slow paced for me. Graphics are crazy good though
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: How many people have picked up SC: PT?
Apr 07, 2004 02:42
They' ve put a bit more action in the game to make it more open to a larger group of gamers. There are still levels where you can' t kill but most levels basically leave it open for you.
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- Joined: Apr 06, 2004
- Location: Antigonish, NS (Canada)
RE: How many people have picked up SC: PT?
Apr 07, 2004 02:45
Yea I just didn' t like how if you get caught it' s over. For me who likes to jump out shoot everyone kamikaze style haha  it doesn' t fit me very well haha
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: How many people have picked up SC: PT?
Apr 07, 2004 02:51
Yeah, I really don' t want to force the game on anyone because I can definately see how it does need a certain taste to play it. If you realy aren' t into the style of gameplay you probably shouldn' t buy it. If you do have some interest though, I would reccomend a rent just to make things clear for you.
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- Joined: Apr 06, 2004
- Location: Antigonish, NS (Canada)
RE: How many people have picked up SC: PT?
Apr 07, 2004 02:54
My buddy lent me the first one but I could only play it for like an hour or so. Just couldn' t get into it. My roommate on the other hand loved it and played it straight through with hardly ever putting it down.
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